Period 6 test(second part) Flashcards
Second Industrial Revolution
Also known as the “Gilded Age”
A dramatic economic revolution in America that started in 1870.
The Federal Government actively promoted industrial agriculture.
Encouraged the construction and use the army to remove natives from western lands.
Role of Railroads
What made the Second Industrial Revolution possible.
Opened up vast areas for commercial farming and creating a national market for manufacturing goods.
Considered a monopoly and was most influenced by the government.
Most immigrants(chinese) worked to build these transports.
Established by legal devices whereby affairs of several rival companies were managed by a single director.
Andrew Carnegie
An monopolist who established a steel company that incorporated distribution and vertical integration.
Firm believer of social darwinism and established the most technologically advanced factories in the world
Vertical integration
An integration where one person controlled every phase of the business
John D. Rockefeller
A monopolist that rose to dominated the oil industry.
Drove out rivals with cutthroat competition and trusts.
Illegally used horizontal integration
Horizontal integration
buying out competing oil refineries.
An illegal way to create a monopoly and to gain more lands/influence
Income inequality/concentration of wealth
Economic growth was not distributed evenly in America.
Only a minority of people(the rich) controlled the wealth in America, the majority were left in low incomes and worked harsh jobs.
Gilded Age
A derogatory term to represent the Second Industrial Revolution.
Created by Mark Twain.
Illustrated the remarkable expansion of economy and it’s corruption.
Social Darwinism
Application of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection to society; used the concept of “survival of the fittest’ to justify class distinctions and to explain poverty.
The rich were at the top.
The poor were responsible for their own sad fate.
The Free Market
An era where people wanted to limit the government’s influence on the economy of America. Made contracts that gave authority and power to the workplace(ended up being bad)
Liberty Contract
A judicial concept whereby courts overturned laws regulating later conditions as violations of economic freedom of both employers and employees
Great Railroad Strike
The first national strike in 1877 where union workers protesting a pay cut stopped all workings of railroads.
Rail markets were paralyzed, American troops where forced to attack the unionists.
Haymarket Affair
An anarchist protest(protesting wage reduction) that led to violence in Chicago(1886) when a bomb went off during the assembly.
8 people died and led to the rise of anarchism.
Government sided with big industries(forever will)
Westward Expansion/agriculture
Americans moved westwards for more expansion and influence over industrial agriculture and economy.
Native Americans were driven out of their homes and placed into concentration camps
America’s wealthy sources of natural resources caused many immigrants to move to the United States
Chinese Immigration
Initially starts during the California Gold Rush era.
Chinese were put up with jobs working at Railroads and played a major role in building them.
U.S tried to turn Chinese immigrants into slaves.
Anti-chinese sentiments arose
Restrictions were placed on Chinese immigrants and many weren’t allowed to go to school.
Plains Indians
Native Americans that lived in the western regions of America before the U.S started to expand westward.
A major food and economic sources for native Americans living in the western regions.
American strove to kill off this animal in order to cause the native tribes to grow extinct.
Nez Perce(Pierced nose)
A group of Plain Indians led by Chief Joseph. Sought to escape to Canada to avoid attacks from American troops/settlers. They were caught and they were forced to surrender and to travel a long trail to Oklahoma
Battle of Little Bighorn 1876
Most famous battle during the conflicts of Indians and American settlers.
Occured in the Montana territory.
The first and only war won by the Natives.
Created by Richard Henry Pratt
An establishment of boarding schools for Indian Children.
Removed them from their tribes and family.
Native Children were forced to learn the American way. The schools were mistreated and many children died and were punished.
Dawes Act
Law passed in 1887 to encourage the adoption of white norms among Indians ;broke tribal holdings into small farms for Indian families.
Eroded many native cultures and took much of their lands
Ghost Dance
A spiritual and political movement among the Native Americans whose followers performed a ceremonial dance.
Americans misconstrued the dance to be an riot in the making.
Led to the Wounded Knee Massacre- millions of natives were killed.
Political Corruption
The rising power of new corporations led to disturbing questions for American understanding of political freedom.
Wealth started to influence politics and led to unfair living conditions for the working class/poor people.
Political Stalemate
Democrats and Republicans held new differences other than were they resided.
Democrats= South
Congress was unable to influence the federal government.
Interstate Commerce Commision (ICC)
Organization established by Congress to regulate railroads that crossed over state lines.
A group founded in 1892 that advocated a variety of reform issues, including free coming of silver, income taxes, postal savings, regulation of Railroads, and direct election of U.S senators.
Heavy sympathizers of Farmers
Pullman’s Strike 1883
Where railroad workers boycotted the handling of trains with Pullman cars.
Led by Eugene Debs and activated by the railroad union.
Crippled the national rail service and federal government was forced to get involved.
In re Debs
Supreme Court decision that confirmed the sentence and approved the use of injunctions against striking labor unions.
William Jennings Bryan
Congressman from Nebraska that was elected by the Democrats and Populists for Presidency in 1896.
Proclaimed for “free silver”
“Free Silver”
Called from unrestricted minting of silver and four the production of paper money to continue.
Pro-inflation-wanted to give Farmers some benefits
Campaign of 1896
William Mckinley won the election
-shattered the political stalemate between the Republicans and Democrats .
Blacks in the new South
Treated horrible and were targeted by ruthless white americans.
Lynching, segregation, restrictions, etc ensued.
Plessy V. Ferguson
The Supreme Court Decision that supported the legality of Jim Crow laws and that permitted the “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites.
“Separate but Equal”
Segregation of whites and blacks in cities, towns, states in America
Lost Cause
A romanticized version of slavery in the old south.
Reinvention of the civil war.
Claimed that slavery wasn’t the cause for the Civil War. (I call BS)
Chinese Exclusion Act
1882 law that halted Chinese Immigration to the United States.
Women and children were mostly targeted.
Chinese suffered intense discrimination
Yick Wo v. Hopkins
Court decision made in 1886, that considered legal status of chinese-americans.
Court ordered San Francisco to grant license to chinese- operating laundries.
United States v. Wong Kim Ark
Court decision made in 1898 which awarded citizenship to children of Chinese immigrants born on American soil.
Annexation of Hawaii
Americans wanted to take over Hawaii for more economical advantages such as lands for plantations for sugar/etc.
Queen Liliuokalani was driven out of her throne and Hawaii was made into U.S Territory
Yellow Press
new stories that painted the Spanish empire as barbaric to provoke war to occur against Americans and the Spanish Empire
U.S.S Maine
American warship sent to Cuba to protect economic interests.
Warship was blown to pieces and resulted in America causing to declare war on the Spanish Empire.
Spanish American War
Started in the Philippines when American troops teamed up with Emilio Aguinaldo to help give Filipinos their independence.
Americans win the war and start to annex the newly freed Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico.
Teddy Roosevelt was the reason the war even started, was seen as a national hero.
Jose Marti
Leader of the Cuban Independence movement
Teller Amendment/Platt Amendment
American troops most leave Cuba after the war and that Cuba was not subject to the constitution.
Water Cure
Form of torture used during the Spanish American War.
-water boarding
William Howard Taft
First governor of the Philippines in 1901
Insular Cases
A series of cases in which the supreme court rule that constitutional protection or individual rights did not apply to people living in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines.
White Man’s Burden
A book written by Rudyard Kipling, that encouraged Americans that it was their god-given right to teach their norms to inferior races and areas.
A group of prominent politicians, industrialists, labor leaders, and social reformers that protests American territorial expansion(especially in the Philippines)