Gall Bladder Functions Flashcards
The Gall Bladder is the only Yang organ that does not deal with food, drink and their waste products.
Describe how the Gall Bladder differs from the other Yang organs.
It is the only Yang organ that does not deal with food, drink and their waste products, and that does not communicate with the exterior directly (via the mouth, rectum or urethra). Because it stores a refined substance, bile, the Gall Bladder more closely resembles a Yin organ.
How do the functions of the Gall Bladder and Liver differ in relation to the sinews?
The Liver nourishes the sinews with its Blood, whereas the Gall Bladder provides Qi to the sinews to ensure proper movement and agility.
It is said that ‘The Gall-Bladder is the upright official that waits for the right moment.’
T or F
Gall Bladder-Qi helps the ascending and free flow of Liver-Qi in relation to the Stomach and Spleen.
T or F
The Gall Bladder resembles a Yin organ because:
a) It stores a refined substance.
b) It is solid.
c) It is large.
Describe the role of the Gall Bladder in digestion.
The Gall Bladder stores and excretes bile into the Intestines to aid digestion. It also transmits the Minister Fire of the Kidneys to warm the Spleen and Intestines to aid digestion. Gall Bladder-Qi is part of the free flow of Liver-Qi, which promotes the smooth flow of bile into the intestines. Gall Bladder-Qi also helps the ascending and free flow of Liver-Qi, which, in relation to transformation in the Stomach and Spleen, helps Stomach-Qi to descend and Spleen-Qi to ascend.
Bile is produced by the Liver and stored by the Gall Bladder.
T or F
The Gathering point for the sinews is on the Small Intestine channel.
T or F
If Gall Bladder-Qi is weak, and this affects the movement of the Ethereal Soul, a person will feel:
a) Depressed.
b) Dizzy.
c) Daring.
The Minister Fire of the Gall Bladder has which function?
a) Warms the Spleen and Intestine to aid digestion.
b) Moves the Qi of the chest.
c) Enables excretion.
The Gall Bladder is the only Yang organ that:
a) Stores a ‘dirty’ fluid such as bile.
b) Stores ‘pure’ food and drink.
c) Stores a ‘clean’ fluid such as bile.
What is the capacity conferred by the Gall Bladder in the process of decision making?
Once all issues have been clarified, the Gall Bladder gives the courage to act.
.The Gall Bladder controls the capacity to:
a) Feel joy.
b) Separate good from bad.
c) Make decisions.
How might a deficient Gall Bladder manifest psychologically?
A deficient Gall Bladder causes indecision, timidity and the tendency to be discouraged at the slightest adversity.
Describe the relationship between Gall Bladder-Qi and the Ethereal Soul and Mind.
Gall Bladder-Qi helps the ascending and free flow of Liver-Qi on a mental level, stimulating the movement of the Ethereal Soul, which in turns gives movement to the Mind, resulting in inspiration, planning, ideas, initiative and creativity.