Leases Flashcards
Sales- Type Lease: Lessor
the lessor recognizes two types of revenue: the gain or loss on the sale (lease) of the asset and the interest income from the collection of the lease payment.
Sales - Type Lease: Unearned Interest Revenue
amortized over the life of the lease using the effective interest rate method on the receipt of the periodic lease payments.
Leases: Fair Value Option
does not apply to financial assets and liabilities
Finance Lease Criteria
one of the following criteria:
• Present Value equals or exceeds substantially all (90%) of the Fair Value
• Option to Purchase (exercise is reasonably certain)
• Economic Life - Major part (75%) of asset’s economic life is used
• Transfer of Ownership at lease termination
• Specialized Nature - No alternative use to the lessor at lease termination
Sale - Leaseback Transaction
the transfer of the asset must meet the requirements for a sale per the Revenue Recognition standards. If there is no sale for the seller-lessee, the buyer-lessor also does not account for a purchase.
Lease Payment Calculation: Guaranteed Residual Value
the lessee would only include the amount that it is probable that the lessee will owe under the residual value guarantee at the end of the lease term.
Sales - Type Lease: Lessor Criteria
when the lease meets any one of the following criteria at lease commencement (these are the same criteria for a Finance Lease):
• Present Value equals or exceeds substantially all (90%) of the Fair Value
• Option to Purchase (exercise is reasonably certain)
• Economic Life - Major part (75%) of asset’s economic life is used
• Transfer of Ownership at lease termination
• Specialized Nature - No alternative use to the lessor at lease termination
Lessee: Operating Lease
unless the following criteria are met, in which case the leaseholder should classify it as a direct financing lease:
• The present value of the sum of the lease payments and any residual value guaranteed by the lessee which is not already reflected in the lease payments and/or any third party unrelated to the lessee is equal to or substantially exceeds the fair value of the underlying property.
• It is probable that the lessor is likely to collect the lease payments plus any amount required to meet the residual value guarantee.
Rent Income Receivable
divided evenly over each period in line with matching principle regardless of the pattern of payments. Whether payments increase or decrease during the term of the lease, or whether the lease contains periods that may be rent-free, or involves nonrefundable deposits,
Finance Lease: Lessee
At a Finance Lease inception, the lessee records an ROU Asset and corresponding lease liability at the present value of the lease payments not yet paid.
Sale - Leaseback: Profit on Sale
reported for the excess of the present value of the minimum lease payments over the carrying amount of the equipment. The list price of the equipment is irrelevant.
Short Term Lease
recognizes lease payments as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term and does not recognize a lease liability or ROU asset on its balance sheet).
Lease Bonus
deferred (prepaid) rent and amortized using the Straight-Line Method (SLM) over the lease term.
Customer Control over Asset
- Customer has legal title
- Customer has physical possession
- Customer has the significant risks and rewards of ownership
- Customer has accepted the asset
- Seller has a present right to payment.
Executory Costs
recurring expenses, which if incurred by the lessee, is expensed as incurred.