Peds/OB Flashcards
classic triad of congenital toxoplasma?
hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications, and chorioretinitis
age of retropharyngeal abscess and age of peritonsilar abscess?
what is the cause of hypoglycemia in a baby of a mom who had diabetes during pregnancy?
hyperplasia of beta cells causing a lot of insulin release
what is normal variability in fetal heart tracing
6-25 BPM
recommended screening for cervical cancer?
at 21, pap alone every 3 years
starting at 30, co testing every 5 or pap alone every 3
if a question discusses blood type and baby has respiratory and cardiac compromise, what to immediate think?
RH reaction
how to treat preclampsia?
what is the most serious concern with preclampsia?
how do you define baseline fetal heart rate
minimum of 2 minute tracing in any ten minute segment
over 160
under 110
What is minimal, moderate and marked variability?
less than 5
over 25
what is an early decel and what does it mean?
associated with uterine contraction
compression of the baby head
what is a late decel?
scoops down at the end of the contraction
uteroplacental insufficency
whats going on during variable decel?
cord compression, so obstruction of blood flow to baby
what two screenings are included in all newborn screenings?
PKU and thyroid
why is obesity a risk factor for edometrial cancer?
because obesity increased estrogen levels
two forms of menopasual hormonal therapy?
estrogen alone if no uterus
estrogen and pro if have a uterus
two first steps in treating epiglotitis?
xray sign?
secure airway and abx
thumb sign
h flu
what to use to treat croup?
what is the most common cause of late trimester bleeding?
placental abruption
2 classic symptoms of cervical cancer?
pain during sex and post coital bleeding
what does sinusoidal fetal heart tracing mean and what condition usually causes it?
severe anema
what are the two main risk factors for placenta accreta?
prior c sections and placenta previa
at what age is a isolated, unilateral cleft lip repaired?
3-6 months
what is the most common renal malignancy in childhood?
What age?
What associated symptom to always remmebr?
wilms tumor
how to counteract magnesium toxicity?
calcium gluconate
what is the difference between gestational hypertension and preclampsia and ecclmapsia?
htn without proteinuria or end organ damage
htn with end organ damage and proteinuria
new onset sieuzres with preclampsia
What is hellp synbdrome?
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelete
upper gi series of midgut volvulus shows?
corkscrew or coiled
straw colored nipple discharge, what is the condition?
intraductal papilloma
what is an apt test?
it is used to differentiate fetal blood from maternal blood
when to use morning after pill and what is the only med in it?
progestin only
within 72 hours
women taking hormonal replacement therapy are at risk for what 3 things?
breast cancer
what is the most appropriate treatment for hot flashes in a current smoker?
female comes in with history of salpingitis with infertility. Ultrasound shoes sausage shaped cystic lesions in the fallopian tube, whats going on?
what is the cause of premuate ovarian insufficiency?
early atresia of the ovarian follicles
what is the dose for folic acid for prenatal care?
4 mg daily
what is he screening rec for breast cancer?
mammo every 2 years starting at 40
what is the anticogulant of choice for pregnant women/
top two causes of secondary amenohrhea>
low gnRH
what bug to always think about with cystic fibrosis?
what patient to think about when talking about transient synovitis?
4-10 age
just had URI
painful limp
what med to treat hirsutism in PCOS?
what do we use to increase breast production?
what do we use to decrease breast milk productiong?
what is lochia alba?
vaginal discharge 6-8 weeks post partum
what thyroid hormone to remember and what does it do in preganancy?
total t4 levels increase
what are two meds to use to treat turners syndrome?
HGH and estrogen replacement
what is first line therapy for Tourette’s?
what two lab markers are positive for neural tube defects in amniotic fluid?
alpha fetoprotein and achetcholinestrase