Pericardium Functions Flashcards
Pericardium pertains to the Minister Fire with the Heart.
Pericardium patterns are characterized by clinical manifestations along the chest channels.
Anxiety, insomnia and agitation will result from which Pericardium pattern?
a) Blood deficiency of the Pericardium.
b) Blood-Heat of the Pericardium.
c) Phlegm in the Pericardium.
d) Qi deficiency of the Pericardium.
e) None of the above.
In terms of channels, to which channel is the Pericardium channel interiorly–exteriorly related?
In terms of channel relationships, the Pericardium channel has an interior–exterior relationship with the Triple Burner channel, the Pericardium being Yin and the Triple Burner Yang.
In herbal medicine, the Pericardium is usually referred to only in the context of:
a) Blood deficiency.
b) Heart-Fire.
c) Infectious diseases caused by exterior Heat.
d) Low-grade Fever.
e) None of the above.
c) Infectious diseases caused by exterior Heat.
What is the relationship between the Minister Fire and the Pericardium?
The Minister Fire arises from in between the Kidneys where the Fire of the Gate of Life resides. The Minister Fire communicates upwards with the Liver, Triple Burner and Pericardium. From the channel perspective, the Pericardium is interiorly–exteriorly related to the Triple Burner; from the Five-Element perspective, the Pericardium and Triple Burner are called ‘Minister Fire’ as they are like Ministers assisting the Emperor, i.e. the Heart. Therefore, the ‘Minister Fire’ that arises from the Fire of the Gate of Life is different to the ‘Minister Fire’ in the context of the Five Elements.
Pathology of the Pericardium may affect menstruation.
What is the sphere of influence of the Pericardium channel?
The Pericardium channel influences the area at the centre of the thorax.
Which Channel connects the Uterus to the Kidneys and is related to the Pericardium?
a) The Conception Vessel.
b) The Governing Vessel.
c) The Kidney Vessel.
d) The Uterus Vessel.
e) The Chong Vessel.
In acute febrile diseases, the Pericardium may be obstructed by Damp manifesting with high fever and delirium.
hat effect can points on the Pericardium channel have on Blood?
Points on the Pericardium channel can invigorate or cool Blood.
On a physical level the Pericardium is very similar to the Heart, also influencing the area at the centre of the thorax.
A deficiency of Blood will affect the Pericardium as well as the Heart, resulting in:
a) Depression and anxiety.
b) Mad ravings and mania.
c) Insomnia.
d) No appetite.
e) Anger.
How might a state of interior Dryness arise, and how would it affect the Kidneys?
The Pericardium functions as an external covering of the Heart by protecting the Heart from attacks by exterior pathogenic factors. (It is believed that if the Heart is attacked by a pathogenic factor, the Mind-Spirit will be affected, which may be fatal. If a pathogenic factor does attack the Heart, it will first attack the Pericardium; for this reason, the Heart has no Stream Transporting point. )
Which of the following statements about the Pericardium is correct?
a) It is closely related to the Heart.
b) It is the ‘membrane wrapping around the Heart’.
c) It protects the Heart.
d) It governs Blood and houses the Mind.
e) All of the above.
What effect can points on the Pericardium channel have on the Mind-Spirit?
Points on the Pericardium channel can stimulate or calm the Mind-Spirit. For example, PE-6 Neiguan stimulates the mood to relieve depression; PE-7 Daling calms the Mind to relieve anxiety.