pelvis Flashcards
week 1 (part 1)
What are the two bones of the pelvis that are components of the vertebral column?
Coccyx and sacrum
What are the three bones of the pelvis?
right and left pelvic bones (innominate bones) Coccyx and sacrum
What is the lowest vertebrae of the lumbar region?
vertebrae LV
What vertebrae does the Sacrum articulate superiorly with AND at what joint?
lumbosacral joint
The Ala binds to the greater pelvis ….
what is the promontory of the pelvis?
anterior margin of first sacral vertebrae
The four anterior sacral formina are an exit for …. and entrance for…
exit= anterior divisions of sacral nerves
entrance = lateral sacral arteries
What does the pelvis bone ABOVE the linea terminalis represent?
represents the lateral wall of the false pelvis, which is part of the abdominal cavity
What does the pelvic bone BELOW the linea terminalis represent?
represents the lateral wall of the true pelvis, which contains the pelvic cavity.
What three elements form each pelvic bone?
llium, pubis and ischium.
Describe how the three components of the pelvic bone are connected throughout time.
At birth, these bones are connected by cartilage in the area of the acetabulum; later, at between 16 and 18 years of age, they fuse into a single bone.
What does the walls of the pelvic cavity consist of?
the coccyx,
the pelvic bones inferior to the linea terminalis,
two ligaments (sacrospinous and sacrotuberous)
two muscles (Obturator internus and piriformis)
What are the two ligaments of the Walls of the pelvic cavity?
sacrospinous and sacrotuberous
What are the two muscles of the Walls of the pelvic cavity?
(Obturator internus and piriformis)
Describe the Sacrospinious ligament
smaller of the two ligaments of the pelvic walls
apex attached to ischial spine and base attached to sacrum and coccyc.
Describe the Sacrotuberous ligament
also triangular and is superficial to the sacrospinous ligament.
Its base is broad and attaches from the posterior superior iliac spine of the pelvic bone, along the lateral margin of the sacrum, and onto the coccyx. Laterally, the apex of the ligament is attached to the ischial tuberosity.
Where do the two pelvic wall muscles originate from?
Originate from pelvic cavity but attach to femur
What is the shape of the Obturator internus and where does it originate from?
flat, fan-shaped muscle originating from the deep surface of the obturator membrane and the pelvic bone.
Function of Obtutator internus
The muscle fibers of the obturator internus form a tendon that leaves the pelvic cavity through the lesser sciatic foramen, and then passes to the greater trochanter of the femur.
forms a large part of the anterolateral wall of the pelvic cavity
What is the shape of the Piriformis and where does it originate from?
triangular and originates from the sacrum.
What are the three major apertures of the pelvic wall?
the obturator canal;
the greater sciatic foramen; and
the lesser sciatic foramen.