Nature and Meaning of Learning Flashcards
a non-stop complex process; it serves as the foundation of a person’s activities and proof of being rational.
it is the simplest kind of learning.
it is the next level of learning wherein we form new associations between a stimulus and a response (S-R Theory).
Associative Learning
Two Kinds of Learning by association
Classical and operant conditioning
discovered classical conditioning. He was a Russian physiologist where the subject of his experiment was a dog.
Ivan Pavlov
respondents conditioning involves the transfer of response from one stimulus to another through repeated pairings
Classical conditioning
this is when the stimulus association is learned.
Acquisition phase
the constant pairing of a conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus.
refers to an event which may enhance or maintain the strength of a response.
in classical conditioning, this refers to a decrease in the strength of a conditioned response resulting from repeatedly eliciting the response in the absence of the reinforcement.
a possible recurrence of an extinguished conditioned response.
Spontaneous recovery
this is the tendency of the stimulus that is similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit the conditioned response.
it is the opposite of generalization. It is the process of responding
to the variation or differences between stimuli.
a phenomenon which aids the individual to become flexible with his response to the environment
Higher-Order conditioning
The learner is allowed to discover how his behavior response affects the environment and vice-versa (Skinner, B.F. extensively
Operant conditioning
refers to a series of responses wherein each response leads to the next response
in operant conditioning, this is a progressive weakening of an
instrumental learning due to the withdrawal of reinforcement.
refers to the tendency of a stimulus, which is similar to the one used in training to elicit the same response
Stimulus Generalization
in here, the response made in one stimulus is not made if one stimulus is not made possible to the others.
Discrimination Learning
there is a possibility of maintaining operant response in a schedule of intermittent wherein the responses made by an individual are reinforced only part of the time
Partial Reinforcement
these reinforcers are learned, they are referred to a stimulus that has gained a reinforcing property by having been paired with a primary reinforcer
Secondary Reinforcement
the most prominent social learning theorist in the United States, who has engaged in many experiments involving learning by observing which is otherwise known as vicarious learning or modeling, because a model is being imitated.
Albert Bandura
sensing and perceiving the important aspects of the behavior to be imitated.
remembering the behavior either through mental images or languages.
converting the recalled observation into action.
Motoric Reproduction
being encouraged and motivated to adopt the behavior.
refers to proficiency and competency in a certain kind of performance.
What are the three stages in learning a skill
cognition, fixation, and automation.
This kind of learning is distinctly human. It involves the use of words, either as stimuli or responses
Verbal Learning
where the first item in a list serves as a stimulus to the second serves as stimulus to the next.
Serial-Anticipation Learning
an effect wherein the first and last items in the list are better remembered than the middle item.
serial position effect
involves the organization of the verbal materials like groupings of vegetables and fruits
Free recall learning
this kind of learning involves establishing a relationship between the two elements, where one element serves as a stimulus to the other which is the response.
Paired-associate learning
perceiving of current happenings, recalling previous experiences, thinking, reasoning, evaluating, and abstracting.
Cognitive learning
Defined as the extent to which original and previously learned information persists.
The process of reproducing past learning/experience without any clue
Denotes the ability to identify learned items that are familiar.
Involves the recollection of past learning/experience with the presence of cues.
Simply refers to the reviewing of previous learning; the easiest
method of learning
This step may be involuntary, for instance, when we hear a sound or we see something which makes an impression on us.
Process of classifying information. In order for information to be ready for storage, we have to organize it first in a meaningful manner.
Process of holding the memory of an encoded material or information for future use.
This final step is crucial. It involves getting the remembered information out of storage.
This is our working memory and our active memory containing the information that we are presently using; sensory memory.
Short-term memory
Pieces of information stored in the brain for many years that could be retrieved when we need them without any rehearsal; It remains for the rest of our lives.
Long-term memory
Memories for rules and concepts. This also involves mental modules of our environment.
Semantic memory
the most simple and basic form of LTM.
Procedural memory
refers to records of personal experiences which have great significance; Memorable events in your life.
Episodic memory
Refers to individuals w/ exceptional memory.
These are individuals who possess eidetic imagery power.
These are individuals who possess eidetic imagery power.
Like in the case of amnesia where the memory breaks down.
Memory Disorder
The inability of the individual to form new permanent memories
Anterograde Amnesia
The inability to reproduce and recall pieces of information learned prior to amnesia
Retrograde Amnesia
A rare form of amnesia which is a memory disorder brought about by emotionally disturbing events
Psychogenic Amnesia
Failure to retain what was previously learned.
Conflict among information learned earlier or later
Interference Theory
Lapse of time.
Decay Theory
Cue-dependent forgetting
Retrieval-Based Forgetting
Distortion of learned information in the long-term memory
Storage-Based Forgetting
Form of suppression, purposeful or voluntary process; Conscious forgetting
Motivated Forgetting
this affects his behavioral responses, his manner of adjustment, and even his state of mental well being”
intelligence level
No universally agreed meaning
meaning of intelligence
developed the Standford Binet intelligence scale. “intelligence is the ability to think abstractly”
Lewis Terman (1921)
developed the widely-used intelligence test for varying
ages. “intelligence is the ability to act purposely, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with environment”
David Weschler (1944)
a Swiss developmental psychologist. develop the theory of
cognitive development. “intelligence is one’s ability to adapt to
one’s surroundings.
Jean Piaget
inherited intellectual capacity that influenced all around performance
“G” factor (general intelligence)
task specific intelligence
“S” factor (specific intelligence)
the ability to understand and define words.
Verbal Comprehension
the ability to find rules and conventions to justify and solve issues (logical thought).
the ability to detect similarities and differences between designs and objects.
Perceptual Speed
the ability to deal with numbers speedily and accurately either theoretically or practically
Numerical Ability
the ability of an individual to think of words rapidly.
Word fluency
the ability to recall and associate previous learned items
Associative memory
the ability to draw a design from memory to recognize a figure whose position in the space has been distorted.
this theory describes eight distinct bits of intelligence that are based on skills and abilities that are valued within different cultures
Multiple Intelligence theory (Howard Gardner)
spatial Intelligence
linguistic Intelligence
kinesthetic Intelligence
mathematical Intelligence
intelligence is viewed as comprising operations, contents and products.
Structure of Intellect Theory (J.P. Guilford)
ability to reason quickly and to think abstractly
Fluid Intelligence
knowledge and skills that are accumulated over a lifetime
Crystalized intelligence
This component refers to problem-solving abilities
Analytical intelligence
This aspect of intelligence involves the ability to deal with new situations using past experiences and current skills.
Creative intelligence
This element refers to the ability to adapt to a changing environment.
Practical intelligence
invented the first IQ test and the Binet’s Test to classify the normal and abnormal learners.
Alfred Binet (1905)
devised a variation of Binet’s test: Simon-binet Test and Intelligence test used particularly on children aged 3 to 15 years.
Theophile Simon
IQ Test Formula
I.Q. = M.A. / C.A. x 100
mental capacity of 8 -12 yrs old, mildly mentally retarded
the mental capacity of 3-8 yrs old, moderate mentally retarded
mental capacity of 0-3 yrs old, severe/profound mentally retarded
this is usually given to one person at a time by experts.
Individual test
often times administered to several persons at a time by anybody who can follow directions
Group test
in this type of test, there is a predominance of oral communication or language.
Verbal test
measures the intelligence of a person without the use of language and is usually given to illiterates, pre-schoolers, and foreigners who do not have a command of the language used in the verbal test. This is a tool-manipulated type of test.
Non-verbal test or Performance test
measures the amount of work done regardless of time spent
Power test
measures the amount of work done within the time limit.
Speed test
a measure of a person’s emotional intelligence
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
the intelligence of machines or the simulation of intelligence in machines.
Artificial Intelligence