Performance and Flight Planning - CFM Ch. 5,6 Flashcards
What performance charts are in Chapter 5 of the CFM?
- Wind and Altitude Conversion
- Altimeter Setting to Station Pressure
- Geometric Height to Pressure Height (Indicated to True for Cold Temps)
- Thrust Setting Tables (N1 for T/O-1, N1 for T/O-2, N1 for GA)
- Flexible Temperature Determination Tables
- Simplified Takeoff Analysis Tables
- Takeoff Speeds
- Final Segment Speed
- Stab Trim Setting for Takeoff
- Climb Gradient – All Engines Operating
- Overload Operations (Based on ACN and PCN)
- Approach and Landing Speeds (Vref, Vac, Vfs)
- Flap Maneuvering Speeds (Different from Vspeeds, these are the bug speeds example: Flaps 1, bug 210)
- Approach Climb Gradient
- Unfactored Landing Distance
- Landing Distance Correction Factor
- Flap (Slat) Fail
- Operational Landing Distance
- Quick Turn Around Weight Tables (when the brake temp indication is not working)
- CAT II Operation
What is assumed temperature thrust reduction?
In many situations, the airplane takes off at weights lower than the maximum permissible Takeoff weight. In consequence, it is possible to continue complying with performance limitations using a decreased engine thrust adapted to the actual weight. This is called assumed temperature reduced thrust method.
Certification authorities permit the use of up to 25% of Takeoff thrust reduction for operation with assumed temperature reduced thrust. FLEX
Can FLEX be used when the actual weight is higher than the maximum takeoff weight for the actual temperature?
No. Utilization of Assumed Temperature Reduced Thrust
Assumed temperature reduced thrust method can only be used when the actual weight is lower than the maximum permissible Takeoff weight for the actual temperature.
What are the limitations of FLEX takeoffs?
Maximum Assumed Temperature (MaxAT) (25% reduction). Refer to Maximum Assumed Temperature Table.
Assumed temperature reduced thrust is not allowed when runway is contaminated with water, ice, slush or snow.
The operator shall at regular intervals check the maximum thrust in order to detect any possible engine deterioration, unless the operators has an adequate engine performance monitoring program.
When should FLEX be used?
Assumed temperature reduced thrust should be used whenever possible in order to save engine life.
Always use the flaps configuration, that provides the greatest maximum Takeoff weight in order to maximize thrust reduction.
What is the Maximum Assumed Temperature Table?
The Maximum Assumed Temperature Table, which is presented as a function of OAT and pressure altitude. This table ensures that the assumed temperature does not result in a thrust reduction of more than 25%.
What is the Minimum Assumed Temperature Table?
The Minimum Assumed Temperature Table, which is presented as a function of the pressure altitude. This table ensures that the assumed temperature is greater than the engine flat rated temperature.
What is the N1% Adjustment for Temperature Difference Table?
The N1% Adjustment For Temperature Difference Table, which presents the N1 correction based on the assumed temperature and OAT.
Using the tables in CFM Ch. 5:
- Determine if a FLEX takeoff can be performed.
- Determine the reduced N1%
- Determine the FLEX takeoff speeds
5.8.2 Flexible Temperature Determination
- Verify if actual weight is lower than or equal to the maximum takeoff weight in Takeoff Analysis for correspondent OAT and wind.
- Enter with actual weight and actual wind on Takeoff Analysis and find the correspondent temperature (T).
- Enter with pressure altitude and temperature in Maximum Assumed Temperature table and find Maximum Assumed Temperature value (AT).
- Compart T and MaxAT and choose the lower value as Assumed Temperature value (AT).
- Enter with pressure altitude in Minimum Assumed Temperature table and find Minimum Assumed Temperature (MinAT).
6a. If AT is lower than MinAT: No Flexible takeoff is possible, use maximum thrust
b. If AT is higher than MinAT: Take this temperaure (AT) as Assumed Temperature.
(Note AT is not limited by the MinAT table when it is determined via performance software or airplane system)
N1% for Flexible Takeoff
- Enter with AT and pressure altitude in N1 for T/O-X mode and find out N1 reference (N1ref).
- Enter with the difference between AT and OAT in N1 adjustment for temperature difference table and find out N1corr.
- Reduced N1% is: N1red = N1ref - N1corr
5.8.3 Takeoff Speeds
- Using Runway Analysis, enter with the Actual Takeoff Weight in the reported wind column to find out V1, VR, V2.
- Using Minimum V1 and VR tables find out V1min and VRmin.
3a. If V1 and VR are higher than V1min and VRmin, use takeoff speeds found in step 1.
b. If V1 and VR are lower than V1min and VRmin use the Runway Analysis and find out in what Temperature V1 and VR are equal or higher than V1min and VRmin. Determine again N1% and use this V1, VR, and V2 of previous step as takeoff speeds.
What are the Simplified Takeoff Analysis tables? What are the conditions? What are the limitation factors? Determine the takeoff analysis for a scenario in CFM Ch.5
Simplified Takeoff Analysis tables are presented for a set of pressure altitudes, temperatures and runway lengths for the conditions below:
- Dry runway.
- Zero wind.
- Zero slope.
- No clearway.
- No stopway.
- Obstacles are not considered.
- Maximum manual braking.
- Balanced V1.
- Landing flap 5.
B. The following limitation factors and codes were considered in the calculation of these tables:
- R – Runway Length.
- W – WAT (Climb).
- B – Brake energy.
- S – Structural.
- A – Approach Climb.
- SF – Final Segment.
- P – Tire speed.
- L - Maximum Lift-off Speed.
The Maximum Structural Takeoff Weight defined in this manual must be checked.
C. The number preceding any of the letter designators listed above is the limiting Takeoff weight for the runway length denoted at the top of the associated column. Beneath that limiting Takeoff weight, is the associated V1/VR/V2 for the conditions of temperature and runway length used to enter the table.
What are the Takeoff Speed tables? What are the conditions?
The following tables present V1, VR and V2 for balanced runway and fixed V2/VS ratio. The tables have been generated with the settings below: 1. Dry runway. 2. Zero wind. 3. Zero slope. 4. Balanced V1. 5. Minimum V2/VS. 6. Maximum manual braking. 7. ATTCS ON. 8. Anti-ice ON/OFF. 9. ECS ON/OFF.
How is the F-Bug algorithm designed?
During flap retraction, the next flap setting should be selected when the F-Bug is reached.
The F-Bug calculation algorithm is designed so as to meet minimum safe margins to VFE and Shaker Speed. A minimum margin of 20% above the stall speed is set for the next flap.
What are the Climb Gradient - All Engines Operating tables? What are the conditions?
The climb gradient tables show the climb gradients in percentage and in ft/NM for several weights, temperatures and pressure altitudes. These tables are published in the following configurations: A. Gradients for Takeoff Thrust 1. The gradients were obtained for: a. A speed equal to V2 + 10 KIAS. b. FLAP 2. c. V2/VS ratio equal to the minimum of the range. d. Anti-Ice OFF. e. ECS ON. f. Landing Gear Up. g. Wings Leveled. h. Temperatures in Celsius Degrees. 2. Corrections in the climb gradient for Anti-Ice ON and Flaps 4 are also provided in the footer of each table.
B. Gradients for Climb Thrust
- The gradients were obtained for:
a. A Speed equal to VFS KIAS and 250 KIAS.
c. CLB-1 Thrust Rating.
d. Anti-Ice OFF.
e. ECS ON.
f. Landing Gear Up.
g. Wings Leveled.
h. Temperatures in ISA Deviation. - Corrections in the climb gradient for Anti-Ice ON and CLB-2 thrust rating are also provided in the footer of each table.
What information is in the supplementary takeoff information in CFM Ch. 5?
Turn Analysis (obstacles)
Equivalent Straight Flight Path Determination
ACN Aircraft Classification Number
PCN Pavement Classification Number
What is the PCN Pavement Classification Number?
The Pavement Classification Number (PCN) reported shall indicate that an airplane with ACN equal to or less than the reported PCN can operate on that pavement.
What are Flap Maneuvering Speeds in general? What are the actual speeds?
The Flap Maneuvering Speeds provide at least 1.3 g margin over stick shaker speed, which is equivalent to a shaker-free Bank Angle of 40°. These speeds ensure such margin for all weights up to the Maximum Landing Weight, with or without ice accretion.
The speeds above may be used as reference for flaps extension and maneuvering. For flaps retraction refer to “Flap Retraction Speed Schedule” presented in the Takeoff section of this manual.
The Green Dot on the PFD provides at least 1.3 g margin over stick shaker speed adjusted for the current airplane weight, thus it can also be used as the Flap Maneuvering Speed. The Green Dot also accounts for ice accretion.
See the table for actual speeds (Flaps 1 bug 210, Flaps 2 bug 180…)
What is the Approach Climb Gradient table? What are the conditions?
A. The Approach Climb Gradient tables show the gradients as function of temperature (°C) and weight (lb).\
B. The associated conditions are:
- CAT I Operation.
- Approach Flaps: 2 or 4.
- GearUP.
- Anti-Ice OFF without Ice Accretion or Wing and Engine Anti-ice ON with Ice Accretion.
- One Engine Inoperative.
Unfactored Landing Distance
Unfactored Landing Distance is the actual distance to land the airplane on a zero slope, ISA temperature, dry runway, from a point 50 ft above runway threshold at VREF, using only the brakes and spoilers as deceleration devices (i.e., no engine reverse thrust is used).
Determine the Unfactored Landing Distance in a scenario using the tables in CFM Ch. 5 How should the landing distance be calculated normally? In an emergency?
The Unfactored Landing Distances provided are valid for anti-ice ON and OFF.
A. Normal Operation
- The required Landing distance for dispatch is the Unfactored Landing Distance increased by 66.7% for dry runway, or 91.7% for wet runway.
- For obtaining the DRY runway factored distance, multiply Unfactored Landing Distance by 1.667.
- For obtaining the WET runway factored distance, multiply Unfactored Landing Distance by 1.917.
B. Emergency/Abnormal Operation
1. Landing Distance Correction Factor – Dry Runways
a. The Actual Landing Distance is equal to the Unfactored Landing Distance for flaps FULL multiplied by the associated Landing distance factor for DRY runways.
b. The DRY + OVSP corresponds to the factor associated to a 10 kt overspeed (above the non-normal VREF) on a dry runway.
2. Landing Distance Correction Factor – Wet Runways
a. The WET + OVSP corresponds to the factor associated to a 10 kt overspeed (above the non-normal VREF) on a wet runway.
b. To calculate the Actual Landing Distance on a WET runway, the pilot must do the steps below:
1) Recognize the system malfunction.
2) Find the Unfactored Landing Distance (ULD) for Flaps Full in QRH, considering the airplane type, altitude, Landing weight and ice accretion condition.
3) Find the multiplier factor value (K) on the table with Landing Distance Correction Factors and multiply the obtained values of (ULD) and (K).
4) In the same line of table with Landing Distance Correction
Factors, find the value (B).
5) Subtract (B) from the result of step c above. This is the Actual Landing Distance (ALD) to safely land the airplane on wet runways condition.
ALD = (ULD x K) - B
The calculated value is the actual distance to safely land the airplane, but no distance margins are included. The distance margin available is the difference between the runway length and the calculated value.
Shortest Unfactored Landing Distance in the charts = 1662’
So the shortest required landing distance is x1.667 dry = 2,771’
Longest Unfactored Landing Distance in the charts = 5,606’
So the longest required landing distance is x1.917 wet = 10,747’
Max Manual Braking. Emergency situations not accounted for.
What are the Operational Landing tables? Determine the operational landing distance given a scenario using CFM Ch. 5
The Operational Landing Tables are intended for in-flight assessment, not for dispatch.
A. The Operational Landing Distance Tables contained herein are based on FAA AC 25.32. The data do not include any multiplication factor or additional safety margin.
B. The distances are obtained from 50 ft above threshold until full airplane stop and consider credit for all thrust reversers. Local operational regulations may require an additional factor to these distances. Emergency/abnormal multiplication factors were not analyzed for contaminated runways. For Emergency/Abnormal Operation, refer to “Unfactored Landing Distance” section in this chapter.
C. In order to make the in-flight assessment if the runway condition is reported, the Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM) is used. It offers a correlation between runway condition and the pilot report (PIREP). The maximum recommended crosswinds are also presented in relation to each PIREP. Gust effects are not included and do not affect the recommended crosswind values.
D. The Operational Landing Tables must be entered with runway braking action, Landing flaps, ice condition, autobrakes configuration, current Landing weight, Landing field pressure altitude, temperature, wind, slope, airplane overspeed above VREF and thrust reversers.
E. As an example, assume the following condition for the EMBRAER 175:
1. Assume the following condition:
a. Reported braking action: Good to Medium
b. No ice conditions
c. Flaps: 5
d. Autobrakes: OFF (Max Manual)
e. Landing weight: 70000 lb
f. Airport Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
g. ISA -25°C
h. Wind: 10 kt headwind
i. Slope: 0%
j. VREF + 5 kt at threshold
k. All thrust reversers use
2. In flaps 5 and no ice accretion. In the MAX MANUAL braking line, find the reference weight and distance in the first column. These values are:
a. REF DIST = 4820 ft
b. Reference weight = 72000 lb
3. Next correction regards the airplane actual Landing weight. Take the difference from the reference weight to the actual weight. In this case, the actual Landing weight is 2000 lb below the reference. The correction is - 49 ft for each 1000 lb below the reference correction:
a. Weight correction = 4820 - (49 x 2) = 4722 ft
4. Next correction is pressure altitude. The value is 138 ft for each 1000 ft above Sea Level. Apply the correction for 3000 ft:
a. Altitude correction = 4722 + (138 x 3) = 5136 ft
5. Next correction is temperature. The value is -48 ft for each 5°C below ISA, apply the correction for ISA -25°C:
a. Temperature correction = 5136 - [(25 ÷ 5) x 48] = 4896 ft
6 Next correction is wind. The value is -116 ft for each 5 kt headwind, apply the correction for 10 kt headwind:
a. Wind correction = 4896 - [(10 ÷ 5) x 116] = 4664 ft
7 Next correction would be the slope. Since the slope is 0%, there is no correction. We go directly to the VREF correction. Considering an overspeed correction of 394 ft for each 5 kt above VREF:
a. Overspeed correction = 4664 + 394 = 5058 ft
8 The last correction regards the thrust reverser. Since both reversers are used, no correction is necessary.
9 The required Landing distance is then 5058 ft.
In case the airplane lands above the Maximum Landing Weight (MLW), the overweight correction in the footer is necessary. Proceed as follows: Take the reference Landing distance in the first column; skip the weight correction and do all other corrections. At last, apply the footer overweight correction.
What is the Quick Turn Around Weight table?
For normal operation, the brake temperature can be monitored through the brake temperature indication in the MFD.
The Quick Turn Around Weight Table must be used only when the brake temperature indication is not working properly (according to the MEL). In this case, if the Landing weight exceeds the Quick Turn Around Weight, a subsequent Takeoff must not be performed before 25 minutes after chocks on. At the end of this time interval, check that the wheel thermal plugs have not melted.
The tables in the following pages are provided for the maximum manual braking setting and no runway slope.
If the tires are not flat after 25 minutes, this is a positive indication that the wheel thermal plugs have not melted.
What flight planning charts are in the CFM Ch. 6?
- Simplified Flight Planning
- Cruise Flight Level Table
- Cruise Altitude Capability Table
- Cruise Wind Altitude Trade Tables
- Flight Planning - Fuel Tankering
- Engine Fuel Consumption
- APU Fuel Consumption
- Climb Speeds
- Climb Tables
- Buffet Onset
- Long Range Cruise
- Fixed Speed Cruise
- Cost Index and Economic Cruise Speed
- Descent
- Idle Descent - Constant FPA
- Holding
- One Engine Inoperative - Long Range Cruise
- One Engine Inoperative - Driftdown
- One Engine Inoperative - Altitude Capability
- One Engine Inoperative - Holding
- One Engine Inoperative - Maximum Distance from an Adequate Aerodrome
- One Engine Inoperative - In-Flight Diversion
- In-Flight Diversion
- Depressurization
What is the purpose of the Simplified Flight Planning charts?
A. Simplified flight planning charts allow quick determination of estimated trip fuel and time from brake release to Landing. The following phases are included: Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, Descent, Approach and Landing.
B. Alternate fuel, holding, reserve fuel and other allowances (APU usage and taxi) should be added to the trip fuel in order to obtain the total fuel required.
C. To determine trip fuel enter trip ground distance, correct for wind condition and estimated Landing weight, move as far as the line indicating cruise pressure altitude, and read the trip fuel.
D. To determine trip time, enter trip ground distance, correct for wind condition, move as far as the referring cruise pressure altitude, and read the trip time.
E. For winds greater than those shown, enter in the chart, directly, corrected ground distance, ignore wind correction reference line, to obtain the corrected ground distance, apply the following equation. CGD = GD x (TAS) (TAS + WIND) Where: 1. CGD: Corrected ground distance. 2. GD: Ground distance. 3. Head wind is negative. 4. Tail wind is positive.
F. The alternate fuel is determined by entering the Simplified Flight Planning chart with the alternate distance and wind.
G. The holding fuel is determined from the holding table in this section. Depending upon national regulations, the holding fuel is normally calculated so that the aircraft can hold for 30 minutes, at 1,500 ft above the alternate airport.
What is the purpose of the Cruise - Flight Level tables?
A The following tables permit quick determination of the cruise flight level for minimum fuel consumption, based on the trip distance and Takeoff weight.
B The flight level was calculated based on a combination of minimum fuel consumption and at least five minutes in cruise.
C The table data are presented for ISA condition and all engines operating. A minimum remaining rate of climb equal to 300 ft/min is considered. (At least 5min of cruise)
What is the purpose of the Altitude Capability tables?
A The tables below permit quick determination of the altitude capability, based on the initial cruise weight. Tables are presented for various ISA conditions and all engines operating.
B The established associated conditions are:
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Center of Gravity 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 300 ft/min
- Minimum Buffet Margin 1.3 g
- Thrust Setting MAX CRUISE THRUST
What is the purpose of the Cruise - Wind Altitude Trade tables?
A The following tables allow the determination of the break-even wind in order to maintain the same specific range at another altitude than the one planned initially.
B These tables are based on the comparison between ground specific range at the new and actual altitudes. They do not consider climb/descent time, fuel and distances. The tables may be used in-flight, where the wind information is available and more accurate.
What is the purpose of the Fuel Planning - Fuel Tankering table?
A. Fuel price variations at different airports may require carrying more fuel than the minimum required on a flight leg. The procedure of loading this extra amount of fuel (or surplus fuel) in order to minimize fuel costs is known as Fuel Tankering.
B. Since the surplus fuel tankered results in additional fuel burnoff (due to the weight increase) it is important to analyze the costs of the extra fuel transportation operation.
C. The following tables are designed to determine the break-even fuel price on departure airport, and it may be used whenever there is difference on fuel price comparing to destination.
D. Enter the trip distance on the table and read the fuel surplus ratio according to cruise altitude. The break-even fuel price is the price at departure multiplied by the fuel surplus ratio. If break-even fuel price is lower than destination price, it is economically feasible to execute fuel tankering.
E. The additional maintenance costs involved with increased weight operations (additional brakes and tires wearing) are not considered. It is important to remember that whenever fuel tankering is considered, the estimated Landing weight at destination should be lower than the Maximum Landing Weight.
F. Example
Analyze the possibility to proceed with fuel tankering between two airports distant 600 NM from each other, using LRC speed schedule cruising on FL350.
1. Consider the following fuel prices:
a. Departure Airport: 1.80 US$/Gal.
b. Destination Airport: 2.00 US$/Gal.
2. Enter the LONG RANGE CRUISE table for 600 NM trip distance and FL350, the FUEL SURPLUS RATIO is 1.05.
3. The BREAK-EVEN PRICE is 1.80 (price at departure) multiplied by 1.05 = 1.89 US$/Gal.
4. Since fuel price on destination airport (2.00 US$/Gal) is greater than break-even fuel price (1.89 US$/Gal), it is economically feasible the fuel tankering operation between these two airports.
What is the Engine Fuel Consumption tables?
The following values established for taxi, Takeoff, Approach and Go-Around fuel consumption should be considered when calculating detailed flight plans.
A typical average value to be used during the flight planning calculation should be considered:
1. 2. 3.
TAKEOFF = 320 lb (two minutes used).
APPROACH AND LANDING = 156 lb (four minutes used). GO-AROUND = 160 lb (one minute used).
What is the APU Fuel Consumption table?
The table below shows the APU fuel consumption on the ground and during level flight at 5,000 ft, 15,000 ft and 33,000 ft altitudes. The data is calculated for different Airspeeds, APU air bleeds and electrical loads.
What is the Maximum Angle of Climb Speed
This speed is recommended to reach an altitude on minimum ground distance (i.e., for obstacle clearance). With flaps up, the recommended maximum angle of climb speed for all operational gross weights and altitudes is the Green Dot, or approximately VFS.
What is the Maximum Rate of Climb Speed
This speed is recommended when maximum rate of climb is desired in order to reach an altitude on minimum climb time. The recommended maximum rate of climb speed is related to flaps up, all engines operating and is function of gross weights and altitudes as shown in the tables below:
Maintain the speeds above until intercepting Mach 0.63 or Green Dot speed, whichever is higher, following this until level-off.
1. The Green Dot accounts for ice accretion.
What are the climb tables?
The climb planning tables show fuel consumption, distance and time elapsed from the Sea Level to the top of climb. Data are shown for various weights, ISA deviations and cruise altitudes.
The Takeoff fuel consumption is not considered in the following tables. Tables present the scheduled climb speed according to the Autopilot climb mode, i.e.,:
1. 240 KIAS for altitudes up to 10,000 ft, increasing linearly to 290 KIAS at 12,000 ft, maintaining 290 KIAS up to 25,400 ft and 0.7 Mach above 25,400 ft.
The associated conditions are:
- Thrust Mode CLB1
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Anti-Ice OFF
- CG 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 300 ft/min
Example 1. Given: a. Departure Airport Elevation 3,500 ft b. Takeoff Weight 78,000 lb c. ISA Condition Cruise Altitude 33,000 ft 2. Results: a. Data for 5,000 ft (3,500 ft + 1,500 ft above departure airport) obtained from the climb table: 1) Fuel: 217 lb 2) Distance: 6 NM 3) Time: 1 min b. Data provided from the Sea Level to 33,000 ft (Top of Climb) table: 1) Fuel: 1,948 lb 2) Distance: 112 NM 3) Time: 18 min c. The fuel, distance and time spent during the climb phase (from 5,000 ft to 33,000 ft) are: 1) Fuel: 1,948 - 217 = 1,731 lb 2) Distance: 112 - 6 = 106 NM 3) Time: 18 - 1 = 17 min d. The fuel consumption related to the Takeoff phase is provided on the Section 1-06-07.
What is the Buffet Onset table?
This chart provides the buffet margin (maneuver capability) and associated Bank Angles for a variety of cruise altitudes and weights as function of Mach number.
What is the Long Range Cruise table?
These tables show N1, fuel flow, indicated Airspeed, true Airspeed, indicated Mach number, buffet margin and specific range. Data are presented for various weights and altitudes. Correction for ISA deviation and anti-ice are also presented.
In the long range cruise schedule (LRC), the airplane is flown at a speed corresponding to a specific range equal to 99% of maximum specific range. It is used when range is the main factor.
The associated conditions are:
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Anti-ice OFF
- Center of Gravity 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 300 ft/min
What are the Fixed Speed Cruise tables?
These tables show N1, fuel flow, indicated Airspeed, true Airspeed, indicated Mach number, buffet margin and specific range. Data are presented for various weights and altitudes. Correction for ISA deviation and anti-ice are also presented.
The associated conditions are:
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Anti-ice OFF
- Center of Gravity 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 300 ft/min
What is the Cost Index and Economic Cruise Speed?
A. The cost index represents the ratio between time related costs per fuel related costs and is a way to express the direct operational costs of an operator.
B. Flying on an economic cruise speed will minimize the direct operational cost of the cruise phase for a given cost index.
C. There are two types of tables:
- Correction to cost index.
- Corrected cost index.
D. In order to find the economic speed for a given flight condition and cost index, the following procedure should be applied:
1. Enter in the Correction to cost index table.
a. Inputs:
Route cost index and Wind speed (negative values for headwind and positive values for tailwind).
b. Outputs:
Cost index wind correction for the route cost index.
2. Add the cost index wind correction found above to the route cost index. This new value is the corrected cost index.
3. Enter in Corrected cost index table for the current altitude.
a. Inputs:
Corrected cost index and airplane current weight.
b. Outputs:
Mach number for the economic speed.
The values were calculated for ISA conditions and all engines operating. The ISA deviations corrections are negligible.
What are the descent tables?
The descent table shows fuel consumption, distance and time from the top of descent to sea level for various cruise altitudes. The data are calculated for flight idle thrust setting, maintaining Mach 0.77 above 30,200 ft, 290 KIAS between 30,200 ft and 12,000 ft, decreasing linearly to 250 KIAS at 10,000 ft and maintaining 250 KIAS below 10,000 ft.
The Approach and Landing fuel consumption is not considered in the following tables.
The associated conditions are:
- Final Altitude Sea Level
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Anti-Ice OFF
- CG 18%
- Thrust Setting FLIGHT IDLE
- Given:
a. Arrival Airport Elevation 3,500 ft
b. Top of Descent Weight 67,000 lb
c. ISA Condition Cruise Altitude 35,000 ft - Results:
a. Data provided from 35,000 ft (Top of Descent) to Sea Level table:
1) Fuel: 204 lb
2) Distance: 79 NM
3) Time: 14 min
b. Data for 5,000 ft (3,500 ft + 1,500 ft above arrival airport) obtained from the 5,000 ft descent table:
1) Fuel: 57 lb
2) Distance: 12 NM
3) Time: 3 min
c. The fuel, distance and time spent during the descent phase (from 35,000 ft to 5,000 ft) are:
1) Fuel:204-57=147lb
2) Distance: 79 - 12 = 67 NM
3) Time:14-3=11min
d. The fuel consumption related to the Approach and Landing phase is provided on the Section 1-06-07.
What is the Idle Descent - Constant Flight Path Angle table?
A Considerations
- Top of descent altitude is above 30,000 ft.
- Bottom of descent is 12,000 ft.
- Speed at top of descent is Long Range Cruise.
- Speed at bottom of descent from 250 KIAS up to 260 KIAS.
- FMS descent mode VPATH is used.
- Wind is constant with same intensity from top of descent up to bottom of descent.
- Wind has only horizontal component.
- VMO/MMO is never exceed during the descent procedure.
B. Speed Explanations
- The speeds published in the table are the speeds that must be inserted in the FMS in order to guarantee idle descent. They are not the speeds that the airplane will actually fly or reach. They are just a reference to guarantee idle thrust.
- Due this fact, the amber LIM on the FMA may be presented during the descent procedure when the Autothrottle is engaged.
- The actual airplane speed will change according to the altitude. It will vary from the cruise speed to a range from 250 KIAS to 260 KIAS at 12,000 ft, never exceeding VMO/MMO.
- The FMS VPATH mode prioritizes angle over speed, but if there is any waypoint with an altitude or speed constraint, the FMS will ignore the angle and respect this constraint.
C. Rate of Descent
As the speed changes according to the altitude, the rate of descent also changes. For the tables presented below, this variation will be within a range from 1,400 ft/min up to 3,000 ft/min.
D. Angle Consideration
The angle presented in the tables was calculated in such way that the speed at bottom of descent will be in the range from 250 KIAS to 260 KIAS.
E. Example: 1. Suppose: a. Anti-ice OFF b. TOD weight: 72,000 lb c. Wind: 40 kt tailwind 2. Find: FMS IAS/Mach and FPA angle to be inserted in the FMS. 3. Results: a. From the calm wind table 1 of 2 for Anti-ice OFF: For 72,000 lb: 1) FMS IAS/Mach are: 245/0.62 2) Calm wind FPA is 3.6°. b. From the wind effect table 2 of 2: For 3.6° calm wind, the corrected angle is: 1) 3.2° for 40 kt tailwind. 4. Answer: a. FMS IAS/Mach: 245/0.62 b. FMS FPA: 3.2°.
What are the holding tables?
The holding tables show indicated and true Airspeed, Mach number, N1, fuel flow for various weights, altitudes, anti-ice on (with and without ice accretion) and off condition. Data are presented in ISA condition for all engines operating configuration.
The associated conditions are:
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Airspeed A/I OFF Minimum Fuel Consumption or 1.27 VS, whichever is higher.
- Airspeed A/I ON Minimum Fuel Consumption or 210 KIAS, whichever is higher.
- CG 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 300 ft/min
What is the One Engine Inoperative - Long Range Cruise table?
The one engine inoperative long range cruise tables show N1, fuel flow, indicated Airspeed, true Airspeed, indicated Mach number, buffet margin and specific range. Data are presented for various weights and altitudes. Corrections for ISA deviation and Anti-ice are also presented.
The associated conditions are:
- Flaps UP
- Gear UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- Anti-ice OFF
- CG 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 100 ft/min
What is the One Engine Inoperative - Driftdown table?
Ensuring adequate enroute one engine inoperative altitudes are determined based on Driftdown Analysis in dispatch release.
A. In the event of an engine failure during cruise, it will generally be necessary to reduce speed and descent to a lower altitude.
B. Immediately after engine failure, set maximum continuous N1 and allow the airplane to decelerate from the cruise speed to the driftdown speed shown in the driftdown table. When this speed is achieved, start the descend profile.
C. The airplane should level-off at the gross altitude and weight shown in the driftdown table.
D. Net Level-Off Altitude
1. Federal regulations require terrain clearance flight planning based on net performance which is the gross (or real) gradient performance degraded by 1.1%.
2. To estimate the net level-off pressure altitude, enter with the gross weight, proceed to the ISA deviation and find the value within bracket. This is the net level-off pressure altitude. The net level-off pressure altitude must clear all enroute obstacles by at least 1,000 ft.
3. If the obstacles heights are close to the values published in the tables below, a detailed driftdown analysis must be accomplished.
a. The associated conditions are:
1) Drag Index ………………………………………………………. Zero
2) Initial Flight Level for level off calculation……….. 30,000 ft
3) Bleeds ………………………………………………………….. OPEN
4) Anti-Ice………………………………………Anti-ice OFF without Ice Accretion or Engine and Wing Anti-ice ON with Ice Accretion
For initial flight levels above 30,000 ft the Net and Gross Level Off altitudes are conservative.
Fixed driftdown speeds are obtained at AEO altitude capability for the respective start driftdown weight published.
What is the One Engine Inoperative - Altitude Capability table?
The table below permits quick determination of the altitude capability, based on the initial cruise weight. The table data are presented for various ISA conditions, one engine inoperative and Long Range Cruise schedule.
The established associated conditions are:
- Flaps UP
- Gears UP
- Bleeds OPEN
- CG 18%
- Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 100 ft/min
What is the One Engine Inoperative - Holding table?
The holding tables show indicated and true Airspeed, Mach number, N1, fuel flow for various weights, altitudes, anti-ice on (with and without ice accretion) and off condition. Data are presented in ISA condition for one engine inoperative configuration.
The associated conditions are:
1. Flaps UP
2. Gear UP
3. Bleeds OPEN
4. CG 18%
5. Minimum Remaining Rate of Climb 100 ft/min
6. Airspeed A/I OFF…Minimum Fuel Consumption or 1.27 VS, whichever is higher.
7. Airspeed A/I ON…Minimum Fuel Consumption or 210 KIAS, whichever is higher.
8. Anti-ice OFF, ON and ON (WITH ICE ACCRETION).
What is the One Engine Inoperative - Maximum Distance from an Adequate Aerodrome table?
A. The maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome is an area limited to the maximum time approved by the local authority from an adequate aerodrome, computed using an one engine inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air and considering that the driftdown starts at or near to the optimum flight level.
B. The distance from any point along the proposed route of flight to an adequate aerodrome must be covered within the maximum allowed time using one of the speeds shown in the table provided in this section (assuming still air, ISA conditions and one engine inoperative).
C. The data is based on OEI drifting down using Maximum Continuous Thrust at the Mach number until reaching the corresponding IAS and maintaining that Airspeed during the remaining of the driftdown and level cruise.
D. Enter the table for the appropriate speed with the weight at the point of diversion and time selected and read the maximum distance from an adequate aerodrome.
What is the One Engine Inoperative - In-Flight Diversion table?
This chart enables rapid determination of fuel and time required to proceed to an alternate airport with one engine inoperative from the driftdown initial point. The chart data is based in a driftdown at Green Dot speed with the remaining cruise distance at LRC speed and the descent to Approach phase at 290 KIAS. The following phases are included: driftdown, cruise and descent to Approach.
Fuel and time are determined in the same way as the simplified flight planning charts, with distance to destination instead of trip distance, disregarding the climb phase and the cruise phase until the driftdown point.
The pilots can also use the charts in the opposite direction, i.e., entering with the fuel remaining onboard and finding the range at an initial weight.
What is the In-Flight Diversion table?
These charts are provided for the pilots to determine if the fuel remaining is enough to complete the trip at Long Range Cruise (LRC) mode from one point in cruise to an alternate airport. The charts also enable rapid determination of fuel and time required to proceed to an alternate airport.
Fuel and time are determined in the same way as the simplified flight planning charts, with distance to destination instead of trip distance, disregarding the climb phase.
The pilots can also use the charts in the opposite direction, i.e., entering with the fuel remaining onboard and finding the range at a given flight level at LRC.
What is the Flight Over Mountainous Areas / Engine Failure tables?
For most normal cruise weights and altitudes, an airplane will not be able to maintain its cruise altitude following an engine failure and will begin to descend (driftdown). In order to remain as high as possible, the pilot will use maximum continuous thrust on the remaining engine and slow down to the optimum driftdown speed, which is the speed that results in the lower descent gradient. The airplane will then descend along what is called the optimum driftdown profile. The optimum driftdown profile will keep the airplane as high as possible during the descent.
B. Regulations require that the actual airplane performance be calculated in the most conservative airplane configuration and then further decreased by a 1.1% climb gradient for two-engine airplanes. This reduced gradient path is called the enroute net flight path and is used to ensure enroute obstacle clearance (14 CFR 25.123 / CS 25.123).
C. During a driftdown, the available thrust increases as the airplane descends. Eventually, at a certain altitude the available thrust will become equal to the airplane drag, and the airplane will level-off. This altitude is called the gross level-off altitude. The gross level-off altitude, when corrected by the 1.1% gradient margin, is called the net level-off altitude and will depend on the atmospheric temperature and the airplane weight.
D. The airplane actual climb gradient (gross gradient) at the net level-off altitude will be 1.1%. The net gradient is the gross gradient subtracted by 1.1%. Obviously, the net gradient is zero at the net level-off altitude, and the gross gradient is zero at the gross level-off altitude.
E. Regulations (14 CFR 121.191) require that the airplane be able to clear all terrain by a given margin when an engine fails. Two means of compliance for enroute obstacle clearance are allowed:
1. The net level-off altitude must clear all enroute obstacles by at least 1,000 ft; or
2. The net flight path must clear all enroute obstacles between the point where the engine is assumed to fail and an airport where a Landing can be made by at least 2,000 ft.
Prior to departure, a detailed analysis of the route should be made using contour maps of the high terrain and plotting the highest points within the corridor’s width along the route (or, alternatively, using Minimum Enroute Altitude, MEA or Minimum Off Route Altitude, MORA). The next step is to determine if it is possible to maintain level flight with one engine inoperative 1,000 ft above the highest point of the crossing. If this is not possible, or if the associated weight penalties are unacceptable, a driftdown procedure should be worked out, based on engine failure at the most critical point and clearing critical obstacles during the driftdown by at least 2,000 ft. The minimum cruise altitude and the point of no return (PNR) are determined by the intersection of the two driftdown paths.
If an engine failure occurs after the PNR, the airplane will driftdown on course. If the failure occurs before PNR, the airplane will have to turn back. In either flight direction, the net flight path must clear the obstacles by 2,000 ft.
What is the depressurization tables?
The following charts present the passenger chemical oxygen generator descent profile. In case of an emergency descent, the airplane path must be at or below the generator profile in order to ensure sufficient supplemental breathing oxygen to the passengers.
What is AeroData?
AeroData Aircraft Performance Data Compute Server System
The most important advantage of the Compute Server System is that all performance calculations are computed real-time using the fewest possible conservatisms and generalizations. As a result, the highest possible performance values are provided to the airline.
When shall turns be commenced on takeoff? When should flaps be retracted?
NO turns shall be commenced below 1,000 ft above field elevation (AFE) when Takeoff weather is less than 1,000 ft ceiling and 3 sm/5 km visibility unless a Special Departure Procedure prescribes otherwise or the assigned instrument departure procedure specifically requires a turn before reaching 1,000 ft AGL.
Flap Retraction Altitude (FRA) for all Takeoffs is 1,000 ft AFE unless a Special Procedure prescribes otherwise.
Wet Runway
A runway that has a shiny appearance due to a thin layer of water less than 1⁄8” or 3mm covering 100% of the runway surface. If there are dry spots showing on a drying runway with no standing water, the runway is not considered to be wet.