Peripheral Artery Disease and Pericardial Disease Flashcards
PAD presentation example
- lower leg pain; can be bilateral; one side can hurt more than the other
- exercise-induced pain, relieved by rest (intermittent claudication)
- hanging of foot over bed = gravity helps blood flow
- High BP and heart failure = good signs of PAD
Is intermittent claudication necessary for PAD diagnosis?
No; only experienced by 1/3 of patients
PAD vs CAD treatment
PADs are not getting proper care; higher mortality than breast cancer
PAD physical exam
Auscultate abdomen and femoral arteries = look for bruits
Palpate for abdominal aortic aneurysm, and normal pulses
Inspect foot for ulcers, xanthomas, etc.
General appearance of PAD leg
Hair loss Thickened/brittle toenails Smooth/shiny skin Loss of subcutaneous fat Gangrene Ulceration
Non-invasive evaluation techniques of PAD
Most commonly used initial test:
Ankle-Brachial Index
Ankle-Toe index
Ultrasonography - identifies location
What is the equation for ankle-brachial index
ABI = Highest ankle systolic pressure/highest brachial systolic pressure
What do ABI values mean
Low ABI = PAD; degree of ABI reduction correlates w/ disease severity
ABI >1.30 is also abnormal
Treatment of PAD
- Biggest = risk factor modification
- Exercise
- Antiplatelet therapy
- phosphodiesterase inhibitors; Cilostazole
Risk modification in PAD
- Smoking cessation
- Exercise
- Lower LDL = <140/90; use ACE inhibitors/beta-blockers
- Control diabetes
- Antiplatelet therapy - aspirin or clopidogrel
Smoking and PAD
- 2-5X increased risk of PAD
- 84-90% of patients w/ claudication are current or ex-smokers
Diabetes and PAD
- 2 to 4X increase of PAD
- Significant risk reduction per 1% reduction of HgA1c
PAD-specific drugs
- Pentoxifylline; not very effective
- Cilostazole; phosphodiesterase inhibitor = inhibits platelets (cAMP), vasodilation (cGMP); more effective
Do not use warfarin; no benefit
Cilostazole; contraindications
Do not give to those w/ HF = increased mortality
Benefits of walking program
- formation of collaterals
- improvement of vasodilation, muscle metabolism, walking efficiency
- Much longer and more prolonged walking distances
General PAD treatment plan
- Aspirin or Clopidogrel
- Statin
- Walking program