Pelvis Flashcards
Muscles of posterior abdominal wall
Psoas major
Quadratus lumborum
Psoas major - where does the nerves that pass through arise
From the front: genitofemoral N
Lateral: ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric, lat femoral cutaneous & femoral
Medial = obturator & lumbosacral trunk
What emerges from lat aspect of psoas major
Lateral femoral cutaneous n
Femoral N
Action of psoas major
Hip flexor
Lateral flexor of vertebral column
Nerve supply to psoas major
L1-3, mainly L2
Origin & insertion of psoas major
T12-L5 bodies, IVD, transverse processes
Into lesser trochanter
Quadratus lumborum origin & insert
Origin from Transverse process of L5 from strong iliolumbar lig to upper 4 lumbar vertebra and inferior border of 12th rib
What runs behind the lateral arcuate lig
The subcostal neurovascular bundle
Iliacus origin & insert
Upper 2/3rds of iliac fossa to inner lip of iliac crest and Ant sacroiliac lig
Inserts into psoas (lesser trochanter)
Nerve supply of iliacus
Femoral, L2/3
What is the thoracolumbar fascia
Deep investing membrane covering deep muscles of trunk, with 3 layers
Abdominal aorta starts
T12, b/w crura of diaphragm
Abdo aorta ends
L4, divides into 2 common iliac A
What are the branches of the abdo aorta
3 single ventral arteries - coliac, SMA, IMA
Paired branches to viscera
— suprarenal, renal, gonadal
Paired branches to abdo wall
- inferior phrenic, lumbar A
Median sacral A
Where does the renal A commence
How do the subcostal A enter the abdomen
Arise from thoracic aorta
Travel under lateral arcuate lig, over lumbar fascia, behind kidney in neurovascular plane IO and TA
How many lumbar As are there
4 in number
What do the lumbar arteries give off
Posterior and spinal A
Where do common iliac A begin
L4, to the L of midline
What crosses the L common iliac
Inferior mesenteric (sup rectal) vessels
Sympathetic contributions to superior hypogastric plexus
What does the external iliac A give off
2 branches - inferior epigastric
Deep circumflex
Then enters inguinal lig = femoral A
IVC starts….
L5, behind R common iliac A
Which aspects of IVC have valves
Only the gonadal V
What does each common iliac vein receive
Iliolumbar V
Lateral sacral V
Median sacral V
What are the tributaries to the IVC
Common iliac V
Lumbar V
Gonadal V
Renal V
Suprarenal V
Subcostal N and journey
T12, from thorax, behind lateral arcuate lig
What are the branches of the lumbar plexus
L1 = ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric
L1,2 = genitofemoral
L2,3 = lateral femoral cutaneous *post div
L2,3,4 = femoral (post)
L2,3,4 = obturator (ant)
iliohypogastric supplies
Skin in upper buttock
Suprapubic skin
Ilioinguinal nerve supply
Ant 1/3rd of scrotum, penis, upper part of groin
Genitofemoral nerve supply
Motor fibres to cremaster m
Sensory fibres to spermatic fascia, tunica, skin on scrotum, mons pubis/labia
Supplies skin over upper part of femoral triangle
Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh supply
Iliac fascia, parietal peritoneum of iliac fossa
Lateral side of thigh to knee
Femoral N branches
N to pectineus
N to sartoris
N to rectus femoris
N to vatus lateralis, intermedius, medialis
Saphenous n
Saphenous n supply
Skin over subcutaneous surface of tibia
Obturator division
Anterior , posterior (over adductor brevis)
Anterior div of obturator nerve supplies
Adductor brevis
Adductor longus
Medial thigh cutaneously
Post div of obturator nerve supplies
Obturator externus
Adductor magnus
What is the order the vessels in obturator foramen
SNS to the pelvis
Coeliac plexus
Lumbar trunk
Psns of pelvis
Pelvic splanchnic, joins inferior hypogastric plexus
What runs in the white ramus communicans
Sympathetic preganglionic fibres
What runs in the grey ramus communicans
Sympathetic post ganglionic fibres
Posterior relations of kidney
Quadratus lumborum
Transversus abdominis
Subcostal V
Subcostal A
Subcostal N
Iliohypogastric N
Ilioinguinal N
Anterior relations of R kidney
Peritoneum of hepatorenal pouch
2nd part of duodenum
Hepatic flexure
Anterior relations of L kidney
Peritoneum of lesser sac
Peritoneum of greater sac
Body of pancreas, splenic vessels
Splenic flexure
Where does the perinephric fat lie
Outside of renal capsule, surrounded by renal fascia
Blood supply to the kidneys
Renal arteries, L2
Order of vessels at renal hilum
Renal V most anterior
Renal A
Ureter most posterior
Lymph drainage of kidney
Para-aortic nodes at L2
Nerve supply of kidney
Sympathetic preganglionic cells in T12-L1 and they send preganglionic fibres to thoracic and lumbar splanchnic nerves
How long is the ureter
Narrowest points of ureter
Pelvoureteric junction
Pelvic brim
Vesicoureteric junction
Where does the ureter run
Arise most post structure in renal hilum
Along tips (medially) of transverse processes
Crosses pelvic brim in sacroiliac joints
What crosses the L ureter
Gonadal vessels
L colic vessels
Apex of sigmoid colon
What crosses R ureter
Gonadal vessels
R colic vessels
Ileocolic vessels
Root of mesentry
Blood supply of ureter
Upper - ureteric branch of renal A
Middle - aorta, gonadal, common iliac, internal iliac A
Lower - branches of inferior and superior vesical and uterine arteries
Lymph drainage of ureters
Abdo portion - para-aortic nodes
Pelvic - common iliac, internal iliac LN
Nerve supply of ureter
Sympathetic fibres from t10-l1 via coeliac and hypogastric plexus
PSNS fibres from pelvic splanchnic nerves
Development of ureters
Mesodermal origin
Ureteric buds from caudal end of mesonephric duct
Features of R suprarenal gland
Lies on diaphragm
Enroaches front of R kidney
Anterior surface overlapped by IVC
In contact with bare area of liver
Features of L suprarenal gland
Medial border of L kidney to above hilum
Lies on L crus
Where do the suprarenal glands lie
L = L crus
R = on diaphragm
Lymph drainage of suprarenals
Para-aortic nodes
Nerve supply of suprarenals
Myelinated preganglionic sympathetic fibres from splanchnic nerves via coeliac plexus (synapse directly with medullary cells
structure of suprarenal gland
Cortex = 3 zones
What do the components of medulla form
- zona glomerulosa = aldosterone
- zona fasciculata = cortisol
- zona reticularis = androgen hormones
- A, NA, dopamine
Internal iliac artery divisions
Posterior - 3
Anterior - 9
Where does the internal iliac arise
At bifurcation of common iliac, at L4
Branches of the internal iliac a
Post - iliolumbar, lateral sacral, superior gluteal A
- obturator a, inferior gluteal A, umbilical A
- uterine A, vaginal A, superior vesical A
- inferior vesical, middle rectal, internal pudendal
Posterior divisions of int iliac A
Uterine, umbilical, sup vesical
Inferior gluteal, inf vesical, internal pudendal
Obturator a, middle rectal, vaginal A
Ant divisions of internal iliac A
Lateral sacral
Superior gluteal A
Pelvic brim
Pubic crest, pectineal line of pubis, arcuate line of ilium, ala and promontory of sacrum
What angle does the pelvic brim lie at
60 degrees
Sex differences b/w pelvis
Female = broader, slender
Less acute subpubic angle
Less indentation from promontory
Pubic arch is wider
Muscles of the pelvis
Obturator internus
Levator ani
- iliococcygeus
- pubococcygeus
Piriformis origin and insert
Middle 3 pieces of sacrum to insert sup aspect of greater trochanter
Obturator internus origin and insert
Obturator membrane, bony margins of foramen and ischial tuberosity
Insert with sacrotuberous lig to ischial tuberosity
What makes up the pelvis floor
Where does the iliococcygeus origin
Posterior half of tendinous arch
Pelvic surface of ischial spine
Pubococcygeus components
Nerve supply of levator ani
Sacral plexus branches of S3/4
What makes up levator ani
Origin of coccygeus
Tip of ischial spine => coccyx and lowest part of sacrum
Nerve supply of coccygeus
Sacral plexus branches S3/4
Blood supply of rectum
Superior rectal A
Middle rectal
Inferior rectal
Median sacral A
Venous return of rectum
Internal rectal plexus and external rectal plexus forms potential site of portosystemic anastomosis
As some into IMV, some into internal pudendal V
Nerve supply of the rectum
Sympathetic - from inferior mesenteric plexus
PSNS - pelvic splanchnics from S2,3,4 via inferior hypogastric plexus (motor to rectal M
Urinary bladder surfaces
Inferolateral surface
Superior surface
What attaches to apex of bladder
Urachus => medial umbi lig => median umbi fold
What aspects of bladder are covered by peritoneum
Base (upper portion)
Superior surface
What is the space infront of inferolateral surfaces of bladder
Behind pubic symphysis = retropubic space
What is the lowest part of bladder
Internal surface of bladder features
What is the trigone
2 ureteral orifice and internal urethral orifice below
Blood supply of bladder
Superior and inferior vesical A (from Internal Iliac A)