Freud and history of patient therapy Flashcards
What was Freud’s psychodynamic theory?
Convinced mental illness was psychological and should be treated. Said early human traumas could have affected personality in adult life
Which 7 components did Freud’s theory of mental life consist of?
Psychological development, personality, mental illness and cure, everyday life, sociology, anthropology, cultural history
From a psychodynamic perspective, it is said that this mind is filled with what?
Filled with unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings and memories
Define free association
Provides access to unconscious mind, thoughts are connected to what is troubling you
Which 3 methods of hypnotherapy were there?
Mesmer - mesmerism, Charcot - hypnosis, Breuer - reduce severity of symptoms
Name the 3 drives
Eros, libido and thonatos
Explain eros
Life instinct and drive for love and life. Sexual, life-giving and creative, guided by libido
What does libido refer to?
Pleasure principle. Psychic energy that drives individuals to experience sensual pleasure, work, play and leisure activities
Explain thonatos
Death drive, drive towards aggressive and destructive behaviour
What does preconscious mean?
Info not in conscious, but can be retrieved when needed
Describe the Id
Primitive, unconscious housing basic drives & repressed memories
Explain the superego
Morals, attitudes, conscience
Describe the ego
Conscious, rational part which keeps peace between superego and Id
Explain the pleasure principle
Psychosexual stages, Id’s pleasure seeking focuses on erogenous zones. too much or too little gratification can cause problems
List the psychosexual stages in order (5)
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Define the oral stage
0-2yrs. Focus on mouth, fixation causes smoking, biting fingernails.
Explain anal stage
2-3yrs, focus on anus. Fixation causes anally retentive or expulsive.
Describe the phallic stage
3-7yrs. Focus on genitals, exploration and interest Oedipus/Electra complex
What is the latency stage about?
7-11yrs, sexual stage is dormant, play with same sex peers until puberty begins
Describe genital stage
11 - adult, focus on genitals, attracted to opposite sex
Karen Horney said what about personality?
Felt aggression + sex were not primary constituents for personality, believed in social aspects. Humanistic and feminist.
Describe Carl Jung’s views
Founded analytical psych, developed concepts of extraverted/introverted personality. Disagreed with Freud
Name the 7 archetypes
Wise old man, goddess, shadow, hero, animus, anima, persona
List the 8 defence mechanisms
Repression, regression, displacement, projection, sublimation, reaction formation, rationalisation, denial
Define repression and regression
Repression - force painful thoughts into back of mind. Regression - act like a child to avoid adult issues
Describe displacement and projection
Displacement - divert impulses to more acceptable person/object. Projection - threatening impulses/attributing them to others
What is sublimation and reaction formation?
Sublimation - expend energy on prosocial activities. Reaction formation - make unacceptable impulses into opposite, acceptable form
Define both rationalisation and denial
Rationalism - try to make logical explanations of behaviour to justify it. Denial - refuse to perceive reality to protect ourselves from it
Describe self-actualisation
People stop at lower needs, noticing what exists inside them as potential
Name Maslow’s 3 types of needs
Basic needs, needs to know/understand, aesthetic needs
Name the physiological needs
Food, water, air
What are the safety needs?
Safety, order, security
Belongingness/love needs are what?
Affiliations, friends and support
Describe the actualising tendency
Move with ordered complexity towards our goals.
To be a fully functioning person, you must be…
Open to experiences, live in the present, trust feelings and instincts, less concern with social conventions
List the conditions in Pearson-centred therapy
Empathy, congruence/genuineness, unconditional positive regard