Peds development Flashcards
Anterior fontanelle closes at ____
between 10-14 months
At birth, a full term baby has 5 ossification centers which are
distal femur, proximal tibia, calcaneus, talus and cuboid
Primitive reflexes are usually suppressed by
6 to 8 months of life
Earliest marker of abnormal neurological maturation
Persistent primitive reflex
Head in midline and held when pull to sit
4 months
midline hand play
4 months
Palmar grasp (not the reflex)
6 months
Maintains sitting
7 months
Rolls to prone
7 months
Rolls to supine
4 months
Pushes from the hand with elbow extended when in prone
3 months
Pivot while in prone
5 months
Transfer objects
7 months
Pincer grasp
10-12 months
Finger feeds
10 months
Piles 2 cubes
14 months
14 months
Uses spoon with overpronation
14 months
Walks backward
18 months
Points to body parts
18 months
Builds 8 cube tower
24 months
Imitates vertical line
24 months
Walks upstairs alternating feet
3 years
Walks downstairs alternating feet
4 years
Hops on 1 foot
4 years
5 years
5 years
Copies circle
3 years
Imitates three-cube bridge
3 years
Copies a cross
4 years
Plantar arches start to develop
4 years
Rides a bicycle
6 years