Peds Flashcards
Peds chest: thin walled pulm cysts and adjacent nodules.
Respiratory papillomatosis. Caused by HPV.
Abrupt termination of the transvere duodenum.
Name a cause of microcolon.
Cystic fibrosis- meconium ileus
bilateral multiple renal masses which compress the normal renal parenchyma
Difference between gastroschesis and omphalocele?
omphalocele has a surrounding membrame (better)
Steeple sign
3-6 mos
barky cough
subglottic trachea swelling
lateral neck “thum sign”
3.5 yrs and teens
H. influenza
swelling of aryepiglottic flolds
linear soft tissue filling defect/membrane in airway of 6-10 year old
exudative tracheitis
staph A
What is the next step if you are trying to tell the difference between true retropharyngeal cellulitis/abscess and positioning?
Repeat lateral neck xr in extension.
Posterior fossa/Dandy Walker
Arterial anomalies
Coarctation of aorta, cardiac defects
Eye abnormalities
Subglottic hemangiomas
Newborn chest
meconium aspiration
also: “ropy” appearance of asymmetric opacities, hyperinflation (ball-valve), PTX in 20-40%!
Newborn Chest
hx: c-section or DM mother or materal sedation
transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)
lack of vag squeeze
starts at 6hrs , peaks at a day, and done by day 3
coarse interstitial marking, fluid in fissures
Newborn Chest
premie with low lung volumes, no pleural eff
surfactant deficient disease/RDS
bilateral granular opacities
normal plain film at 6hrs excludes SDD
Newborn Chest
full term version of SDD?
neonatal pneumonia
(not beta hemolytic variet which is more common premie and often has pleural eff)
Newborn Chest
linear lucencies
pulmonary intersitial emphysema
basically SSD put on a ventilator- about to get a ptx.
mimic: post surfactant therapy
Chronic lung disease/bronchopulomonary dysplasia
kiddo that had premature lung disease, was vented, and then has hazy lungs taht progress to coarse, bubble like, and band like opacities.
Differences between intralobar sequestration and extralobar?
Intra: more common, teen/adult, recurrent pna’s, LLL, rare assoc with devel anomolies
Extra: infancy, resp compromise, assoc anomolies like CCAM, diaphram hern, vertebral, congenital heart
BFM peds chest
pleuropulmonary blastoma
What does congenital CMV look like? (neuro)
- microcephaly
- ventriculomegally
- periventricular calcs
- mineralizing vasculopathy of basal ganglia
MC posterior mediatstinal malignancy?
calcs and widening of NFs are classic
small, hyperlucent lung w/ small hilum and decreased perfusion and
ventilation w/ air trapping
Swyer James syndrome
Isolated fetal ascites (no other abnormalities).
Cytomegalovirus infxn
MC Renal tumor under 3 months in age.
Mesoblastic nephroma
Wilms if kiddo is older
rhabdoid and clear cell sarc older kiddos and rare
RCC in kids 9-14
Typical features of achondroplasia?
- bullet-shaped vertebral bodies
- posterior vertebral body scalloping
- exaggerated lordosis
- lumbar spinal stenosis
- horizontal acetabular roofs
Most common posterior mediatstinal mass in child under 2
Difference between VCUG and nuclear cystography?
The main role of voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is to detect VUR [3-6]. Radionuclide cystography (RNC) has a lower absorbed radiation dose than VCUG, but it does not have the spatial resolution needed to identify anatomic abnormalities of the urethra, bladder, and ureters.
What percent of retinoblastomas have calcifications on CT?