People And Biosphere Flashcards
What are biomes
Large-scale global ecosystems with distinctive vegetation
What are climates
An area determining what type of biome forms
Tropical forest climate
- the same all year round - no definite seasons
- hot (20-28°C)
- long days all year (12 hours)
- high rainfall (2000mm per year)
Tropicsl rainforest characteristics
Plants - most trees are evergreen and grow quickly
Animals - dense vegetation provides lots of food for different habitats.
Sloil - plants grow quickly and shed leaves all year round which decompose quickly leaving a constant supply of nutrients which are cycled quickly
Temperate forest climate
- four distinct seasons
- rainfall very high (1500mm)
- days are shorter in winter and longer in summer
Temperate forest characteristics
Plants - mild wet climate supports less plant species that tropical but more that boreal. Forests often made off broad-leaved trees that drop in autumn (oak), shrubs and undergrowth.
Animals - food provided for mammal (squirreles), birds and insects.
Soil - plants lose their leaves in autumn and the leaf litter decomposes quite quickly in moist climate. Soil is relatively thick and nutrient rich.
Boreal forests climate
- Have short summers and long winters, temp in winter in below -20 and in summer is approx 10°C
- precipitation is low (less than 500mm)
- gets lots of day light during summer
Boreal forest characteristics
Plants - most trees are evergree. Coniferous tree such as pine and fir are common. Also low growing mosses and lichen
Animals - few species as there is less food. Animals include black bears and wolves
Soil - needles from trees decompose slowly, soil is thin and acidic.
Tropical grassland climate
- low rainfall (800-900mm) and distinct wet/dry seasons
- temp highest around 35 before wet season and lowest at 15.
- found around the equator so gets lots of sun
Tropical grassland characteristics
Plants - consist mostly of grass, scrub and small plants.
Animals - home to lots of insects and larger animals like lions.
Soil - grass dies back during dry season forming thin nutrient rich soil, thoguh the nutrients are washed away in wet season
Temperate grassland climate
- hot summers (40) and cold winters (-40)
- recieve 250-500 mm precipiation in late spring and early summer
- light varies throughout year
Twmperate grassland climate characteristics
Plants - dominated by grasses and small plants with few trees
Animals - home to fewer animals like bison and rodents.
Soil - high temps in summer mean decomposition is fater so soil is thick and nutrient rich
Desert climate
- low rainfall (less than 250 mm)
- hot (45°C) at day but cold at night (0°C)
Tundra climate
- temp low (5-10) during summer and lower in winter (under -30)
- prescipation low (under 250 mm)
- at high latitudes so lots of daylight in summer
How does rocktype alter biomes
Some rocks are weatherd easily to form soils.
Different rocks contains different minerals
Some rock are permable (let water through)
How does soil type alter biomes
The acidity and drainage of soils varies, affecting how plants can grow. For example, peat soil is very acidic so only acid-tolerant plants can grow
How does drainage affect biomes
Soil can get waterlogged and only adapted plants can grow. Very wet areas may be home to aquatic species
How can biological weathering effect biomes
Rocks are brocken up into smaller pieces by living things
What is the biosphere
All parst of the Earth that are occupied by living oraganisms
Many indigeois people get all their food directly from plants and animals. Some forage for food, picking wild fruit etc.
Lots of plants have medical properties and are used to cure illnesses and keep people healthy. Plant species in tropical forests have been used to create over 7000 drugs like quinine
Building materials
Trees and other pants are used as building materials such as pine from taiga forest used to make furniture.
How is energy effected by comercial exploition
Increaing population and wealth cause increasing demand for energy. Large areas of forest are cut down to clear land for growing crops for biofules, or to male way for coal mines or power staytions. Some areas of the tropical forest are flooded from building a hydroelectric dam. Drilling oil and gas in the tundra cause the permafrost to melt from the pipeslines
How is water effected by comercial exploition
Pop increase cause demand for water - as people use water for washing, irrigating farming etc. water recources are over-exploited, especially in arid areas.