Pensions Flashcards
Postemployment Benefit Obligation
must be fully accrued by the date that employee attains full eligibility for all of the benefits expected to be received by that employee, even if the employee is expected to render additional service beyond that date.
PBO Determination
at the settlement rate
Pensions: Accrual Accounting
delaying recognition of certain events; reporting net cost; and off setting liabilities and assets.
Service Cost
measured using the projected benefit obligation.
If benefits to be accumulated in future periods are reduced, but the plan remains in existence and continues to pay benefits, to invest assets, and to receive contributions,
Settlement and Curtailment
If a plan is terminated and not replaced by a successor
Compensatory Share Based Payment Plan
An award of equity interests in exchange for employee services the compensation cost is recognized using the fair value method of option pricing and the measurement date is the date of the grant.
Service Cost Reporting
in the same line item(s) as other compensation costs arising from services rendered by the employees during the period
Accumulated Benefit Obligation
the actuarial present value of benefits attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee services rendered before a specified date and based on employee services and compensation prior to that date.
Projected Benefit Obligation
the actuarial present value as of a date of all benefits attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee service rendered prior to that date.
Acturarial Gains and Losses
changes in the amount of either the projected benefit obligation or plan assets resulting from experience different from that assumed, and also changes in assumptions. It includes both realized and unrealized gains and losses.
Net Pension Cost: Components
(1) service cost, (2) interest cost, (3) actual return on plan assets, if any, (4) amortization of unrecognized prior service cost, if any, (5) gain or loss (including the effects of changes in assumptions) to the extent recognized, and (6) amortization of the unrecognized net obligation (and loss or cost) or unrecognized net asset (and gain) existing at the date of initial application of GAAP.
the assumed health care cost trend rate(s) for the next year and a general description of the direction and pattern of change as well as the ultimate trend rate(s) and when the rate is expected to occur. The employer must also disclose the accumulated post-retirement benefit obligation.
Net Pension Cost
the contribution called for by the defined contribution plan for the period in which the individual renders services.
Interest Cost
the increase in the projected benefit obligation due to the passage of time.
Per Capita Claims
the current cost of providing postretirement health care benefits for one year at each age from the youngest age to the oldest age at which plan participants are expected to receive benefits under the plan. unique to postretirement benefits only.
Defined Contribution Plan
an employer contributes specific periodic amounts of contributions to the plan during the time the employee is in service such that after retirement, the employee would receive these contributions and along with any returns generated.
Defined Contribution Plan: Financial Statements
Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits of the Plan and Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits.
Stock Option Fair Value
Fair value on the grant date is used to recognize the expense on a straight-line basis over the period of service required by the employee before the option can be exercised.
Net Plan Assets
amounts contributed by the employer (and by employees for a contributory plan) and amounts earned from investing the contributions, less benefits paid.
Prior Service Cost Amortization
recognized during the future service periods of those employees active at the date of the amendment who are expected to receive benefits under the plan (i.e., in the current year and following years).
Sick Day Liability Accrual
if the entity customarily pays or allows compensated absences for employees with accumulated, nonvesting sick leave days, even though employees are not actually absent as a result of illness