PEDS-GM, mobility Flashcards
2-3 yrs, GM/mobility
-Rides tricycle
-Catches large ball against chest
-Jumps from step
-Begins to hop on one foot
3-4 yrs, GM/mobility
-Jumps, climbs, runs
-Begins to skip and hop
-Stands briefly on one foot
-Alternates feet walking up stairs
-Jumps from step with 2 feet
4-5 yrs, GM/mobility
-Throws ball
-Hops for long sequences
-Climbs on playground equipment
-Skips for a long distance
-Walks up and down stairs reciprocally
5-6 yrs, GM/mobility
-Hops well for long distance
-Skips with good balance
-Catches a ball with two hands
-Kicks with accuracy
-Stands on one foot for 8-10 seconds-Hops well for long distance
0-2 months, GM
-Turns head side to side, chin tuck
-bear weight on forearms (unstable)
-head bobs in held sitting +1 month-Turns head side to side, chin tuck
3-4 months, GM
-holds head in midline
-chin tuck/neck ext
-legs comes together
-lower back flattens against
4-5 months, GM
-Headlag is gone when pulled to a sitting position
-Hands are together in space
in supine
5-6 months, GM
-shifts weight on forearms and reaches forward
-bears/shifts weight on arm. extended
-head lifts independenly
-brings feet to mouth; hands to feet
-able to reach toys with 1-2 hands
-hands predominantly open
-rolls from prone to supine
-sits by propping with arms, supporting self
-legs turned outwards; bounces while in standing
-equiliburm reactions
7 months
Crawls forward on belly
7-8 months, GM
-pivots in prone
-moves prone to sit
-rotate UB, LB stationary
-equilbrum reactions/ protective reactions
8 months, GM
cruises sideways, releases above with wrist flexion
8-9 months, GM
pulls to a standing position by kneeling, then half kneeling
8-10 months, GM
-sits well w/o support
- “w” sit/side sit
9-13 months, GM
pulls to standing with legs only, stands alone short time
9-10 months, GM
releases into a small container with wrist straight
10-11 months, GM
creeps on hands&feet
11 months, GM
-walks with 1 HH’
-reaches for furniture when cruising
11-12 months, GM
-creeps well
-trunk control/equil. resp. fulling developed in sitting and standing (equi)
10-14 months, GM
clumsy release into small container, hand rest on edge of container
12-15 months, GM
precise, controlled release into small container/wrist ext.
11-24+ months, GM
rises from supine by first rolling to side then pushing up into sitting
6-14 months, GM
rolls segmentally, initated by head/shoulders/hip
0-1 months, GM
no release; grasp reflex strong
1-4 months, GM release
involuntary release
4-8 months, GM release
transfers object from hand to hand