Governmental Flashcards
Government Wide Financial Statements
display information about the reporting government as a whole, except for its fiduciary activities. include separate columns for the governmental and business type activities of the primary government as well as for its component units.
Primary Government
includes blended component units. The reporting entity’s financial statements should present the primary government (including its blended component units) and provide an overview of the discretely presented component units.
Primary Government Criteria
- It has a separately elected governing body, it is legally separate and
- It is fiscally independent.
fiscally independent:
- determine its budget,
- levy taxes without approval, and
- issue bonded debt without approval by another government.
Management Discussion and Analysis
allows management to highlight significant issues and discuss key issues from the financial statements.
Noncapital Financing
include cash receipts from grants and subsidies except (1) those specifically restricted for capital purposes and (2) those for specific activities that are considered to be operating activities of the grantor government.
Operating Activities
cash inflows, receipts, and payments that do not result from transactions defined as capital and related financing, noncapital financing, or investing activities.
Financing Activities
acquiring and disposing of capital assets; borrowing money for acquiring, constructing, or improving capital assets
Investing Activities
making and collecting loans (except program loans) and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments.
Statement of Cash Flows should be presented for which funds?
all proprietary funds, but not for governmental funds.
Component Unit Discrete Presentation
unless either (a) the components unit’s governing body is substantively the same as the governing body of the primary government, or (b) the component unit provides services almost entirely to the primary government, or almost exclusively benefits the primary government although it does not provide services directly to it.
Consolidated Component Unit Data Presentation
in either the notes to the financial statements or in combining statements in the basic financial statements
Pension Plan Reporting
in the fund financial statements, but not the government-wide statements. Fiduciary statements should include financial information for fiduciary funds and similar component units.
Other Postemployment Benefits
Most entities fund their OPEB on a pay-as-you-go basis, paying only the amount equal to benefits claimed. The objective is to systematically and rationally allocate the present value of the projected cost of benefits over the working life of benefiting employees.
Annual Required Contribution
The amount allocated to a given year
Actuarial Accrued Liability
The present value of benefits earned to date by employees.
Discrete Presentation
(1) economic resources received or held by the separate entity are totally (or nearly totally) for the direct benefit of the primary government, its component units, or its constituents; (2) the primary government, or its component units, is entitled to a majority of the economic resources received or held by the separate entity; and (3) the economic resources received or held by an individual entity that the specific primary government, or its component units, is entitled to, or has the ability to otherwise access, are significant to that primary government.
Management Discussion and Analysis Attributes and Presentation
provides an analysis of the government’s financial performance for the year, provides comparisons of the current-year results to the previous year, and discusses both the positive and negative aspects of the comparison. Overall, the emphasis should be on the current year and the focus should be on the primary government. Although considered RSI, the MD&A is presented before the basic financial statements.
Reporting of General Government Fixed Assets and Long Term Debt
General government fixed assets and long-term debt are not recorded in the governmental funds, but are shown in the governmental activities column of the governmental-wide financial statements.
Presentation of Budgetary Comparisons
part of required supplementary information (RSI).