Pelzer GI Exam 1 Flashcards
What type of virus is Vesicular Stomatitis?
How is vesicular stomatitis transmitted?
biting flies
What is the cause of Malignant Catarrhal Fever?
Ovine Herpes Virus 1 and BUFFALO are the most susceptible
What type of virus is Bluetongue?
How is Bluetongue transmitted?
biting flies
What type of virus is Bovine Papular Stomatitis?
Parapox virus
Is Bovine Papular Stomatitis Reportable??
no, not in and of itself; HOWEVER, YOU CANNOT Differentiate between it and FMD so you should.
What type of virus is Orf?
Parapox virus
What is the main species affected by Orf
Goats - small ruminants; affects the EXTERNAL surfaces of the mouth
What are the foreign bodies of concern in California?
Grass Awns
Culprit of Wooden Tongue?
Actinobacillus lignierisi
Culprit of Lumpy Jaw?
Actinomyces bovis
How could you Dx Wooden Tongue?
Sulfur granules in the NODULES in the tongue of Gram NEG rods
How do you Tx Wooden Tongue?
IV Sodium Iodide and repeat in 7-10 days
Sulfas and Tetracyclines
What is an adverse effect of Sodium Iodide treatment in cattle with Wooden Tongue?
Epiphora – excessive tear production
Flaky Skin
How might you Dx Lumpy Jaw
Sulfur granules in pus from DRAINING Tracts due to osteomyelitis caused by A. bovis.
Does the defect go away from Lumpy Jaw?
NO the osteomyelitis has remodeled the bone
What would you first think of when you see swelling of the THROAT LATCH AREA?
Traumatic Pharyngitis
What do you think if a cow is extending their neck?
Difficulty breathing –> Pneumonia or Choke
When might you see more cases of choke?
Late Summer/Early Fall – when apples and pears are falling
Clinical signs associated with choke?
BLOAT, anorexia, staggering, salivation, head thrashing, neck extension
Where are the 3 places obstructions can occur?
1) Post-Pharyngeal
2) Thoracic Inlet
3) Heart Base
Culprit of liver abscesses
Fusobacterium necrophorum*** and Truperella pyogenes
When would you expect to see liver abscesses?
FEEDLOT because of Rumen ACIDOSIS
How could you tell a cow’s liver was painful?
PAIN on getting up and lying down. If it is enlarged it will HURT!
What two conditions can result in Hepatic Lipidosis in ruminants?
Fat Cow Syndrome
Pregnancy toxemia
What’s so important about rumen contractions?
1) help move ingesta through GI tract
2) help move the GAS around
What is cud? Vomiting or regurgitation?
Primary contraction cycle
biphasic reticulum contraction
dorsal sac then ventral sac
omasal orifice opens allowing entry
Secondary contraction cycle
Caudal blind sac across the dorsal aspect of the rumen, pushing GAS down into the cardia = eructation
How many contractions per minute normally?
3 - two primary and one secondary
How often does a cow burp?
Every 2 minutes
How does weather affect the cow’s appetitie?
Digestion generates a lot of heat. If it’s HOT they won’t eat as much
What is bloat?
rumenal tympany
What are the 3 kinds of bloat?
Free gas - excessive gas and low pH
Free gas - obstruction
What physiologically causes bloat?
receptors in the cardia which when covered with water, ingesta or foam will inhibit eructation
increased pressure, decreased contractions
What causes FROTHY boat?
Lush pasture (soluble proteins cause BuBBle formation) High concentrate diets/grain diets (bacteria make mucoprotein slime and small particle size)
What causes free-gas bloat?
Cardia is not cleared
1) High grain diet -> Inc VFA and low pH
3) blockages/obstruction (esophagus, or postural)
How do you prevent bloat?
Slow introduction to pasture
Feed ionophores
Feed dry hay before putting out
Poloxelene blocks
How do you treat bloat?
relieve the pressure
use soap for frothy bloat
What is normal pH of rumen?
What do front legs UNDER the cow mean?
Abdominal or Thoracic PAIN
Where do we see hardware disease more often? Why?
DAIRY cattle, more regimented feeding and closer to hardware than beef that spend most of their time on pasture
Only see in beef cattle if barn’s have fallen down after a storm
What does hardware disease present as?
Chronic poor doer/ADR, milk production down, painful presentation of legs under chest trying to take weight off
Washing machine heart sounds/muffled heart sounds
What is the GRUNT test?
rudimentary means of testing for PAIN – Positive for Hardware
What is the hallmark clinical sign of hardware disease?
washing machine sounds
How can you treat hardware disease?
Fifth Rib resection - remove it and tack pericardium to the body wall and drain it
Magnet, Abx (PPG for a week), confinement while elevating front end, fluids and transfaunate
Hardware prevention?
magnets at 6-8 months of age
Simple indigestion in cows
Upset, ADR then 24 hours later diarrhea and things get better
Papple shape
VAGAL indigestion