Functions of the Heart Flashcards
corporeal soul
The tongue is considered to be the ‘offshoot’ of the Heart; therefore, the Heart controls the colour, form and appearance of the tongue, as well as sense of taste.
Where does the Shen Reside
in the Heart, stored in the Blood
What tissue does the Heart control
Blood Vessels
The state of the Heart’s energy is reflected in the state of the blood vessels.
In which 3 ways does the Heart govern Blood
- Gu Qi rises and differentiates then from there manufactures blood in the Heart
- Circulation of Blood
- Stores the Mind in the Blood
With regard to the Heart, which of the following statements is incorrect?
- The transformation of Food-Qi into Blood takes place in the Heart.
- The Heart is responsible for the circulation of Blood.
- Heart-Blood influences menstruation indirectly.
- The relation between Heart and Blood determines the strength of constitution of an individual.
- None of the above
How would a deficiency of Heart-Yang affect sweat?
A deficiency of Heart-Yang would cause spontaneous daytime sweating.
If a patient laughs inappropriately during the consultation, what does that tell you about the Heart?
A Heart pathology, which may be either a deficiency or Heart-Fire.
Why do all emotions affect the Heart?
Because the Heart houses the Mind, which is the only one of the Five Spiritual Aspects that recognizes and feels the emotions.
Regarding the characteristics of the Heart, which statement is correct?
a) The climate of the heart is damp.
b) The smell of the heart is scorched.
c) The colour of the heart is purple.
d) The sound of the heart is weeping.
e) The offshoot of the heart is the nose.
Describe the Relationship between the Heart and Blood
- Stores the Mind
- Gu Qi fromed into Blood in the Heart
- Heart controls circulation of Blood
- Indirectly influences menstration - the Timekeeper
How are the Heart and Sweat connected
- Secondary association
- mutual exchange of bodily fluids
In terms of the Mind affecting the emotional state, which statement is incorrect?
a) If the Heart is strong, the person will be happy.
b) If the Heart is weak, the person will be sad or depressed.
c) If the Heart is in an excess condition, the person may display symptoms of mental illness.
d) None of the above.
What is the Heart`s tissue extention
Blood Vessels
In terms of the Shen (spirit), which represents a complex of mental and spiritual aspects, which description is correct?
- Mind (Shen): resides in the Liver, and is responsible for sleep, plans, projects, life aims, and ‘coming and going of Shen’.
- Will-Power (Zhi): resides in the Kidneys, and is responsible for will-power, drive, and determination.
- Ethereal Soul (Hun): resides in the Heart, and is responsible for consciousness, thinking, affections, memory, and sleep.
- Corporeal Soul (Po): resides in the Spleen, and is responsible for thinking, memory, and concentration.
- None of the above.
How is the Heart the indirectly influence menstration
by being it`s timekeeper
What does a dull-pale complexion tell you about the state of the Heart?
A dull-pale complexion indicates Heart-Blood deficiency.
Although the Heart governs Blood and this has a relation of mutual interchange with Body Fluids, of which sweat is part, the Heart has no relationship to sweat.
What are the functions of the Heart
- Stores the Mind
- Food-Qi is transformed into Blood in the Heart
- Heart Blood controls the circulation of Blood - provides the material to be driven by the Lung Qi
- Indirectly influences menstruation - the Time keeper
What does a hard blood vessel tell you about the state of the Heart?
A hard blood vessel may indicate Heart-Blood stasis.
List the 5 major Heart-Mind Functions
- Mental activity
- consiousness
- Memory
- Thinking
- Sleep
In which way does the Heart ‘govern’ Blood?
The Heart influences the circulation of Blood throughout the body; the Heart is also the place where Food-Qi is transformed into Blood.
How does the Heart affect blood vessels?
The Heart influences the state of the blood vessels.
Heart is reflected on the face complection,
give some examples of colour and disorder
Heart - Blood deficiency = dull pale
Heart Yang Deficient = Bright white
Heart Blood stasis = purplish or dull and dark
Heart - Heat = too red
Which sense organ is the Heart most readily seen
It flowers in the tongue
influences speech
can see the health of the heart in the tongue
Shen is related only to the Heart; it does not encompass the mental and spiritual phenomena of other organs, such as the Ethereal Soul (Hun) or Corporeal Soul (Po).
Which aspect of the Heart affects sleep?
Primarily Heart-Blood.
If Blood is abundant and the Heart strong, the complexion will be rosy and lustrous, but if the Heart has Heat, what colour will the complexion be?
a) Pale or dull white.
b) Bright white.
c) Purplish or dull dark.
d) Too red.
e) Any of the above.
What are the main five functions of the Mind (Shen)?
- Mental activity (including emotions)
- consciousness,
- memory,
- thinking,
- sleep.
All dreams are related to the Heart, as the Heart houses the Mind. Therefore, if the Heart is strong, a person will fall asleep easily and the sleep will be sound.