Peds (reflexes/ milestones) Flashcards
The ability to stand with feet flat, balance reactions and weight shifting in standing are possible negative effects on movement that can occur if which reflex does not integrate?
During which age range is a toddler able to: ride tricycle, walk on tip toes, run on toes, walk down stairs reciprocally, catch large ball, hop on one foot, turn door knob, open/ close jar, button large buttons, use scissors with assistance, 12-15 piece puzzles, and can fold clothes?
2 years
Oral-motor development, development of midline control of head, optical righting, visual tracking and social interaction are all possible negative effects on movement if which reflex does not integrate?
During which age range do infants exhibit the ability to: bear weight on extended arms in prone, pivot in prone to reach Tony’s, roll from supine to side, feet in mouth, steady head in sitting, can turn head in sitting, sits alone for brief periods of time, bears all of weight through legs during supported standing, grasps and releases, uses ulnar palmar grasp?
4-5 months
Describe the rooting reflex.
Stimulus: touch on check
Response: baby turns head to the same side with the mouth open
Which infant reflex appears around 6 months and disappears by 8 months?
STNR (symmetrical tonic neck reflex)
At what age range can an infant: walk without support, fast walk, walk sideways, bend over and look between legs, creeps or hitches upstairs, throws ball in sitting, marks paper with crayon, builds tower/ stack blocks, and can turn over small container to get to objects inside?
12-15 months
Both the moro and startle reflex show up around? Disappear?
Begin at 28 weeks of gestation/ in utero
Disappear at 5 months of age
The _ _ reflex begins at 35 weeks of gestation/ around birth and disappears around 2 months of age.
The POSITIVE SUPPORT reflex begins at 35 weeks . . .
At which age are infants able to: lift head to 90 degrees breifly, roll from prone to supine, lift chest up in prone with some weight through forearms, ATNR, reciprocal leg kicks, prefers head to side, head upright but bobs, needs support to sit, is able to open hands, visually follow for 180 degrees, exhibits reflexive grasp, able to use palmar grasp?
2-3 months
During which age range are infants able to: roll from supine to prone, weight shift on one hand to reach for toy, lift head in supine, lifts head and helps when pulled into sitting, gets to sitting w/out assistance, sits independently, may crawl backward, approaches objects with one hand, radial palmar grasp, and voluntary release to transfer objects between hands?
6-7 months
Describe the Moro reflex.
Stimulus- head dropping into extension suddenly for a few inches
Response- Arms abduct with fingers open, then cross into adduction; cry
Describe the plantar grasp reflex.
Stimulus= pressure to base of toes Response= flexion of toes
Which reflex is being described:
Stimulus- supported upright position with the soles of the feet on firm surface
Response- reciprocal flexion and extension of legs
When does the Galant reflex appear and disappear?
Appears around 30 weeks of gestation/ in utero
Disappears around 2 mos of age
Ability to grasp and release objects voluntarily, weight bearing on an open hand for propping, crawling, and protective responses are possible negative effects on movement if which reflex does not integrate?
Palmar grasp reflex
Around what age do infants exhibit: physiological flexion in prone and supine, are able to briefly lift head and turn to side, exhibit reflexive standing and walking, visually follow moving object to midline, jerky arm movements, and regards objects in direct line of sight?
Newborn to 1 month
Feeding, visual tracking, midline use of hands, bilateral hand use, rolling, crawling problems as well as development of spinal deformities (scoliosis, hip subluxation or dislocation) are all possible negative effect on movement that can occur if which spinal reflex doesn’t integrate?
Which reflex is being described:
Stimulus- pressure in Palm on ulnar side of hand
Response- flexion of fingers and strong grip
Which reflex if not properly integrated can result in difficulty with standing, walking, balance reactions, weight shift in standing, and can lead to plantar flexion contractures of ankles?
Ability to initiate rolling, ability to prop on elbows with hips extended in prone, ability to flex trunk and hips to come to sitting position from supine, full body extension that can interfere with balance in sitting and standing, are possible negative effects on movement that can occur if which reflex doesn’t integrate?
Tonic Labyrinthine reflex (TLR)
Which reflex is being described:
Stimulus- weight placed on balls of feet in upright position
Response- Stiffening of legs and trunk into extension
Describe Tonic labyrinthine reflex (TLR).
Stimulus: head/ position of labyrinth in inner ear
Response: In supine position- body and extremities are held in extension, in prone position body and extremities are held in flexion.
Interference with balance reactions in sitting, protective responses in sitting, eye-hand coordination and visual tracking are possible negative effects on movement that can occur if which reflex does not integrate
Which reflex begins at 38 weeks of gestation/ birth and disappears around 2 months of age?
During which age range is an infant able to: stand briefly without support, pull to stand using half-kneel position, Picks up objects from floor in supported stand, walks with both hands and/ or one hand held, creeps on hands and feet (bear walk), fine pincer grasp developed, puts objects into container, and can grasp crayon adaptively?
10-11 months
Which reflex if not properly integrate can interfere with: sitting balance, protective responses in sitting, eye-hand coordination, visual tracking, social interaction and attention?
Ability to prop on arms in prone, crawling reciprocally, sitting balance when looking around, use of hands when looking at object in hands in sitting are possible negative effects on movement that can occur if which reflex doesn’t integrate?
Describe the Assymetrical Tonic Neck reflex (stimulus and response)
Stimulus: turn baby’s head to one side
Response: Arm and leg on the face side are extended and arm and leg on scalp side are flexed (fencer’s response)
Which reflex appears at birth and disappears around 4 months of age?
Which 2 infant reflexes appear at birth and disappear around 6 months of age?
TLR (tonic labyrinthine reflex)
ATNR (asymmetrical tonic neck reflex)
The plantar grasp reflex begins at 28 weeks of gestation/ in utero and disappears?
9 months of age
Which reflex is being described:
Stimulus- touch to skin along spine from shoulder to hip
Response- Lateral flexion of trunk toward the side of stimulus?
Failure to integrate which reflex can result in difficulty with standing, walking, balance reaction, weight shift in standing, development of smooth, coordinated reciprocal movement of lower extremities?
During which age range is an infant able to: squat in play, walk backward, walk up/down stairs with one handed assistance, propel on ride-on toys, kick and throw ball forward, picks up toys from floor w/out falling over, folds paper, strings beads, stacks more than 2 blocks, and holds crayon with thumb and fingers?
16-24 months
The rooting reflex begins at 28 weeks of gestation/ in utero and disappears?
Disappears around 3 MONTHS
Describe the symmetrical tonic neck relfex (STNR)- stimulus and response.
Stimulus: head flexion or extension
REsponse: when head is in flexion arms are flexed and legs extended. When head is in extension arms extend and legs flex in response.
Development of sitting balance, and scoliosis are both possible negative side effects on movement that can be seen if which reflex doesn’t integrate?
During which age range are infants able to: get into quadruped position, does not tolerate supine, moves from sitting to prone, sits without hand support, pivots in sitting, stands at furniture, can pull up to standing using furniture, crawls forward, cruises, develops active supination, inferior pincer grip, removes object from container, actively extends wrist and points and pokes with index finger?
8-9 months
Which reflex is being described:
Stimulus- Loud, sudden noise
Response- Arms abduct with elbow flexed and fist closed, then cross into adduction; cry