Pelvis I Flashcards
What bones make up the pelvic girdle?
2 Os coxae (hip bones), sacrum and coccyx
What forms the ox coxae?
fusion of ilium, ischium and pubis
where the head of the femur articulates with the os coxae
What forms the obturator foramen?
the ischium and pubis
What connects the ASIS to the PSIS?
the iliac crest
What is the concave medial surface of the ilium?
the iliac fossa
What makes up the ischiopubic ramus?
The inferior pubic ramus and the ischial ramus
superior to this is the superior pubic ramus
ischial tuberosity
site of muscle attachment
What articulates with the base of the sacrum?
L5/S1 intervertebral disc and L5 vertebrae
What articulates with the apex of the sacrum?
the coccyx
What is the sacral promontory?
anterior edge of the S1 vertebral body, obstetrical landmark, limits anterior/posterior dimensions of the pelvis
Pelvic inlet
made up of greater (false) pelvis- continuous with abdominal cavity & lesser (true) pelvis-holds pelvic organs/vasculature
Boundaries of the Pelvic Outlet
coccyx and sacrum
Describes the sex differences of the pelvis
Male: subpubic angle is <70deg, heart shaped
Females: subpubic angle >80deg, round
Obturator membrane
Closes the obturator membrane except for a small opening, the obturator canal ( a passage way to the medial compartment of the thigh
What are the muscles of the lesser pelvis?
piriformis, obturator internus, pelvic diaphragm
origin and insertion of piriformis?
origin: anterior surface of sacrum- course through greater sciatic foramen
insert: femur
Sacral plexus
ventral rami of the sacral spinal nerves emerge on the anterior sacral foramina and pass through piriformis to form the sacral plexus on its internal surface
What innervates piriformis?
the sacral plexus