Period 7 test (Progressive Era) Flashcards
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
A deadly Industrial disaster that occured in New York where working (immigrant) women were trapped inside a factory while it was on fire, most died.
Women organized strike union in response.
Broad-based reform movement in the 1900s that sought governmental action in solving problems in many areas of American life, including education, public health, economy, labor, the environment, transportation, and politics
Theodore ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt
President during the Progressive Era.
A huge environmentalist, opened and created many national parks.
Expanded the power of the executive branch and sought to get rid of bad trusts/businesses that were crippling the economy.
A derogatory term adopted by Theodore Roosevelt. Referred the the side of journalism that sought to expose the underside of American life, focused persistent attention on social inequality and sought to expose insanity factory/labor conditions.
The Jungle
Written by Upton Sinclair in hopes to educate society on the unfair conditions of workers in the meat factories/industries, yet instead the book exposed the unsanitary conditions of slaughterhouses and how the meat was being processed and handled.
Led to the direct passage of the pure food and drug act.
New Immigrants
A term that considered all the people that moved to the U.s during the Progressive Era. Most where coming in from southern/eastern Europe who were trying escape the conditions that would eventually lead to WWI. Held very different ethnicity and religious views, thus America grew distrustful and nativism rose.
Consumer Culture
American life lay in enjoying the availability of products from other countries.
Spent increasingly large amounts of money to show their wealth(Conspicuous consumption)
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
The largest labor union that attempted to balance the interest of workers and its growing political power in Washington D.C.
Was a very conservative group, sought only to improve and invite white men.
Socialist Party
Political party demanding public ownership of major economic enterprises in the United States as well as reforms like recognition of Labor unions and women’s suffrage.
Leader was Eugene V. Debs(labor reformer)
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Radical union led by Eugene V. Debs; that sought to organize workers along the lines of industrial unions rather than the specialized trade, or craft, unions of the American Federation of Labor.
Was open to any and all people(no matter race, gender,etc)
Also sought for Freedom of Speech to speak out against the Government(Which was restricted)
Bread and Roses Strike
A strike that occured in Lawrence MA, that protested the decrease of the weekly pay in wooden mills.
Women and children of the union were brutally beaten by police forces, which resulted in the success of the strike and an increase of income and double pay for overtime workers
Birth-Control Movement
Early feminist movement that saw access to birth-control as essential to women’s freedom and encouraged the spread of sex education.
Led by Margaret Sanger(was a major believer in Eugenics though):)
Emma Goldman
A radical feminist that argued for the protection of both men and women, for birth-control rights, and acceptability/openness to homosexuality. Usually spoke in public crowds full of men. (I love her)
Direct legislation that enabled citizens to propose and vote directly on laws.
A progressive era reform that allowed public policies to be submitted to popular vote.
A progressive era reform that allowed the removal of public officials in government positions by popular votes of the people.
Settlement Houses
An American housing system created by Jane Addams that brought shelter to immigrants/single mothers and helped them adjust to America.
Women’s Suffrage Movement
A mass reform movement ruled by women fighting for the rights to vote, access to better education, and better working opportunities.
Some important figureheads of the movement include Alice Paul.
Muller V. Oregon
1908 Supreme Court decision that upheld an Oregon law limiting women’s workday to ten hours, based on the need to protect women’s health for motherhood.
Conservative Movement
Movement put into place by Theodore Roosevelt and John Muir(founder of the Sierra club, which preserved forests), to preserve parts of the natural environment from economic exploitation.
Millions of races of wildlife was secured
Progressive Party
A political party created by former president, Theodore Roosevelt, that supported progressive reforms and split the Republican party in two.
Election of 1912
Campaign between William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Eugene V. Debs.
Woodrow(Democratic party) was elected as president.
A British liner trade ship that carried weapons and 124 American Passengers during WW1.
German Submarines(in war against the British navy), blew the ship up and every passenger died.
Led to public resentment from America.
Zimmerman Telegram
A message made public by British intercepts where the German Foreign Secretary called on Mexico to join forces with Germany against America, promising to recover lost territory in return.
Final push for Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany and finally get involved with WWI in 1917.
Fourteen Points
Plan conducted by Woodrow Wilson that encouraged peace after WWI. Called for no more secret treaties, free seas for all, smaller militaries of each country, and self-determination/the ability to create one’s own government. Failed to incorporate all the points though after the Treaty of Versailles
Selective Service Act
A law adopted during WWI that required millions of men to register for the war draft. Many people protested against it(especially women)
National Women’s Party
A reform union formed by Alice Paul that continued to protest for Women’s suffrage during the period of WWI(most other women’s suffrage movements were paused when the war started).
Striked a patriotic service that lead to her and her followers getting arrested and starting a hunger strike, which led to them being force fed, leading to public outrage
Prohibition/18th Amendment
A Progressive victory which prohibited the manufacturing and sale of alcohol. (Was later repealed)
19th Amendment
Barred states from using sex as a qualification for suffrage. Women could VOTE!
Espionage/ Sedition Acts
Acts that prohibited the spying/interference with the war draft and criticism against the federal government.
Violated the First Amendment/took away freedom of speech.
W.E.B Du Bois
An african-american civil rights pioneer that was the first to have a PHD from Harvard.
Encouraged equality for all race and political freedom and education to blacks.
Founder the NAACP
The largest civil rights organization ever. Brought lawsuits against discriminatory practices.
American ideology and effort to make the ideas of white supremacy/racism into science(racism was ‘justified’).
Scientists sought to better America by controlling the reproduction of other races in order to rid the world of low intelligence. (any race other than whites were feeble-minded)
Birth of a Nation(film)
A movie made by D.W. Griffith that glorified the Ku Klux Klan as defenders/the good guys of white civilization during the reconstruction era.
Woodrow Wilson allowed and premiered this film because he loved it. He was an extreme racist.
Great Migration
Large-scale migration of southern blacks during and after WWI into the north, searching for better economic opportunities and to run away from the South’s Jim Crow Laws
Tulsa Riot
A race riot/massacre that occurred in Oklahoma. over 300 blacks were killed and 10,00 lost their homes to fire set by white mobs.
Red Scare 1919-20
Fear among many Americans after WWI, of communists in particular.
Palmer Raids
Raids that resulted from the Red Scare, that dispatched federal agents to raid offices or radical labor and union organizations throughout the country, hundreds were arrested.
League of Nations
Organization of nations to meditate disputes and to avoid any other wars. Consisted of 32 members, excluding Germany and Russia and American Republicans. Failed to stop more wars to occur.
Sacco-Vanzetti Trial
A case held during the 1920a in which two Italian-Americans were found guilty for murdering someone and executed through the electric chair.
Illuminated growing signs of nativism, in America
Second Klan
The reemergence of the Ku Klux klan in the 1920s.
Targeted anyone who wasn’t a white protestant man.
Sank control in the South, North, and West.
Lynched, mobbed, killed Jews, immigrants, catholics, blacks, labor union leaders.
Immigration Act of 1924
Aimed to ensure that descendant of the old immigrants forever outnumbered the children of the new. Sought to restrict the immigration of southern/eastern Europeans(for they believed them to be more feeble-minded)