Personality Flashcards
A stable set of intrapsychic(internal) characteristics and tendencies determines the psychological behavior of people.
Personality according to Salvador Maddi
a latin word which means mask.
A person’s unique and relatively stable behavior patterns; the consistency of who you are, have been, and will become; It refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior
Personal characteristics that have been judged or evaluated
Hereditary aspects of personality, including sensitivity, moods, irritability, and adaptability
Stable qualities that a person shows in most situations
Personality Trait
People who have several traits in common
Personality type
undergoes the process of division of which traits are
passed on from parents to the offspring
the physical traits like body built, complexion of the skin, facial contours and physical appearance
External attributes
those refers to the conditions of the nervous system, endocrine system and also the IQ level of the individual.
Internal attributes
the child learn things like eating, walking, talking, honesty, and fair play based on the accepted behavior patterns in his social environment.
Environmental Factors
an intimate and face-to-face association and cooperation with our family, playmates, neighbors, school, church, friends
Primary group
occurs when the individual increases their interaction level with their society; larger environment
Secondary group
explain reasons about ideas about the appropriate ways of doing things; considered to be a factor in shaping a person’s personality.
Cultural factors
a personality characteristic pattern that meets three criteria: consistent, stable, and varies from person to person; honesty, bravery, compassion
Temporary alteration of one’s personality
a person who is outgoing and oriented through physical stimulation
a person who manifests behavior like being quiet and has adverse physical stimulation.
Attempt to learn what traits make up personality and how they relate to actual behavior.
Trait Theories
Focus on the inner workings of personality, especially internal conflicts and struggles
Psychodynamic theories
Focus on external environment and on effects of conditioning and learning
Behavioristic Theories
Attribute differences in perspectives to socialization, expectations, and mental processes
Social Learning Theories
Focuses on private, subjective experience and personal growth
Humanistic Theories
a questionnaire on which people respond to items designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors; used to assess selected personality traits.
Personality inventory
His research propagated a two-tiered personality structure with sixteen primary factors; 16 personality factors
Raymond Cattell
believed that personality traits are related to whether you are mainly introverted or extroverted and whether you tend to be emotionally stable or unstable
Hans Eysenck
expanded the “OCEAN” (The big 5) personalities
McCrae & Costa
the psychological classification of different types of people
Personality types
Shy, self-centered person whose attention is focused inward
Bold, outgoing person whose attention is directed outward
According to him, birth order may influence personality development
Alfred Adler
According to Karen Horney it is a construct you apply to yourself to conform to social and personal norms and goals
the Real self
Model of personality that emphasizes learning and observable behavior
Behavioral Personality Theory
explained as guided by cognitions or expectations about the world, especially those about other people.
theories of personality that emphasize cognitive processes such as thinking and judging.
Cognitive theories
Believes that learning shapes our behavior and explains personality
Learning Theorists
Emphasized that people have free will and that they play an active role in determining how they behave.
Humanistic theories
Ability to choose that is NOT controlled by genetics, learning, or unconscious forces
Free choice
Private perceptions of reality
Subjective Experience
Process of fully developing personal potentials
Self-Actualization (Maslow)
fulfilling themselves and doing the best that they are capable of doing.
Self actualizing persons
He focused on the growth and fulfillment of individuals.
Carl Rogers
the ability to put oneself in the shoes of other people and see the world as they see it
refers to one’s psychological climate and the conditions of the therapeutic interview.
Personal Warmth
the facility of getting along with others without conflicts (pakikisama, use of euphemistic language, use of go-between)
Smooth Interpersonal Relations or SIR
This tends to lead to the uncomfortable feeling that one is in a
socially unacceptable position
personality of Filipinos of starting something but eventually would quit in the middle of things. (resolution, planner)
Ningas kugon
Debt of Gratitude. Reciprocity
Utang na loob
An expression that comes from the Filipino word BATHALA which means GOD. Come what may attitude
Bahala na
unique ways of welcoming visitors in their homes and offering them the best
when filipinos tend to not to see beyond the family circle. only those who are considered to be part of the family would get benefit from the same family circle member.
Amoral familism
method of assessing personality based upon the idea that assessment of the person’s outer appearance, may give insights into one’s character or personality
personality traits of a person were determined by reading bumps and fissures in the skull
study and analysis of handwriting especially in relation to human psychology.
It is a written self-rating test or inventory test which is administered in a form of questionnaires and is answered by yes/no or true/false.
Objective tests
face-to-face meeting designed to gain information about someone’s personality, current psychological state, or personal history
Behavioral Method
conversation is informal, and topics are discussed as they arise
Unstructured Interview
follows a prearranged plan, using a series of planned questions
Structured Interview
seeks to identify people’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the blots
When circumstances of reality frustrate an id impulse; intervenes to protect the ego from the frustration of the real situation.
this defense replaces the object of an impulse with a substitute object
involves escaping one’s emotions through a focus on intellectual concepts, abstract and insignificant details, or rational explanation devoid of physical acceptance
process of unconsciously attributing one’s own unacceptable impulses, attitudes and behaviors to other people.
Allows a person to defend the self ’s real feeling by creating false motives. “sour grapes”
unacceptable impulse is repressed, and then the opposite is
expressed on a conscious level
Reaction Formation
it is a way of alleviating anxiety by retreating to an earlier period
of life that was more secure and pleasant
visual or auditory perceptions may be distorted or memories
associated with painful events may be obliterated completely.
is the only healthy way to deal with objectionable impulses
because it allows the ego to convert them into socially accepted forms of expression.