Personality Flashcards
Psychometrics makes 2 fundamental assumptions about the mental constructs it attempts to measure. What are those?
- They exist
- They can be
measured and quantified
What is the APA definition of personality?
Personality refers to “individual differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving”
Key assumptions about personality?
- Personality is stable over time
- Personality influences behavior
- There are a (finite) number of dimensions on which people can differ. These dimensions are referred as personality traits
Hippocrates’ 4 humors/ temperaments?
Sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic
Sociable, playful, carefree
Yellow bile
Ambitious, relentless, hot tempred
Black bile
Quiet, analytical, despondent
Calm, peaceful, lazy
What is factor analysis?
Factors consist of items that correlate highly with each other but lowly with other items on the scale
- Used factor analysis to identify 16 ‘personality factors’
- Developed the 16PF questionnaire
Eysenck’s Personality Theory
- Used factor analysis on Cattell’s data
- Reducde Cattell’s 16PF into 2 factors:
1. Extraversion/introversion
2. Emotionally unstable (neurotic) / Emotionally stable
Eysenck later included a 3rd factorL Psychoticism
Big 5 personality factors
Openness to experience (O)
- inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious
Conscientiousness (C)
- efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless
Extraversion (E)
- outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved
Agreeableness (A)
- friendly/compassionate vs. analytical/detached
Neuroticism (N)
- sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident
NEO-Personality Inventory Revised is used for…
measuring the Big 5
Structure of NEO-Personality Inventory Revised?
- 240 questions (48 for each of the 5 factors)
- 5 point scale (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)
- Each factor is comprised of 6 ‘facets’ (sub-factors)
Reliability of NEO-PI-R?
- Internal consistency ~ 0.9; Test-retest (1 week) ~ 0.9
Validity of NEO-PI-R?
- Criterion validity: Conscientiousness predicts GPA of Uni students
- Convergenet validity: NEO-PI-R Extraversion score correlates highly
with Eysenck Extraversion score
Some other scales used for Big 5 measurement?
Big Five Inventory; Five Factor PI
Cobb-Clark and Schurer study?
Stability of Big 5 over 4 years
- ~6000 adults completed BFPI
- change is in the second decimal place
Soldz and Valient 1999 study?
Stability of Big 5 over 45 years
- 123 men completed NEO-PI at college and again after 45 years
- High correlations between baseline and follow-up for Neuroticism, Openness to experience, and Extraversion
McCrae 1998 study of cross-cultural validity of NEO-PI-R?
- NEO-PI-R completed by American, French, and Filipino individuals
- Used factor analysis
- Big 5 factors emerged in all 3 groups
Evidence against universality of big 5?
Gurven et al 2012
- Gave BFI to 632 Tsimane people from the Bolivian jungle
- Factor analysis - big 5 didn’t emerge
- Instead there was ‘Tsimane Big Two’
- Prosociality and INdustriousness
Heritability of big 5?
Jang et al 1996 Study
- Gave NEO-PIR to 123 MZ and DZ twins
- MZ
- O and E most heritable
- A was the least
Jang et al 1996 Study
Big 5 heritable
- Gave NEO-PIR to 123 MZ and DZ twins
- MZ
- O and E most heritable
- A was the least
Neurobiological correlates of Big 5?
- Higher extraversion - more grey matter in OFC; related to inhibition (counterintuitive?)
- Agreeableness - superior temporal sulcus; where the mirror neurons lie
- Fire when you perform an action, and when someone else performs the same action
- Involved in monitoring the intentions of other people
- Openness - no significant neurocorrelates
- Conscientiousness - MFG
- Neuroticism - lots, including amygdala
Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
16 different types categorised on the basis of 4 dichotomies
- Extraverted/Introverted
- Sensing/Intuitive
- Thinking/Feeling
- Judging/Perceiving
- Very categorical
- Not widely used in research
What is the Dark Triad?
- Subclinical set of three negative personality traits
- Evidence that DT traits tend to be higher in certain groups, including CEOs
- Narcissism
- Psychopathy
- Machiavellianism