Period 3 Part II (Chapters 8-13) Flashcards
Supporters of the Constitution and its strong federal government.
Opponents of the Constitution who feared that the government would be too strong.
Constitutional Convention
A convention held in Philadelphia for the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.
Virginia Plan
Larger states, such as Virginia and Pennsylvania, should have proportionally more representatives in Congress than the smaller states, such as New Jersey and Delaware.
New Jersey Plan
Each state should have an equal number of representatives in Congress, regardless of each state’s size.
Connecticut Plan
Also known as the Great Compromise, it provided for a bicameral (two-house) Congress. In the Senate, states would have equal representation, but in the House of Representatives, each state would be represented according to the size of its population.
3/5 Compromise
Each enslaved individual was counted as 3/5 of a person for the purposes of determining a state’s level of taxation and representation.
A system with a strong but limited central government.
Separation of Powers
Dividing power among different branches of government.
Bill of Rights
The ten amendments drafted largely by James Madison that were ratified by the states in 1791.
Additions or changes to the Constitution to defend individual liberty.
Supreme Court
The only federal constitution mentioned in the Constitution, it contains one chief justice and five associate justices.
National Debt
The federal government assumed the war debts of the states to pay it off at face value.
National Bank
The bank was chartered by the federal government but was privately owned. As a major shareholder of the bank, the federal government could print paper currency and use federal deposits to stimulate business.
Jay Treaty
A treaty in which Britain agreed to evacuate its posts but included nothing about impressment; it maintained Washington’s policy of neutrality in the French Revolution.
Whiskey Rebellion
Pennsylvanian farmers refused to pay the federal tax on whiskey and attacked the revenue collectors. In response, Washington organized 15,000 state militia under Alexander Hamilton. The rebellion collapsed with almost no bloodshed.
Washington Farewell Address
The president spoke against policies and practices that he considered unwise:
- Do not get involved in European affairs.
- Do not make “permanent alliances” in foreign affairs.
- Do not form political parties.
- Do not fall into sectionalism.
His speech had enormous influence because of his prestige.
XYZ Affair
Adams sent a delegation to Paris to negotiate with the French government. Certain French ministers, known only as X, Y, and Z because their names were never revealed, requested bribes as the basis for entering into negotiations. The American delegates indignantly refused.
Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien Acts authorized the president to deport aliens considered dangerous and to detain enemy aliens in time of war, while the Sedition Act made it illegal for newspaper editors to criticize either the president or Congress and imposed fines or imprisonment for editors who violated the law.
Separation of Church and State
States refused to give financial support to any religious group.
Northwest Ordinance
Enacted under the Articles of Confederation, it provided a mechanism for migration and settlement. It planned for the sale of government land, an orderly adoption of western territory into new states public education, and outlawed slavery in the territory.
Cotton Gin
A device for separating cotton fiber from the seeds.