Pelvic Cavity & Peritoneum Flashcards
Mention bounds of pelvic cavity
Behind & above: sacrum & coccyx
In front & below: symphsis pubis & pubic bodies
On each side: pelvic surfaces of ilium, ischium, rami of ischium & pubis & obturator membrane
List contents of pelvic cavity
Ant: urinary bladder & prostate in male
Post: pelvic colon & rectum
Intermediate: in male: vas deferens & seminal vesicles, in female: uterus, ovaries, uterine tubes, vagina
Compare pelvic peritoneum in male & female
M, peritoneum is reflected at the junction of middle & lower thirds of rectum on urinary bladder forming recto-vesical pouch (7.5 cm above anal orifice), then covers upper part of urinary bladder & covers ant abdominal wall
F, peritoneum is reflected at the junction of middle & lower thirds of rectum on posterior wall of vagina forming recto-uterine or Douglas pouch (5.5 cm above anal orifice) then peritoneum is reflected from ant wall of uterus at junction of body & cervix on sup surface urinary bladder (utero-vesical pouch).
Describe bounds of perineum
Ant: pubic arch & inf pubic ligament
Post: tip of coccyx
Lat: ischial tuberosities
Ant-lat: conjoint ischial & pubic rami
Post-lat: sacrotuberous ligament
Anal triangle contains……, urogenital triangel contains…….
Anal canal in median place & ischiorectal fossae on each side
Urethra & external genital organs & perineal pouches
Mention bounds of ischiorectal fossa
Apex: thin edge at junction of obturator internus & levator ani
Base: skin on side of anal orifice
Ant: post border of perineal membrane & posterior aspect of muscles of UG triangle
Post: sacrotuberous ligament covered by lower border of gluteus maximus
Lat wall: vertical formed by lower part of obturator internus & its fascia & ischial tuberosity
Med wall: is sloping downwards & medially formed by inf surface of levator ani & external anal sphincter
List contents of ischiorectal fossa
- Fat that allows distension of anal canal
- Structures in pudendal canal: pud n, internal pud v
- Inferior rectal n & v supply levator ani & external anal sphincter
Smaller structures: posterior scrotal or labial n & v, perineal v, perineal branch of 4th sacral n.
Define pudendal canal
A passage in obturator fascia that covers medial aspect of obturator internus, it allows passage of pudendal n & int pud v to perineum
Describe course of pudendal n
One of terminal branches of sacral plexus (S2,3&,4), in pelvis it descends infront of piriformis then leaves pelvic caivity to gluteal region through greater sciatic foramen, then crosses sacrospinous ligament & enters lesser sciatic foramen to pass through pudendal canal to reach perineum.
Describe course & braches of internalnpudendal a
One of terminal branches of sacral plexus (S2,3&,4), in pelvis it descends infront of piriformis then leaves pelvic caivity to gluteal region through greater sciatic foramen, then crosses the tip of ischial spine between pudendal n & n to obturator internus & enters lesser sciatic foramen to pass through pudendal canal to reach perineum. It enters deep perineal pouch & pierces the perineal membrane to enter the superficial perineal pouch ends by dividing into deep & dorsal arteries of penis
List branches of pudendal nerve & what they supply?
- Inferior rectal nerve: passes medially across the ischiorectal fossa and gives off motor branches to levator ani & external anal sphincter & sensory branches to skin around the anus.
- Perineal n: to muscles of superficial & deep perineal pouches & sensory n (posterior scrotal or labial n)
- Dorsal n of penis & clitoris supplies corpora cavernsa of penis & its skin
List branches of internal pudendal art
- Inferior rectal art
- Perineal art: divides into transverse branch (to transverse perineal muscles & perineal body) & 2 post sacral (or labial) arteries that supply skin of scrotum (or labium majus)
- Artery of bulb
- Urethral artery
- Deep art of penis
- Dorsal art of penis
List the fasciae dividing urogenital triangle into compartments
- Deep membranous layer of superficial fascia
- Inferior fascia of UG diaphragm or perineal membrane
- Superior fascia of UG diaphragm
Describe relation of the perineal fasciae:
1. Anteriorly
2. Posteriorly
- The sup & inf fasciae of UG diaphragm fuse a little behind symphsis pubis, but membranous layer of superficial fascia continues with that of anterior abdominal wall and does not unite with the other 2 membranes.
- All three membranes are attached together
Describe attachments of perineal membrane
Posteriorly, is fused with perineal body with superior fascia of UG diaphragm and with membranous layer of superficial fascia
Lateral margins are attached to ischiopubic ramus
Ant apex is fused with superior fascia of UG diaphragm so closing deep perineal pouch ant. It is thickened forming transverse perineal ligament which is separated from inf pubic ligament by gap through which oass the deep dorsal vein of penis & dorsal n of penis or clitoris
List structures piercing perineal membrane
A. UG structures: urethra & ducts of bulbo-urethral gland (male) or urethra & vagina (female)
B. Vessels (arteries): artery of bulb of penis or vestibule, urethral arteries, deep & dorsal arteries of penis or clitoris, posterior scrotal or labial vessels.
C. Nerves: nerves of bulb of penis or vestibule & posterior scrotal or labial nerves
Describe bounds of superficial perineal pouch
Inf: membranous layer of the superficial layer
Sup: pernial membrane
On each side: pubic arch to which roof & floor are attached
Post: the pouch is closed by fusion of membranes
Ant: it is open and cont with the interval between the membranous layer of the superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall and the aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique.
Mention contents of superficial perineal pouch
1. root of penis (2 crura and bulb) (root of clitoris in female)
2. Part of urethra in male (two bulbs of vestibule around urethral & vaginal orifices in female)
3. Ducts of bulbourethral glands in male (greater vestibular glands in female)
B. Muscles:
1. Two ischiocavernosi muscles coveing crura of penis (or crura of clitoris)
2. A median bulbospongiosus muscle covering bulb of penis (or 2 bulbospongiosi muscles covering bulbs of vestibule)
3. Two superficial transversei perinei muscles
C. Vessels: same as piercing perineal membrane
D. Nerves: dorsal n of penis or clitoris & posterior scrotal nerves or posterior labial arteries
Describe bounds of deep perineal pouch
Floor: perineal membrane
Sup: superior fascia if UG diaphragm
On each side: ischiopubic rami
Ant & post: fusion of perineal membrane with the superior fascia of the UG diaphragm so it is a closed space
Mention contents of deep perineal pouch
In male:
Membranous urethra, a pair of bulbourethral glands, sphincter urethrae & deep tranversei perinei muscles (both from UG diaphragm), termination of internal pudendal artery, dorsal n of penis
In female:
Part of urethra, part of vagina, sphincter urethrae & deep tranversei perinei muscles (both from UG diaphragm), termination of internal pudendal artery, dorsal n of clitoris