Peds Flashcards
Late preterm
38 or more
Newborn RR
Newborn HR
First step after child delivered
Suction mouth and nose
1min APGAR measures
Conditions during labor and delivery
5min APGAR measures
Response to resuscitative efforts
Is a low APGAR associated with cerebral palsy
Neonatal conjuctivitis cause at 1 day
Chemical irritation
Neonatal conjuctivitis cause at 2-7 days
Neonatal conjuctivitis cause at >7 day
Neonatal conjuctivitis cause at 3 weeks or more
Abx drops to prevent opthamia neonatorum (neonatal conjunctivitis)
Erythro or Tetra
Silver nitrate
Sx of intercranial bleeding
Sx of mucosal bleeding
What causes vit K def in newborns
Colonic flora not adequate so E.coli not present to make vit K
Why is there bleeding in vit K def
Cannot make factors II, VII, IX, X, protein C and S
Prophylactic Rx for vit K def
Single IM Vit K
Newborn screening tests
PKU CAH Biotinidase B-thalasemia Galactosemia Hypothyroidism Homocysteinuria CF
G6PD facts
Hemolytic crisis
Reduce oxidative stress and special diet
PKU facts
Deficiency in PAH
Mental retardation
Low phenylalanine diet for first 16yrs
Galactosemia facts
Precludes normal metabolism of galactose
Cut out all lactose-containing products
CAH facts
Errors in steroidogenesis
Replace mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid
Genetal reconstruction surgery
Congenital hypothyroidism facts
1 in 40,000
Why do hearing test in newborns
Exclude congenital sensory-neural hearing loss
Assess need for cochlear implant
CF facts
Abnormally thick mucous
Elevated sweat chloride
Mutation in CFTR
Abnormal function in at least 1 organ system
Best initial test for CF
Sweat chloride
Most accurate test for Cf
CFTR gene mutation
Who gets Hep B IG
HbsAg+ mother
Pathogenesis of transient polycythemia of newborn
Hypoxia in delivery
Increase in EPO
Increase in RBCs
How does transient polycythemia of newborn resolve
First breath increases O2
Decrease in EPO
Normalization of Hb
Pathogenesis of transient tachypnea of newborn
Compression of rib cage in delivery
Removes fluid from lungs
Therefore C-section babies have excess fluid
Newborn tachypnea lasts >4hrs, think
Evaluation of newborn sepsis
Blood + Urine Cx
LP w/ CSF analysis and Cx if neuro signs
Cause of newborn subconjunctival hemorrhage
Rapid rise in intrathoracic pressure as chest is compressed while passing through birth canal
No Rx
3 types of skull fractures in newborns
Linear - MC
Depressed - Can cause cortical damage
Basilar - Most fatal
What is caput succedameum
Swelling of the soft tissues of the scalp that DOES cross suture lines
What is cephalohematoma
Swelling of the soft tissues of the scalp that DOES NOT cross suture lines
What is brachial plexus injury in a newborn secondary to
Shoulder dystocia
Who is most likely to get brachial plexus injury
Macrosomic infants of diabetic mothers
2 types of brachial plexus injuries
Duchenne-Erb paralysis: C5-6
Klumpke paralysis: C7-8 +/- T1
MC newborn fracture as a result of shoulder dystocia
Best diagnostic test for clavicular Fx
Rx clavicular Fx
Immobilization, splinting, PT
What causes facial nerve palsy in delivery
Trauma from forceps use
Rx facial nerve palsy in neonate
Spontaneous recovery
Surgical nerve repair if necessary
Causes of polyhydramnios
- Werdnig-Hoffman (infant can’t swallow)
- Intestinal atresias
Causes of oligohydramnios
Prune belly (no abd muscles so can’t bear down to urinate)
Renal agenesis
High atmospheric pressure causing flat faces
Rx Prune belly causing oligohydramnios
Serial foley - high risk of UTI
Association w/ renal agenesis
Potter sequence
Bowel sounds in chest and impaired ventilation
Diaphragmatic hernia
CXR in diaphragmatic hernia
Air fluid levels
Types of diaphragmatic hernias
Morgagni - Retrosternal/Parasternal (central)
Bochdalek - Posterolateral (peripheral)
What is an omphalocele
Intestines and organs form beyond abd wall w/ a sac covering
Why does omphalocele occur
Failure of GI sac to retract at 10-12 weeks
What is umbilical hernia associated with
Congenital hypothyroidism
Rx umbilical hernia
90% close spontaneously by age 3
Surgical intervention if still present at age 4
What does elevated AFP in utero indicate
Neural tube defects
Abd wall defects
MCC elevated AFP
Incorrect dating
What is gastroschisis
Wall defect lateral to midline
Intestines and organs outside abd wall
No sac
Rx gastroschisis
Immediate surgery with gradual introduction of bowel and silo formation
Consequence of overly aggressive surgical management of gastroschisis
Third spacing and bowel infarction
PE finding w/ Wilms tumor
Large palpable mass felt
Cause of Wilms tumor
Hemihypertrophy of one kidney due to increased vascular demands
Highly associated with Wilms tumor
MC abdominal mass in children
Wilm’s tumor
Best initial test for Wilms
Most accurate test for Wilms
Contrast CT
WAGR syndrome
Chr 11 deletion
- Wilms Tumor
- Aniridia
- GU malformations
- Retardation
Rx Wilms
Total nephrectomy with chemo and radiation
Most important findings in Neuroblastoma
Hypsarrythmia and opsoclonus (Dancing eyes and feet)
Increased urine VMA and metanepherines (diagnostic)
MC cancers in infancy
MC extracranial solid malignancy
Features of Hydrocele
Painless swollen fluid-filled sac containing spermatic cords
Resolves in 6 months
Differentiate from inguinal hernia
Features of Varicocele
Varicose vein of scrotal veins
Swelling of pampiniform plexus
Dull ache and heaviness
Best initial test for varicocele
PE showing “bag of worms” sensation
Most accurate test for varicocele
U/S scrotum showing dilation of pampiniform plexus vessels >2mm
When to rx varicocele
Delayed growth of testes or testicular atrophy
What must you always do when diagnosing varicocele
U/S the other testicle
What is cryptorchidism
Absence of one teste in scrotum
Found in inguinal canal
Rx cryptorchidism
Orchiplexy to bring it down after age 1 to prevent infertility
Risk associated w/ cryptorchidism
Increased risk of malignancy regardless of surgical intervention
What is hypospadias associated with
Inguinal hernias
Rx hypospadias
Contraindicated in hypospadias
Associations with epispadias
Urinary incontinence
Must also be evaluated in epispadias
Concomitant bladder extrophy
Rx epispadias
Developmental reflexes
Sucking Grasping Babinski Moro Stepping Superman
Pathognomonic for tetralogy of fallot
Exercise intolerance
Squatting while playing outside
Components of tetralogy of fallot
Overriding aorta
Pulm stenosis
Association with tetralogy of fallot
Chr 22 deletions
Presentation of tetralogy of fallot
Cyanosis of lips and extremities
Holosystolic murmur (left lower sternal border)
Squatting (tet spells)
How does squatting help kids w/ tetralogy of fallot
Increases preload and systemic venous return
Decreases R to L shunt increasing pulm blood flow and O2 sat
CXR findings in tetralogy of fallot
Boot shaped heart
Decreased pulm vascular markings
Only definitive therapy for tetralogy of fallot
VSDs are common in
MC congenital heart defect in Down
Endocardial cushion defect of AV canal
The only 3 holosystolic murmurs
What does transposition require for child to live
Presentation of transposition
Early, severe cyanosis
Single S2
Egg on a string on CXR
Initial management of transposition
PGE1 to keep PDA open
Contraindicated in transposition
NSAIDs esp indomethacin b/c it can close PDA
Rx tranposition
2 surgeries each having 50% mortality rate
MC cyanotic heart disease during neonatal period
MC cyanotic heart disease after neonatal period
Pulsus alternans
LV systolic dysfunction
Pulsus bigeminus
Pulsus bisferiens
Pulsus tardus et parvus
Pulsus paradoxus
Cardiac tamponade, tension PTX
Irregularly irregular
Components of hypoplastic left heart syndrome
LV hypoplasia
Mitral valve atresion
Aortic valve lesions
Presentation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Absent pulses w/ single S2
Increased RV impulse
Gray cyanosis
CXR in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Globular shaped heart
Pulm edema
Most accurate test in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Rx hypoplastic left heart syndrome
3 separate surgeries
Sx truncus arteriosus
Early and frequent resp infections
Single S2
Bounding peripheral pulses
CXR in truncus arteriosus
Cardiomegaly with increased vascular markings
Rx truncus arteriosus
Early surgery to prevent pulm HTN which can develop in 4 months
Features of total anomalous pulmonary venous return
No venous return b/w pulm veins and LA
Oxygenated blood goes to SVC
Can be w/ or w/o obstruction
What constitutes obstruction in TAPVR
Angle at which veins enter sinus
Rx Either type of TAPVR
CXR TAPVR w/ obstruction
Pulm edema
Echo definitive
CXR TAPVR w/o obstruction
Snowman or figure 8 sign
Echo most accurate (used to actually diagnose)
Age of TAPVR w/ obstruction
Early in life w/ resp distress and severe cyanosis
Age of TAPVR w/o obstruction
1-2yrs w/ RHF and tachypnea
Child, otherwise healthy presents w/ holosystolic murmur and failure to thrive
MC congenital heart lesion
Presentation of VSD
Dyspnea w/ resp distress
Holosystolic murmur at left lower sternal border
Loud pulmonic S2
Small will close in 1-2yrs
Large need surgery
Diuretics and digoxin for conservative managment
Sequelae of untreated VSD
Pulm HTN
Kid had stroke from DVT, how
Types of ASD
Primum - Concomitant mitral valve anomalies
Secundum - MC
Sinus venoses defect
Presentation of ASD
Fixed wide split S2
Most definitive test for ASD
Cardiac catheterization
Can do echo
Close spontaneously
Surgery or transcatheter closure for symptomatic pts
Complications of ASD
Paradoxic emboli from DVTs
When does PDA close
PO2 rises above 50mmHg
Therefore more prevalent in prematurity and high altitude
How long after birth is PDA considered normal
Presentation of PDA
“Machine-like” murmur
Wide pulse pressure
Bounding pulses
MC complications later in life w/ PDA
Resp infections
Infective endocarditis
Best initial test for PDA
Most accurate test for PDA
Cardiac cath
Mitral lesions radiate to
Tricuspid and pulmonic lesions radiate to
Aortic lesions radiate to
Pear shaped heart on CXR
Pericardial effusion
Boot shaped heart on CXR
Tetralogy of fallot
Jug handle heart on CXR
Primary pulmary artery hypertension
3-like appearance of heart or rib notching on CXR
Important sx for Long QT
Hearing loss
NL vitals and PE
FHx sudden cardiac death
What is coarctation associated with
Common features of Turner’s
Short Webbed neck Shield chest Streak gonads Horseshoe kidneys Shortened 4th metacarpal
Presentation of Coarctation
Severe CHF and resp failure in first few months
Reduced pulses in LE, HTN in UE
Most accurate test for coarctation
Cardiac cath
Rx coarctation
Resection of narrow segment
Balloon dilation if recurrence
When is hyperbilirubinemia pathological
First day of life Rises > 5mg/dL/day Above 19.5 in term child Direct bili rises >2 at any time Persists after 2nd week of life
Dx hyperbilirubinemia
Direct and indirect bili levels
Check mother/infant blood type for ABO incompatibility
Peripheral smear and retic count for hemolysis
Rx hyperbilirubinemia
Blue-green light phototherapy
Exchange transfusion if bili >20-25
MC complication of esophageal atresia w/ TEF
Recurrent aspiration PN
Presentation of TEF
Vomitting w/ first feeding
Choking, coughing, cyanosis
Hx of polyhydramnios
Gastric air bubble on CXR
Coiling of NGT on CXR
ABX coverage for anaerobes
Fluid resuscitation before surgery
String sign
Pyloric stenosis
Doughnut sign
Birt’s beak sign
Steeple sign
What causes pyloric stenosis
Hypertrophic pyloric sphincter
When does pyloric stenosis manifest
1st month of life
Auscultation finding w/ pyloric stenosis
Succussion splash
Hallmark feature of pyloric stenosis
Nonbilious projectile vomitting
Metabolic imbalances in pyloric stenosis
Metabolic acidosis
What is olive sign
Mass size of olive palpated in epigastrum in pyloric stenosis
Best initial test for pyloric stenosis
Most accurate test for pyloric stenosis
Upper GI series
4 signs in Upper GI series for pyloric stenosis
String sign - Thin barium column
Shoulder sign - Antrum filling defect 2/2 muscle prolapse
Mushroom sign - Hypertrophic pylorus against duodenum
Railroad track sign - Excess mucosa: 2 barium columns
Rx pyloric stenosis
Replace lost volume and electrolytes esp K
NGT to decompress bowel
What is choanal atresia associated with
Colobalma Heart defects Atresia of the chonae Retardation of grown and/or development GU defects Ear abnormalities
Presentation of choanal atresia
Child turns blue when feeding, Pink when crying
Confirm dx in choanal atresia
Rx Choanal atresia
Surgical perforation of membrane
What is choanal atresia
Membrane between nostrils and pharyngeal space preventing breathing when feeding
What is hirschsprung
Lack of innervation of distal bowel by aurbach plexus
Associations w/ hirschprung
Presentation of hirschprung
Do not pass meconium for over 48hrs
Extreme constipation and large bowel obstruction
Extremely tight sphincter
Innability to pass flatus
Hirschprung XR
Distended bowel loops
Retention of barium >24hrs
Hirschprung Manometry
High pressures in anal sphincter
Most accurate dx hirschprung
Full thickness Bx w/ lack of ganglionic cells in submucosa
What is imperforate anus associated with
What is imperforate anus a component of
Vertebral anomalies Anal atresia Cardio anomalies TEF Esophageal atresia Renal anomalies Limb anomalies
Presentation of imperforate anus
No meconium
No anus
What is duodenal atresia associated with
Annular pancreas
Dx duodenal atresia
Bilious vomitting within 12hrs of birth
Double bubble sign on CT
Rx duodenal atresia
Replace fluids and K
NGT to decompress bowel
Surgical duodenostomy
Where in the bowel does volvulus usually occur in children
Midgut, ileum
Presentation of volvulus
Vomitting, colickly abd pain
Dx volvulus
Multiple air fluid levels on XR
Bird beak on upper GI series
Best initial therapy for volvulus
Endoscopic decompression
Most effective therapy for volvulus
Surgical decompression
What is intussusception associated with
Rotavirus vaccine
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Causes of intussusception
Polyp Hard stool Lymphoma Viral Idiopathic
Presentation of intussusception
Colichy abd pain
Bilious vomitting
Currant jelly stool
Sausage shaped mass
Best initial test for intussusception
U/S showing doughnut sign
Most accurate test for intussusception
Barium enema
Diagnostic and therapeutic
When is barium enema contraindicated in intussusception
Peritonitis, shock, perforation
Rx Intussusception
Fluid resuscitation FIRST
NGT decompression of bowel
Barium enema
Surgery if fails
Painless BRBPR in male
Most accurate test for Meckel’s
Technetium-99m pertechnetate scan
ie. meckel’s scan
What is a meckel’s diverticulum
Persistant vitelline duct in small intestine
Can contain gastric or pancreatic tissue
Presentation of meckel’s
Painless rectal bleeding
Rx Meckel’s
Second most common cause of infant death worldwide
Acute fluid and electrolyte loss 2/2 acute diarrhea
Presentation of inflammatory diarrhea
ABD pain
Bloody diarrhea
Presentation of noninflammatory diarrhea
Crampy abd pain
Watery diarrhea
Dx tests in diarrhea
Stool for blood and leukocytes
Stool Cx w/ O and P
Sigmoidoscopy in the setting of C. diff
Most important next step in acute diarrhea
Mild = oral
Severe = IV
ABX of choice in NEC
Presentation of NEC
Severely premature baby, LBW
Vomitting and abdominal distension
Dx tests for NEC
ABD XR showing pneumatosis intestinalis
Frank or occult blood
Stop feeding (bowel res)
IV fluids
Surgery if ABX fail
Description of shoulder dystocia
Arm adducted and internally rotated
Most common wrong answer in newborn w/ DM
Effects of macrosomia in IDM
Polycythemia, hyperviscosity
Shoulder dystocia
Brachial plexus palsy
Dx and Rx of small left colon syndrome in IDM
Smaller, more frequent meals
Major cardiac change in IDM
Asymmetric septal hypertrophy → decreased CO
Dx Asymmetric septal hypertrophy in IDM
EKG and Echo
Rx Asymmetric septal hypertrophy in IDM
Features of renal vein throbosis in IDM
Flak mass and possible bruit
Hematuria and thrombocytopenia
Metabolic findings and effects in IDM
Hypoglycemia → seizures
Hypocalcemia → tetany, lethargy
Hypomagnesemia → hypocalcemia, decreased PTH
Hyperbilirubinemia → icterus and jaundice
Most cases of CAH are due to
Deficiency of 21-hydroxylase
3 forms of CAH
MC presentation of CAH
Hypotensive child w/ severe electrolyte abnormalities
Other features of CAH
Ambiguous genitalia in girls
Boys lose sexually defining characteristics w/ age
Decreased Na, K, Cl, glucose
Dx tests in CAH
Serum electrolytes
Increased 17-OH progesterone
Fluid and electrolyte replacement
Lifelong steroids
Psych counselling
Cause of Rickets
Lack of Vit D, Ca, or PO4
When are children at highest risk of rickets
3 main etiologies of rickets
Vit D def
Vit D dependent
X-linked hyperphosphatemic
What causes Vit D def rickets
Lack of Vit D in diet
What causes Vit D dependent rickets
Inability to convert 25-OH to 1,25-OH
Child dependent on Vit D supplementation
What causes X-linked hyperphosphatemic rickets
Innate kidney defect
Inability to retain phosphate
Presentation of rickets
Ulnar/radial bowing
Waddling gait
Risk factors for rickets
Sunless environment
Doesn’t drink milk
CXR finding in rickets
Rachitic rosary (costochondral joints w/ cupping and fraying or epiphyses)
Rx rickets
Annual VIt D monitoring
Who gets vit D supplementation
All infants exclusively breastfed starting at 2mos
Child with febrile seizure, what is next step
Evaluate for underlying sepsis
What is a full sepsis evaluation in children
CBC + diff UCx U/A CXR LP
MCC neonatal sepsis
MC organisms in neonatal sepsis
GBS #1
E. coli
S. aureus
L. monocytogenes
Dx tests in neonatal sepsis
Blood and urine Cx
Rx neonatal sepsis
Amicillin and gentamicin
What are TORCH infections
Toxo Other infections (syphilis) Rubella CMB HSV
Presentation of neonatal toxo
Multiple ring enhancing lesions on CT
Best initial test for neonatal toxo
Elevated IgM
Most accurate test for neonatal toxo
Rx neonatal toxo
Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine
Presentation of neonatal syphilis
Rash on palms and soles, snuffles, frontal bossing
Hutchinson 8th nerve palsy and saddle nose
Best initial test for neonatal syphilis
Most accurate test for neonatal syphilis
FTA ABS or dark field
Rx neonatal syphilis
Presentation of neonatal rubella
Cataracts, deafness, hepatosplenomegaly
Blueberry muffin rash and hyperbilirubinemia
Diagnosis of neonatal rubella
Maternal IgM
Rx neonatal rubella
Presentation neonatal CMV
Periventricular calcifications
Microencephaly, chorioretinitis
Hearing loss, petechiae
Best initial test for neonatal CMV
Urine or saliva viral titres
Most accurate test for neonatal CMV
Urine or saliva for PCR for viral DNA
Rx neonatal CMV
Ganciclovir if end organ damage
Presentation of neonatal herpes
Week 1: Shock and DIC
Week 2: Vesicular skin lesions
Week 3: Encephalitis
Best initial test for neonatal herpes
Most accurate test for neonatal herpes
Rx neonatal herpes
Acyclovir and supportive care
Rx for all childhood viral illness
Best initial test for varicella
Most accurate test for varicella
Viral Cx
Presentation of rubeola (measles)
Cough, Coryza, Conjunctivitis
Koplik spots
Most accurate test in measles
Presentation of 5th disease
Fever, URI
Progresses to slapped cheek rash
Presentation of roseola
Fever and URI
Progresses to diffuse rash
Presentation of Mumps
Fever precedes parotid gland swelling and possible orchitis
Cause of scarlet fever
Strep pyogenes
Presentation of scarlet fever
Fever, Pharyngitis, Diffuse sandpaper rash, Strawberry tongue, Cervical lymphadenopathy
Correlation w/ clinical dx of scarlet fever
Elevated antistreptolysin O titre, ESR, CRP
Rx scarlet fever
MCC croup
Parainfluenzae 1 and 2
RSV is #2
Most important step in child w/ severe croup
Racemic epi
Presentation of croup
Barking cough
Inspiratory stridor
XR signs of croup (rarely done)
Steeple sign
Narrowing of air column in trachea
How to differentiate croup from epiglottitis
Croup presents w/ hypoxia
Rx croup
Mild - steroids
Moderate/severe - racemic epi
Signs of epiglottitis, next best step
Intubate immediately
Cause of epiglottitis
H. influenzae type B
Presentation of epiglottitis
Unvaccinated Hot potato voice Fever Drooling in tripod position Refuse to lie flat Hot cherry red epiglottis
Classic XR sign in epiglottitis
Thumbprint sign
Rx epiglottitis
Intubate in OR
Ceftriaxone for 7-10 days
Rifampin for all close contacts
Cause of whooping cough
Bordetella pertussis
Catarrhal stage in whooping cough
Severe congestion and rhinorrhea
14 days
Paroxysmal stage in whooping cough
Severe coughing episodes with extra gasp for air followed by vomitting
14-30 days
Convalescent stage in whooping cough
Decreased frequency of coughing
14 days
Clinical Dx of whooping cough
Whooping inspiration
Burst blood vessels in eye
CXR in whooping cough
Butterfly pattern
Most accurate test for whooping cough
PCR of nasal secretions
Pertussis toxin ELISA
Rx whooping cough
Erythromycin or azithromycin for catarrhal
Isolate child and macrolides for close contacts
DTaP vaccine
Bronchitis features
Bacterial/viral inflammation of airways
Productive cough for 7-10 days w/ fever
Clinical Dx
Supportive care
Pharyngitis features
Group A hemolytic strep pharynx inflammation
Cervical adenopathy, petechiae, fever > 104, acute rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis
Rapid DNAse test
PCN 10 days or macrolide if allergy
Diphtheria features
Membranous pharynx inflammation by corynebacterium diphtheriae
Gray vascular pseudomembranous plaques
Cx superficial membrane
Antitoxin as Rx
Scrape diphtheria pseudomembranes
Dx congenital hip dysplasia
Ortolani and Barlow maneuver
Click or clunk in the hip
Rx congenital hip dysplasia
Pavlik harness
Presentation of legg-calve-perthes
Painful limp
Dx legg-calve-perthes
Joint effusions and widening on XR
Rx legg-calve-perthes
Rest and NSAIDs
Surgery on both hips
Findings in Vit A deficiency
Poor night vision
When does SCFE present
Adolescence, esp obese
Presentation of SCFE
Painful limp
Externally rotated leg
Widened joint space on XR
Internal fixation and pinning
Findings in Vit A tox
Pseudotumor cerebri
Which vitamins have no toxicity
All B vitamins
Vit C
Findings in Vit B1 def
Findings in Vit B2 def
Angular chelosis
Findings in Vit B3 def
- Diarrhea
- Dermatitis
- Dementia
- Death
Findings in Vit B5 def
Burning feet syndrome
Findings in Vit B6 def
Peripheral neuropathy
Give w/ INH
Findings in Vit B9 def
Megaloblastic anemia
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Findings in Vit B12 def
Megaloblastic anemia
Hypersegmented neutrophils
Peripheral neuropathy
Findings in Vit C def
Findings in Vit D def
Findings in Vit K def
Increased PT/INR
Signs and sx of mild to severe bleeding
Analogous to warfarin therapy
Findings in Vit D tox