Peds Flashcards
ASA in children should be avoided because risk of…
Reye’s syndrome
Tissue that grows primarily in first 2 years
Tissue that grows primarily in mid-childhood
Lymphoid tissue
Tissue that grows primarily in puberty
Premature infants (<37wk) use corrected GA until age…
Birth weight
Average is 3.25kg (7lb)
20-30d/g in term neonate
Up to 10% weight loss in first 7d of life is normal
Should regain birth weight by 10-14d of age
2x birth weight by 4-5mo
3x birth weight by 1yr
4x birth weight by 2yr
Average is 50cm (20in) 25cm in 1st yr 12cm in 2nd yr 8cm in 3rd then 4-7cm/yr until puberty 1/2 adult height at 2yo Measure supine lenght until 2yo then measure standing height
Head circumference
Average is 35cm (14in)
2cm/mo for first 3mo
1cm/mo at 3-6mo
0.5cm/mo at 6-12mo
Moro reflex
Abduction/extension of arms, opening of hands, followed by flexion/adduction of arms
Disappears by 4-6mo
Pelvis moves in direction of side that back is stroked along paravertebral line
Disappears by 2-3mo
Disappears by 3-4mo
ATNR (asymmetric tonic neck reflex)
Fencing posture when you turn infant’s head to one side
Disappears by 4-6mo
Disappears by 2-3mo
Parachute reflex
Ipsilateral arm extension to side infant is tilted toward while sitting
Present by 6-8mo
Does not disappear
Gross motor: 1mo
Turns head side to side when supine
Gross motor: 2mo
Briefly raises head when prone
Holds head erect when upright
Gross motor: 4mo
Lifts head and chest when prone
Holds head steady when supported sitting
Rolls prone to supine
Gross motor: 6mo
Tripod sit
Pivots in prone position
Gross motor: 9mo
Sits well without support, crawls, pulls to stand, stands with support
Gross motor: 12mo
Gets into sitting position without help
Stands without support
Walks while holding on
Gross motor: 15mo
Walks without support, crawls up stairs/steps
Gross motor: 18mo
Runs, walks forward pulling toys or carrying objects
Gross motor: 24mo
Climbs ups and down steps with 2 feet per step, runs, kicks ball
Gross motor: 3yr
Rides tricycle
Climbs up 1 foot per step, down 2 feet per step
Stands on one foot briefly
Gross motor: 4yr
Hops on 1 foot
Climbs down 1 foot per step
Gross motor: 5yr
Rides bicycle
Fine motor: 1mo
Fist with thumb in fist
Fine motor: 2mo
Pulls at clothes
Fine motor: 4mo
Briefly holds object when placed in hand
Reached midline objects
Fine motor: 6mo
Ulnar or raking grasp
Transfers objects from hand to hand
brings objects to mouth
Fine motor: 9mo
Early pincer grasp with straight wrist
Fine motor: 12mo
Neat pincer grasp
Releases ball with throw
Fine motor: 15mo
Picks up and eats finger foods
Stacks 2 blocks
Fine motor: 18mo
Tower of 3 cubes
Eats with spoon
Fine motor: 24mo
Tower of 6 cubes
Fine motor: 3yr
Copies circle
Turns pages one at a time
Puts on shoes
Dress/undress fully except buttons
Fine motor: 4yr
Copies cross
Uses scissors
Buttons clothes
Fine motor: 5yr
Copies a triangle and square
Prints name
Ties shoelaces
Gross motor red flag
Not walking at 18mo
Rolling too early at <3mo
Fine motor red flag
Hand preference at <18mo
Speech: 1mo
Cries, startles to loud noises
Speech: 2mo
Variety of sounds (coos)
Speech: 4mo
Turns head towards sounds
Speech: 6mo
Speech: 9mo
Mama, dada
Imitates 1 word
Responds to no regardless of tone
Speech: 12mo
2 words Follows 1 step command Uses facial expression Sounds Actions to make needs known
Speech: 15mo
4-5 words
Points to needs/wants
Speech: 18mo
10 words
Follows simple commands
Speech: 24mo
2-3 word phrases
50% intelligible
Understands 2 step commands
Speech: 3yr
Combines 3 or more words in a sentence
Recognizes colours, preopositions, plurals, counts to 10
75% intelligble
Speech: 4yr
Speech 100% intelligble
Uses past tense
Understands 3 part directions
Speech: 5yr
Fluent speech, future tense, alphabet
Retells sequence of story
Babinski sign
Present up to 2yo
Upgoing plantar reflex
Social: 1mo
Calms when comforted
Social: 2mo
Smiles responsiveley
Recognizes and calms down to familiar voice
Follows movement with eyes
Social: 4mo
Laughs responsively
Follows moving toy or person with eyes
Responds to ppl with excitement
Social: 6mo
Stranger anxiety
Beginning of object permanence
Social: 9mo
Plays games
preaches to be picked up
Social: 12mo
Responds to own name
Separation anxiety begins
Social: 15mo
Looks to see how other react (ie. after falling)
Social: 18mo
Shows affection towards other
Points to show interest in something
Social: 24mo
Parallel play
Helps to dress
Social: 3yo
Knows sex and age
Shares some of time
Playes make believe games
Social: 4yo
Cooperative play
Fully toilet trained by day
Tries to comfort someone who is upset
Social: 5yo
Cooperates with adult request most of the time
Separates easily from caregiver
Speech red flag
<10 words at 18mo
Social red flag
Not smiling at 3mo
Not pointing at 15-18mo
Breastfed infants require supplements
Vitamin D 400IU/d
Fluoride after 6mo if not sufficient in water
Iron at 6-12mo if not receiving fortified cereals/meat/meat alternatives
Foods to avoid in early infancy
Honey until past 12mo (botulism)
Added sugar, salt
Excessive milk (no more than 750mL per day after 1y)
Limit juice intake (1/2 cup daily)
Breastfeeding recommended
9-24mo: homo milk
2-6yr: 2% milk
C/I to breastfeeding
Medications known to cross into breast milk (chemo)
Active untreated TB
Herpes in breast region
>0.5g/kg/d of EtOH or illicit drugs
OCPs are NOT a C/I to breastfeeding (estrogen may decrease lactation but is safe for baby)
Meds that cross into breast milk
Bromocrimptine High dose diazepam Gold Metronidazole Tetracycline Lithium Cyclophosphamide
Wet diaper amount
1 wet diaper per day of age for first wk
1-2 black or dark green stools/d on day 1 and 2
3+ brown/green/yellow stools per day on day 3 and 4
3+ yellow, seedy stools per day on day 5
Infantile colic
Unexplained paroxysms of irritability and crying for >3h/d, >3d/wk for >3wk in an other wise healthy, well-fed baby (rule of 3s)
Peaks at 6-8wk
Usually resolves by 3mo
When to see dentist
6mo after eruption of first tooth and definitely by 1yo
First tooth typically at 5-9mo
Involuntary urinary incontinence by day and/or night in child >5yo
Secondary enuresis
Involuntary loss of urine at night after child had sustained period of bladder control (>6mo)
Pharmaco treatment for enuresis
Don’t do before age 7 because often resolves spontaneously
Consider DDAVP oral tablets (antidiuretic)
Fecal incontinence in child >4yo at least once per mo for 3mo
Failure to thrive
Weight <3rd percentile
Falls across two major percentile curves or <80% of expected weight for height and age
Decreased weight, normal ht, normal HC
Caloric insufficiency
Decreased intake
Hypermetabolic state
Increased losses
Decreased wt, ht and normal HC
Structural dystrophies
Endocrine d/o
Constitutitional growth delay (BA < CA)
Familial short stature (Bone age = chronological age)
Decreased wt, ht, hc
Intrauterine insult
Genetic abnormality
Overweight BMI
> 85th percentile
Obesity BMI
> 95th percentile for age and height
Risk factors for SIDS
Prematurity <37wk Early bed sharing <12wk Alcohol use during pregnancy Soft bedding Low birthweight Bed sharing Aboriginals Male No prenatal care Smoking in household Prone sleeping Poverty
Prevwntion of SIDS
Back for sleeping
Avoid sharing bed, overheating, overdressing
Appropriate infant bedding
Exclusive BF in first month and no smoking
Pacifiers appear to have a protective effect
Do not reinsert if falls out during sleep
Infant monitors do not reduce incidence
Tests to order to R/O pathologic causes of fractures
Ca2+ Mg2+ PO4 ALP PTH Vit D Albumin
Tests to order to R/O pathologic causes of bruising
Sexual assault examination kit
Within 24h if prepubertal
Within 72h if pubertal
Ductus arteriosus
Connection btwn pulmonary artery and aorta
Ductus venosus
Connection btwn umbilical vein and IVC
Prenatal circulation of oxygenated blood
Oxygenated blood from placenta –> umbilical vein –> IVC –> RA –> foramen ovale –> LA –> LV –> aorta –> brain/myocardium/upper extremties
Prenatal circulation of deoxygenated blood
Deoxygenated blood returns via SVC to RA –> 1/3 of blood goes to RV –> pulmonary arteries –> ductus arteriosus –> arota –> systemic circulation –> placenta
Ductus venosus closure
Separation of low resistance placenta –> systemic circulation becomes high resistance system
Foramen ovale closure
Increased pulmonic flow –> increased LA pressures
Ductus arteriosus closure
Increased oxygen concentration in first breath –> decreased prostaglandins –> ductus arterosus closure
Acyanotic heart disease
L to R shunt
Cyanotic heart disease
R to L shunt
L to R shunt
Atrioventricular spetal defect
Obstructive causes of acyanotic CHD
Coarctation of aorta
Aortic stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis
R to L shunt
Tetralogy of Fallot
Ebstein’s anomaly
5Ts of cyanotic CHD
Tetralogy of Fallot Transposition of the great arteries Truncus arteriosus Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage Tricuspid atresia Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Boot shaped heart on CXR
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tricuspid atresia
Egg-shaped heart
Transposition of great arteries
Left to right shunts
3 types of Atrial Septal Defects
Ostium primum
Ostium secundum
Sinus venosus (located at entry of SVC into right atrium)
Ostium primum
AKA endocardial cushion defect
Defect in atrial septum at level of tricuspid and mitral valves
Common in DS
Ostium secundum
Most common type, 50-70%
Foramen in septum primum
Foramen ovale
Foramen in septum secundum
Normally closes at birth when pulmonary vascular pressure decreases and the LA > RA
Mgmt of ASDs
80-100% spontaneously close if ASD diameter is <8mm
Elective surgical or catheter closure btwn 2-5yo
ASD heart murmur
Grade 2-3/6 pulmonic outflow murmur, widely split, and fixed S2
Mild RVH
Most common congenital heart defect
VSD (30-50%)
Majority are small and close spontaneously
VSD heart murmur
The size of the VSD is inversely related to the intensity of the mumur
Holosystolic murmur at LLSB
Treatment of VSD
If small –> most close spontaneously
If mod/large –> tx CHF and surgical closure by 1yo
Patent vessel btwn descending aorta and the left pulmonary artery
Normal functional closure is at 15h
Normal anatomical closure within first days of life
Treatment for PDA
Premature infants have higher rates of spontaneous closure
Indomethacin (antagonizes prostaglandin E2, only effective in preterm)
Catheter or surgical closure if PDA causes resp compromise, FTT or persists beyond 3mo
PDA heart murmur
Machinery murmur continuous through systolic and diastolic at L infraclavicular area
Coarctation of the aorta
Narrowing of aorta almost always at level of ductus arteriosus
Syndrome often a/w coarctation of aorta
Turner syndrome (15-35%)
Obstructive lesions
Coarctation of the aorta
Aortic stenosis
Pulmonary stenosis
Coarctation of the aorta tx
Give prostaglandins to kep ductus arteriosus patent
Surgical correction in neonates
Balloon arterioplasty may be considered for older children
Test to differentiate btwn cardiac and other causes of cyanosis
Hyperoxic test
Obtain preductal, right radial ABG in room air, then repeat after pt inspires 100% O2
If PaO2 improves to >150mmHg –> less likely cardiac cause
Preductal and post ductal oximetry
> 5% difference suggests R to L shunt
Tetrology of fallot
Pulmonary stenosis
Aortic root overriding VSD
Most common cyanotic heart defect dx beyond infancy
Tetrology of fallot
ToF murmur
Single loud S2 due to severe pulmonary stenosis, systolic ejection murmur at LSB
Boot shaped heart
Decreased pulmonary vasculature
Right aortic arch in 20%
ToF mgmt
Surgical repair at 4-6mo of age
Most common cyanotic CHD in neonates
Transposition of the Great Arteries
Parallel systemic and pulmonary vasculature
Systemic: Body –> RA –> RV –> aorta –> body
Resp: Lungs –> LA –> LV –> pulmonary artery –> lungs
Survival dependent on mixing through PDA, ASD, VSD
TGA mgmt
Prostaglandin E1 infusion to keep ductus open until surgical mgmt
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
All pulmonary veins drain into right sided circulation
ASD must be present to mix oxygenated blood to LA
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return mgmt
Surgical repair
Ebstein’s anomaly
Septal and posterior leaflets of tricuspid valve are malformed and displaced into RV
–> RV dysfunction, tricuspid dysfunction
Often A/W ASD and/or patent foramen ovale causing R–>L shunt
A/W maternal benzo and lithium use in 1st trimester
Ebstein’s anomaly mgmt
Newborn: consider closure of tricuspid valve and aortopulmonary shunt, or transplant
Older: Tricuspid valve repair or replacement
Truncus arteriosus
Single great vessel giving rise to aorta, pulmonary and coronary arteries
Requires surgical repair within first 6wk of life
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Hypoplastic LV
Narrow mitral/aortic valves
Small ascending aorta
Coarctation of aorta
Most common cause of death from CHD in first mo of life
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Hypoplastic left heart tx
Surgical palliation or heart transplant
4 key features of CHF in peds
2 tachys and 2 megalys Tachycardia Tachypnea Hepatomegaly Cardiomegaly
Common in teens
Benign if single, uniform, disappear with exercise and no associated structural lesions
Most frequent sustained dysrhythmia in children
Still’s murmur
High-pitched, vibratory, LLSB or apex, SEM
Flow across pulmonic valve leaflets
Global developmental delay
Performance significantly below average in 2 or more domains of development in a child <5yo
Intellectual disability
Historically defined as IQ<70
Limitations in both intelligence and adaptive skills
Bilingual exposure and language delay
Bilingual exposure generally does NOT explain frank delay in language development
Developmental disorder with high incidence of psychiatric comorbidity
Specific learning disorder
Most common preventable cause of intellectual disability
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diseases
Partial FAS
ARBD (Alcohol related brain damage)
ARND (Alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorder)
Criteria for dx of FAS
- Growth deficiency not due to nutrition
- Characteristic pattern of facial anomalies (short palpebral fissures, flattened philtrum, thin upper lip)
- CNS dysfunction, need >/= 3 (motor skills, neuroanatomy/neurophysiology, cognition, language, academic achievement, memory, attention, executive function, affect regulation, adaptive behaviour, social skills or social communication OR microcephaly in infant/young children)
Criteria for dx of ARBD
Congenital anomalies (malformations and dysplasias of cardiac, skeletal, renal, ocular and auditory systems)
Criteria for dx of ARND
CNS dysfunction
Complex pattern of behavioural or cognitive abnormalities inconsistent with developmental level that can’t be explained by familial background or environment alone
Dx criteria for DM (Types 1 and 2) in children
- Symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss) and hyperglycemia (random glucose >/= 11.1)
OR 2. 2 of the following on one occasion: fasting glucose >/= 7, 2h plasma glucose during OGTT >/=11.1, Random glucose >/= 11.1
OR 3. One of the following on 2 separate occasions: fasting glucose >/= 7, 2h plasma glucose during OGTT >/= 11.1, random glucose >/= 11.1
Most common form of DM in children
Bimodal, peaks at 5-7yo and at puberty
Major negative outcome of DKA in children
Cerebral edema
Tx for cerebral edema
Decrease fluids
Elevate head of bed
Kussmaul breathing from DKA
Deep laboured breathing for respiratory compensation of metabolic acidosis
DKA management
100% O2
Correct fluid losses first (NS + 40mEQ/L KCl)
Insulin 0.05-0.1U/kg/h after fluids running for 1-2h
Add glucose once glucose levels drop to keep in 8-12 range
Can replace fluids with D10NS + 40mEq KCl
Cushing’s Triad of cerebral edema
HR low
High BP
Irregular respirations (Cheyne-Stokes)
F > M
Less common in children but increasing rates due to child obesity
Glycemic taret HbA1c = 7%
Metformin first line
Can start on insulin if A1c > 9% at dx
Screening: Add annual screening for PCOS and NAFLD
Short stature
Height <3rd percentile
Poor growth evidenced by growth deceleration (height crosses major percentile lines, growth velocity <25th percentile)
Short stature ddx
ABCDEFS Alone (neglect) Bone dysplasias (rickets, scoliosis, mucopolysaccharidoses) Chromosomal (turner, down) Delayed growth (constitutional) Endocrine (low GH, Cushing, hypothyroid) Familial GI malabsorption (Celiac, Crohn's)
Investigations for short stature
Calculate mid-parental height Boys: (mother + father’s height in cm + 13)/2
Girls: (mother + father’s height in cm - 13)/2
AP xray of left hand and wrist fot bone age
GH testing
Other tests based on hx/pe
GH therapy for GH deficiency
May help reach adult height if given at an early age AND
1. GH shown to be deficient by 2 diff stimulation tests (arginine, glucagon, insulin)
2. Growth velocity <3rd percentile or height <3rd perventile
Bone age xrays show unfused epiphyses/delayed bone age
Measure proportionality
Calculate Upper/lower segment ratio using pubic symphysis as landmark Normal newborn: 1.7 Normal child: 1.4 Normal adult: 0.9 Normal female: 1
Proportionate short stature with slow growth velocity
Endocrine (height more affected than weight) Chronic disease (weight affected more than height) Psychosocial neglect
Tall stature
Height greater than 2 SD above the mean for a given age, sex and race
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Overgrowth syndrome
Growth slows by ~8yo and adults are not unusually tall
May grow asymmetrically (hemihyperplasia)
A/w omphalocele, umbilical hernia, macroglossia, visceromegaly, creases near ears, hypoglycemia, renal abnormalities
Increased risk of cancerous and noncancerous tumours (esp Wilms tumour and hepatoblastoma) - 10%
Normal life expectancy
Tall stature etiology
Endocrine: Beckwith-wiedemann syndrome, hyperthyroidism, hypophyseal gigantims, precocious puberty
Genetic: homocystinuria, klinefelter syndrome, Marfan syndrome, sotos syndrome
Disorder of methionine metabolism causing abnormal accumulation of homocysteine
Characterized by myopia, dislocation of lens, bloot clotting, osteoporosis, developmental delay
Sotos syndrome
Genetic disorder
Distinctive facial appearance (long, narrow face, high forehead, flushed cheeks, pointed chin, down-slanting palpebral fissures), overgrowth in childhood, learning delay
Adult height usually normal
A/W ADHD, phobias, OCD, impulsivity
Scoliosis, sz, heart or kidney defects, hearing loss, vision problems
Neonatal grave’s disease/Congenital hyperthyroidism
Typically caused by transplacental transfer of TSH receptor antibody
A/w low birthweight, IUGR, microcephaly, prematureity, tachy, frontal bossing, triangular facies, hepatosplenomeg, goiter
Neonatal grave’s investigations
TSH receptor antibody levels during 3rd trim or in cord blood
Neonatal TSH, T3, free T4
Neonatal grave’s mgmt
Methimazole and beta adrenergic blocker (ie. propranolol)
Should resolve within a few weeks
Congenital hypothyroidism epidemiology
F:M = 2:1
One of the most common preventable cause of intellectual disability
Congenital hypothyroidism clinical manifestations
Usually asymptomatic in neonatal period b/c maternal T4 crosses placenta
Prolonged jaundice, feeding difficulty, lethargy, constipation, umbilical hernia, macroglossia, large fontanelles, puffy face, swollen eyes
Congenital hypothyroidism investigations
Most commonly detected at newborn screen of TSH
Rpt screening at 2wks in high risk infants (preterm, very low birth weight, NICU, specimen collection <24h
Abnormal results confirmed with serum levels from venipuncture
Primary congenital hypothyroidism lab results
Increased TSH, low free T4
Secondary congenital hypothyroidism lab results
Low TSH, low free T4
CH treatment
Thyroxine replacement within 2wk to avoid cognitive imapirment
If tx started after 3-6mo, may result n permanent developmental delay