Functions of the Liver Flashcards
Which sense organ does the Liver flower into
the Eyes
If Liver Qi is stagnant what may be some of the effects
- Painful periods
- failure to moisten eyes and sinews, eventually skin disorders
- Qi counterflow
- Qi Sinking
The relationship between the Liver and the ears is very close.
What is the Clinical significance of the Liver`s storage of Blood
- Regnerates Blood during Rest & distro during activity
- Regulates Menstration - baby wrapper
- Moistens the eyes and sinews
Excessive Anger that is expressed tends to cause…
a) Liver-Qi Stagnation.
b) Liver-Yang Rising.
c) Liver-Blood Stagnation.
The climate related to the Liver is…
a) Heat.
b) Wind.
c) Dry.
The Liver is often compared to…
a) An imperial scribe.
b) An army general.
c) An angry criminal.
The most important functions of the Liver are storing Blood, ensuring the smooth movement of Qi and housing the Ethereal Soul.
If the Liver function of storing Blood is compromised, the body is more liable to attack by exterior pathogenic factors.
What is the clinical significance of the smooth flow of Liver Qi
List its 3 main aspects that it effects
- Emotional state: our goals and desires, +ve or -ve
- Digestion: ablity to move correctly, or counterflow
- Secretion of Bile: Gallbladder & Liver funx together
If Liver Blood is in excess or hot, what may be the result on periods
periods may be heavy
What is meant by the saying
Liver is a regulating, balancing and harmonising organ
- Stopping extremes
- Blood volume control - regeneration - storage at spleen
- If blood liver deficient = find it difficult to recover E’y by resting
- Smooth flow of Qi
- Emotional aspect open minded and relaxed attitude
What is meant by the saying
Liver Loathes Wind
- esp if in profusion or stuck
- Sensitive to wind
- Headaches irritability during wind
If there is stasis of Liver-Blood, the nails will be dark or purple.
If Liver Blood stasis occurs, what may be the result on the sinews
stiffness of sinews, rigidity, Pain
What is the organ extention of Liver
If the Liver has internal Wind, what may be the result of the eyes
eyeball may turn upward, & move involuntarily
If the Blood of the Liver is stagnant, the periods will tend to be…
a) Painful.
b) Scanty.
c) Heavy.
Which are the three main aspects of the smooth flow of Liver-Qi?
In relation to the emotional state, in relation to digestion and in relation to the flow of bile.
How does anger affect the Liver
Anger causes stagnation of Liver Qi
especially when repressed
If Liver-Blood is deficient, it can cause
a) Poor hearing.
b) Slurred speech.
c) Blurred vision.
How does Liver-Blood affect menstruation?
The Liver stores Blood and is closely connected to the Uterus. When Liver-Blood is abundant, menstruation is normal; if Liver-Blood is scanty, the periods are scanty; if Liver-Blood is stagnant, the periods are painful; if Liver-Blood has Heat, the periods are heavy.
Describe the importance of Liver-Blood in menstration
Blood of baby wrapper comes from Liver
On a mental and spiritual level, the Liver influences our capacity of making plans and having a sense of direction in life.
If Liver Blood is stagnant, what may be the result to menstration
periods will be painful
may lead to PMS & dark clots in Blood
The organs most related to the eyes are the Liver, Spleen and Lungs.
Describe briefly the relationship between the Ethereal Soul (Hun) and the Mind (Shen).
The Ethereal Soul gives the Mind the ‘coming and going’, i.e. searching, ideas, inspiration, creativity and exploring. The Mind must control (keep in check) the ‘coming and going’ of the Ethereal Soul and must integrate the material deriving from the Ethereal Soul. If the Ethereal Soul does not ‘come and go’ enough (either because it is weak or because the Mind over-controls it), the person is depressed; if the Ethereal Soul ‘comes and goes’ too much (either because it is overactive or because the Mind does not control it enough), the person is manic.
How does a Liver disharmory affect mood
can cause a person to become irritable
How does the smooth flow of Liver-Qi affect digestion?
The smooth flow of Liver-Qi ensures that Spleen-Qi ascends and Stomach-Qi descends, thus helping the transformation and transportation function of the Spleen and the rotting and ripening function of the Stomach. If Liver-Qi is stagnant, Spleen-Qi fails to ascend, causing loose stools, and Stomach-Qi fails to descend, causing hiccup, nausea and vomiting.
Describe briefly the characteristics of the Ethereal Soul.
The Ethereal Soul is responsible for life dreams, projects, aims, sense of direction, ideas, inspiration and creativity. It is the ‘coming and going of the Mind (Shen)’, giving the Mind the above attributes.
What is meant by the saying
Liver can cause convulsions
- Interior Wind -> seizures
- Shaking of tendons
How does anger affect the Liver?
Anger causes Liver-Qi to rise excessively (called Liver-Yang rising); this may cause headaches.
When the body is at rest, Blood returns to the muscles and sinews.
what is meant by the saying
Liver is a resolute organ
- Courage, backbone, underlies this, ability to get things done, vs timidity
- Liver is the General
- Gallbladder acts it out
- Qi Xue = motive power
- An unrooted liver = liver Yang rising
- Flushed, splitting headache
If Liver-Blood fails to moisten and nourish the sinews, there will be…
a) Tiredness.
b) Muscle cramps and contraction of the tendons.
c) A feeling of heaviness of the muscles.
If Liver Blood is deficient, what will be the result to menstration
scanty periods
Describe the nature and clinical significane of the Hun and its relationship to the Liver
- Destiny: affect planning
- Hun speaks to the Shen while we sleep
- Pleaseure of Food and Sex
Hun has a velocity, Shen is a tangent on it
If Liver Blood is deficient, what is the effect on the sinews
lack of moisture, and nourishment, cramps, numbness
What is meant by the saying
Liver controls planning
- General picks how we get there
- How we make it around obstacles
When Blood returns to the Liver when the body is at rest…
a) It nourishes and moistens the muscles and sinews.
b) The body can get depleted.
c) It contributes to restoring the person’s energy.
How does Liver-Blood affect exercise?
During exercise, the Blood of the Liver goes to sinews and muscles; during rest, it goes back to the Liver where it helps to restore energy.
If the Liver has Heat, what may be the result to the eyes
eyes may be bloodshot and feel painful or burning
What is the influence of the smooth flow of Liver-Qi on the emotional state?
The smooth flow of Liver-Qi is very important for the emotional state. If Liver-Qi flows smoothly, the person is happy and relaxed; if Liver-Qi stagnates, the person is moody, irritable or depressed; if Liver-Qi rebels upwards (Liver-Yang rising), the person is prone to outbursts of anger.
The smell associated with the Liver is…
a) Rancid.
b) Putrid.
c) Fetid.
if a patient has smooth movement, normal tonus, then what can be said about the Liver health
Liver-Blood is abundant
What would be the consequence of an insufficient moistening and nourishment of the eyes by Liver-Blood
Blurred Vision or floaters
What flavour acts on the Liver like the ke sequence
The normal direction of movement of Liver-Qi is partially upwards and partially outwards in all directions.
The Ethereal Soul is also the source of life dreams, vision, aims, projects, inspiration, creativity and ideas.
Which are the two main aspects of the Liver’s storage of Blood?
Sending Blood to the sinews and muscles during exercise and storing Blood in relation to menstruation.
What may be some of the causes of Qi Stagnation
- emotional issues
- physical accident
- exterior excess cold
- Yang deficient
The fluid related to the Liver is…
a) Tears.
b) Saliva.
c) Urine.
The smooth flow of Liver-Qi is essential for…
a) Emotional well-being.
b) Good digestion.
c) A smotth flow of bile.
d) All of the above.
What is mean by the Eyes lead the way
it is the mobiliazation of life = Liver
our eyes lead the way
What would be the consequence of an insufficient moistening and nourishment of the sinews by Liver-Blood?
Muscle Cramps