Non Profit Flashcards
Establishment of an Endowment
recognize restricted contribution revenue. The NPO includes an asset in its balance sheet. When a beneficiary has an unconditional right to specific cash flows from a trust, the beneficiary interest is measured and subsequently remeasured at fair value, using a valuation technique
Reporting of Outstanding Encumbrances
equity section of the balance sheet.
Required Financial Statements
a Statement of Financial Position, a Statement of Activities, and a Statement of Cash Flows.
Pledge Recording
in the period they are made, net of an allowance for uncollectible accounts.
Control over Auxiliary
disclose the assets because it controls the guild through contracts or other legal documents that provide the authority to direct the guild’s activities
No Control over Auxiliary
not disclosed
Residual Interest
net assets . Net assets - residual interest in the assets of the entity that remains after reducing its liabilities.
Endowment Funds
long-term assets.
Plant Funds Group for Colleges and Universities
four subgroups: (1) unexpended plant funds, (2) funds for renewals and replacements, (3) funds for retirement of indebtedness, and (4) investment in plant.
Healthcare Entity Funds
two categories of funds: (1) the general funds and (2) the donor-restricted funds. The general fund is used to account for all assets and liabilities that are not required to be accounted for in a donor-restricted fund.
College Loan Funds Group
account for loans to students, faculty, and staff (and of resources available for such purposes).
College Plant Funds
The asset accounts contain the carrying amounts of the institution’s fixed assets.
Recognition of Restricted Revenue
Donations with a donor’s specified purpose must be recognized in the period of receipt
Two Types of Nonprofit Expenses
(1) program services and (2) supporting services. Program services are related directly to the primary missions of the nonprofit organization. Supporting services do not relate to the primary missions of the nonprofit organization and include such costs as management and general administration, membership development, and fund-raising.
Management and General Administration Costs
include such costs as board meetings, business management, record keeping, budgeting, accounting, and overall direction and leadership.