People and influences Flashcards
Stated ‘it is’ - observation can’t be trusted
Disclose logos, expressed in silence, philosophy and religion. Thales, Pythagoras, Heraclitus and Parmenides (Zeno)
Thales (presocratics)
Theories on critical reason and observation
Pythagoras (presocratics)
Logos is mathematical, number and ratios have psychological properties.
Heraclitus (presocratics)
Senses are unreliable, logos known through wisdom
Parmenides - Zeno (presocratics)
Trist in reason, mistrust the senses
Know we have nothing, systematic questioning, concerned with politics/ethics
Rationalism, knowledge derived by logic. Allegory of cave (only see shadows, urge to deny new reality). Mistrust observation, only know appearances. Tripartite mind - Logistikon (logic), Thumos (spirit/emotions), Epithumetikon (desires)
Empiricist, founded Lyceum - observation is reliable, virtues are mean between 2 vices. Brain condenser for heated vapour, heat rose to top and escaped out of head
Humourism (4 elements). Sanguine (blood, air, liver, courage, hope & love), melancholic (black bile, earth & spleen, sleepiness/irritation), choleric (yellow bile, fire, gall bladder, anger, phlegmatic (phlegm, matter/brain, rationality, dulls emotions)
Thomas Aquines
Combined intellectual rigour with Christian faith. Developed analysis of causes
Name philosophers of the cultural transition of 16th-19th century
Descartes, Locke, Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard
Rationalist, reasoning soul who questioned everything. Mind and matter are different, how mind, body and senses interact. Pineal gland as important (endocrine gland that secretes melatonin)
World consists solely of matter in motion, impact of qualities of senses leads to secondary qualities (subjective) and primary (objective)
Scepticism, age of reason - argue from convictions. Scottish Enlightenment, role of association. Repeated instances do not justify ontological induction, never see causality we infer it.
Book illustrated enlightenment theory, a priori categories already exist. Understand causation, don’t need experience to make judgement, transcendental self
Existentialism, authenticity gives meaning to life. Embody spirit of Enlightenment
Modern psychologists (1850-1900)
Weber, Fechner, Wundt, Helmholtz, Pavlov
Focused on thresholds to measure sensitivity of senses. Only notice change when magnitude of change is bigger than critical fraction
Doctrine of mechanism (opposed to vitalism) - physiological processes are understandable in terms of physical/chemical properties. Measured rate of neural activity, in frogs = 25m per sec, humans = 50-100m per sec. Trichromatic theory, unconscious inference (perceptions contradict sensations)
Cultural psych, interested in language. Founder of experimental psych - study of mental life/consciousness. Systematic introspection
Psychometrics psychologists
Galton, Binet, Spearman
Fingerprint classification system, intelligence runs in families
Tests in memory, imagination, comprehension, attention. Developed tests to identify those with mental handicaps - word associations, drawing & digit span
Rival to Binet, is general intelligence. Performance depended on single g ability/several s abilities
Phrenology, comparative anatomist. Flaws of phrenology - shape of skull doesn’t reflect brain shape, assumed faculties depictured basic human characteristics
Sensations were properties of NS, can trick nerves into experiencing things without external stimuli
William James
Pragmatism - true beliefs are those the believer finds useful, functionalism
Internal & external observation. Problems - unverifiable, memory can play tricks with recollection. Criticisms - may not agree on introspection, can be classified as retrospection, imageless thoughts, perceive the stable world
Mesmer + Charcot
Mesmer = mesmerism, Charcot = neurologist who used hypnosis
Could reduce symptom severity, Anna O. Talking about memories alleviated symptoms, released repressed memories in unconscious
Karen Horney
Felt sex & aggression were not primary constituents for personality. Social aspects, humanistic psychoanalyst. Feminist, tyranny of should (internalised beliefs from toxic environment)
Carl Jung
Founded analytical psych, concepts of extraverted/introverted personality. Archetypes, collective unconscious, developed free association. Archetypes = wise old man, goddess, shadow, hero, anima, animus, persona
Defence mechanisms
Repression, regression, projection, displacement, reaction formation, denial, sublimation, rationalism