OB/Gyn Flashcards
MC first symptom of pregnancy
What leads to sx in pregnancy
Surge in estrogen, progesterone and b-HCG
First step in pt w/ sx of pregnancy
Pregnancy test
Cause of morning sickness
Increase in b-HCG by placenta
Define embryo
Fertilization to 8 weeks
Define fetus
8wks to birth
Define infant
Birth to 1 yr
Define developmental age
Days since fertilization
Define gestational age
Days/weeks since LMP (2 weeks longer than DA)
Nagele rule
LMP - 3mos + 7 days
First trimester
Fertilization till 12wks (DA) or 14wks (GA)
Second trimester
12/14 to 24/26
Third trimester
24/26 until delivery
Pre-viable fetus
Born before 24wks
Born 25-37wks
Born 38-42wks
Born after 42wks
Number of times woman has been pregnant
Parity breakdown
Full term
Living children
First sign of pregnancy on physical exam
Goodell - softening of cervix
What is quickening
1st time mother feels baby kick
When is Goodell sign seen
4 weeks
Ladin sign
Softening of the midline of the uterus
6 weeks
Chadwick sign
Blue discoloration of vagina and cervix
When are telangiectasias/palmar erythema seen in pregnancy
First trimester
What is cloasma
Hyperpigmentation of face on forehead, nose and cheeks
Can worsen with the sun
When is cloasma seen in pregnancy
16 weeks
Linea nigra in pregnancy
Line of hyperpigmentation from xyphoid to pubic symphisis
2nd trimester
Best initial test when suspecting pregnancy
bHCG levels in pregnancy
Doubles every 48hrs for 4 wks
Peak at 10wks
Drops in 2nd trim
Increases to 20,000-30,000 in 3rd trim
How to confirm intrauterine pregnancy
U/S - gestational sac seen at 5wks
bHCG = 1000-1500
Cardio changes in pregnancy
Increased CO
Slightly lower BP
GI changes in pregnancy
Morning sickness
GE reflux as LES tone decreases
Constipation as large intestine motility decreases
Renal changes in pregnancy
Increased size of kidneys and ureters - risk of pyelo
Increased GFR
Decreased BUN/Cr
Heme changes in pregnancy
Hypercoagulable state - Increased fibrinogen
Venous stasis
How often should mother be seen in 1st trim
Every 4-6 weeks
What is checked at 11-14 weeks
U/S confirming GA and check nuchal translucency
What does a thickened/enlarged nuchal translucency indicate
When can fetal heart sounds be heard
End of 1st trim
Tests done during 1st trim
Blood tests
Screening for chromosomal abnormalities
Most accurate method to determine GA at 11-14wks
What screen is done in 2nd trim
Triple or Quad - 15-20wks
What is the triple screen
What is the quad screen
Inhibin A
What does an increase in MSAFP indicate
Dating error
Neural tube defect
Abd wall defect
What increases the sensitivity of MSAFP
Inhibin A
What other tests are done in 2nd trim
Auscultation of fetal HR
Quickening - 16-20wks
U/S for fetal malformation - 18-20wks
How often are 3rd trim visits
Every 2-3 wks
Every week after 36wks
When do Braxton-Hicks contractions occur
3rd trim
What are Braxton-Hicks contractions
Sporadic contractions that do not cause cervical dilation
Difference between Braxton-Hicks contractions and preterm labor
Preterm labor opens cervix
What should be done starting at 37 weeks
Cervix checked every visit
Testing at 27 weeks
CBC - replace Fe if Hb
Testing at 24-28 wks
Glucose load
Glc >140 @ 1hr, do glucose tolerance test
Testing at 36 weeks
Cervical culture for chlamydia and gonorrhea
- Rx if positive
Rectovaginal Cx for GBS
- ABX PPX in labor if positive
What is the glucose tolerance test
Ingest 100g glucose and check serum levels at 1, 2, 3hrs
Elevation in and 2 is gestational diabetes
What is given with Fe supplementation
Stool softeners
When is CVS done
10-13wks in advanced maternal age or known genetic disease in parent
What is the purpose of CVS
Fetal karyotype
Cathetier into intrauterine cavity to aspirate chorionic villi from placenta
When is amniocentesis done
11-14wks in advanced maternal age or known genetic disease in parent
What is the purpose of amniocentesis
Fetal karyotype
Needle transabdominally to remove amniotic fluid
When is fetal blood sampling done
Pts w/ Rh isoimmunization
How is fetal blood sampling done
Needle transabdominally into uterus to get blood from umbilical cord
MC site for ectopic pregnancy
Ampulla of fallopian tube
RFs for ectopic pregnancy
Previous ectopic pregnancies
Presentation of ectopic pregnancy
Unilateral lower abd/pelvic pain
Vaginal bleeding
Hypotensive w/ peritoneal irritation if ruptured
Dx tests for ectopic pregnancy
U/S - Locate
Laparoscopy - Treat
Stabilize ruptured ectopic pregnancy
IV fluids
Blood products
Baseline exams for medical rx of ectopic pregnancy
Blood type and screen
Medical management of ectopic pregnancy
MTX for 4-7 days
If there is not a 15% drop in b-HCG, give 2nd dose
Still no decrease in b-HCG, surgery
When to avoid MTX
Immunocompromised Non-compliant Liver disease Ectopic > 3.5cm Fetal heartbeat present
Removal of ectopic pregnancy
Salpingostomy to preserve fallopian tube
Give to Rh- mothers during removal of ectopic
RhoGAM - Anti-D Rh IG
What is abortion
Pregnancy ends before 20wks or fetus
When do spontaneous abortions occur
Prior to 12wks
MCC spontaneous abortions
Chromosomal abnormalities
Maternal factors that increase risk of abortion
Anatomic abnormalities STDs APL Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism or DM Malnutrition Trauma Rh isoimmunization
Presentation of spontaneous abortion
Cramping abd pain
Vaginal bleeding
Stable or unstable
Dx tests for spontaneous abortion
Blood type and Rh
Only way to know type of abortion
Medical management of abortion
Misoprostol to induce labor
Complete abortion
No products found
F/U in office
Incomplete abortion
Some products found
Inevitable abortion
Products intact
Intrauterine bleeding
Dilation of cervix
Threatened abortion
Products intact
Intrauterine bleeding
No cervical dilation
Bed rest, pelvic rest
Missed abortion
Death of fetus but all products present
Septic abortion
Infection of uterus
D&C w/ IV ABX (Levo, metro)
What increases the chances of multiple gestations
Fertility drugs
Presentation of multiple gestations
Exponential growth of uterus
Rapid wt gain by mother
Elevated b-HCG and MSAFP (First clue)
Dx test for multiple gestation
U/S to visualize
Complications of multiple gestations
Spontaneous abortion of 1 fetus
Premature labor and delivery
Placenta previa
How is preterm labor diagnosed
Contractions w/ cervical dilation
RFs for preterm labor
Multiple gestations
Previous Hx
Placental abruption
Maternal RFs for preterm labor
Uterine anatomic abnormalities
Intraabdominal surgery
When does preterm labor occur
What must be evaluated in fetus during preterm labor
Presenting part
When should delivery occur in preterm labor
Preeclampsia/eclampsia Maternal cardiac disease Dilation >4cm Maternal hemorrhage Fetal death Chorio 34-37 GA, >2500g
What should be given to stop preterm labor
Betamethasone to mature lungs
MC used tocolytic
Mg sulfate
Side effects of Mg sulfate
What should be checked in pts getting Mg sulfate
Toxicity - resp depression, cardiac arrest
Check DTRs
Other tocolytics
CCBs - HA, flushing, dizziness
Terbutaline - palpitations, hypotension
Presentation of PROM
Gush of fluid from vagina
Dx test for PROM
Fluid in posterior fornix
Turns nitrazine paper blue
When is PROM a big problem
Prolongued (labor starts more than 24hrs before delivery)
What can PROM lead to
Preterm labor
Cord prolapse
Placental abruption
Chorio - therefore do less exams w/ PROM
PROM w/ chorio, now what
Term fetus, no chorio, PROM
Wait 6-12hrs for spontaneous delivery
Induce if there isn’t
Preterm fetus, no chorio, PROM
Amp + 1 dose azithromycin
Chorio PPX w/ PCN allergy
Rash - cefazolin + 1 dose azithro
Anaphylaxis - clinda + 1 dose azithro
Placenta previa
Abnormal implantation over internal cervical os
Increased risk of placenta previa with
Previous C-section
Previous uterine surgery
Multiple gestation
Previous placenta previa
Contraindication in 3rd trim bleeding
Digital vaginal exam
Next best step in 3rd trim bleeding
Transabdominal U/S
Presentation of placenta previa
Painless vaginal bleeding
Usually not till 28wks
Why is transvaginal U/S or digital vaginal exam not done in placenta previa
Can separate placenta from uterus
Complete placenta previa
Completely cover internal os (full moon)
Partial placenta previa
Partial covering of internal os (Half moon)
Marginal placenta previa
Placenta adjacent to internal os (crescent moon)
Vasa previa
Fetal vessel present over internal os
Low lying placenta
Implanted in lower segments of uterus but not covering internal os (
When is placenta previa treated
Large volume bleeding or drop in HCT
Rx placenta previa
Strict pelvic rest
No vaginal insertion
Indications for immediate C-section in placenta previa
Cervix >4cm
Severe hemorrhage
Fetal distress
How to prepare preterm fetuses for delivery
Placenta accreta
Adheres to superficial uterine wall
Placenta increta
Adheres to myometrium
Placenta percreta
Invades uterine serosa, bladder wall or rectum wall
What happens if the placent doesn’t detach in delivery
Catastrophic hemorrhage and shock
Pt needs hysterectomy
Placental abruption
Premature separation of placenta from uterus
Complications of placental abruption
Life threatening bleeding Premature delivery Uterine tetany DIC Hypovolemic shock Sheehan
Precipitating factors for placental abruption
Maternal HTN Prior placental abruption Cocaine use External trauma Smoking
Presentation of placental abruption
Painful 3rd trim bleeding
Severe abd pain
Fetal distress
Dx placental abruption
Transabdominal U/S, may not be seen
Concealed placental abruption
Blood is within uterine cavity
Placenta more likely to be completely detached
External placental abruption
Blood drains through cervix
Placenta more likely to be partially detached
Which placental abruption type has more complications
Indications for C-section in placental abruption
Uncontrollable maternal hemorrhage
Rapidly expanding concealed hemorrhage
Fetal distress
Rapid placental separation
Indications for vaginal delivery in placental abruption
Separation limited
Fetal heart tracing assuring
Separation extensive and fetus is dead
When does uterine rupture occur
During delivery
RFs uterine rupture
Previous C-sections - Longitudinal > Low transverse Trauma - MVA Myomectomy Uterine overdistention - Polyhydramnios - Multiple gestation Placenta percreta
Presentation of uterine rupture
Sudden onset extreme abd pain
Abnormal bump in abd
Regression of fetus
Rx uterine rupture
Immediate laparotomy w/ fetus delivery
Why is C-section not done in
Baby may not be in uterus but floating in abd
If uterus is repaired after rupture, how will future pregnancies be managed
Delivered via C-section at 36wks
When does Rh incompatibility occur
Mother is Rh- but baby is Rh+
What happens when Rh- mother delivers first Rh+ baby
Fetal RBCs cross placenta into mother bloodstream and she makes ABX against them
What happens in hemolytic disease of the newborn
Fetal anemia
Extramedullary production of RBCs
Erythroblastosis fetalis
What is characteristic of erythroblastosis fetalis
High fetal cardiac output (CHF)
What does Rh unsensitized mean
Rh- without Abs
When to give RhoGAM to Rh unsensitized mothers
Fetal RBCs may cross placenta
- Amnio
- Abortion
- Vaginal bleeding
- Placental abruption
- Delivery
When is prenatal Rh Ab screening done
Mother unsensitized at 28wks
Ab titer in sensitized pts
> 1:4
Ab titer
No treatment
Ab Titer reaches 1:16 some time in pregnancy
Serial Amnio to evaluate fetal bili
Amnio shows low bili
Repeat in 2-3 wks
Amnio shows medium bili
Repeat in 1-2 wks
Amnio shows high bili
Fetus anemia
Do percutaneous umbilical blood sample
- If HCT low, do intrauterine transfusion
Characteristics of preeclampsia
Preeclampsia w/ seizures
Preeclampsia w/ elevated liver enzymes and low platelets
Chronic HTN in pregnancy
BP>140/90 before pt became pregnant
Rx Chronic HTN in pregnancy
Gestational HTN
BP>140/90 starting after 20wks
No proteinuria or edema
Rx Gestational HTN
Rx only during pregnancy
Preeclampsia RFs
Chronic HTN
Renal disease
Only definitive rx in preeclampsia
Features of mild preeclampsia
BP > 140/90
1+ to 2+ proteinuria
Features of severe preeclampsia
BP > 160/110
3+ to 4+ proteinuria
Management of mild preeclampsia at term
Induce delivery
Management of preterm mild preeclampsia
Mg sulfate
Management of severe preeclampsia at term
Mg sulfate
Induce delivery
Management of severe preeclampsia preterm
Mg sulfate
What is Eclampsia
Tonic clonic seizures in pt w/ Hx preeclampsia
Rx Eclampsia
Stabilize pt, deliver baby
Mg sulfate, Hydralazine
HELLP features
Elevated liver enzymes
Low platelets
Pregenstational diabetes
Diabetes before getting pregnant
Maternal complications of pregestational DM
4x more likely to have preeclampsia
2x more likely to have spontaneous abortion
Increased infection rate
Increased postpartum hemorrhage
Fetal complications of pregestational DM
Increase in congenital anomalies
Macrosomia - shoulder dystocia
Preterm labor
Evaluation of pregestational DM
24hr urine - Cr clearance, protein
Opthalmological exam
Rx type I pregestational DM
Insulin pump (NPH)
Rx type II pregestational DM
SubQ insulin (NPH, lispro)
What is NST done for
Fetal well-being
What is BPP done for
Amount of amniotic fluid and fetal well-being
What is lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio done for
Assess fetal lung maturity
What is done at 32-36wks
Weekly NST and U/S
What is done >36wks
1 NST and BPP weekly
What is done at 37wks
L/S ratio
What is done at 38-39wks if pt refuses L/S ratio
Induction of labor
Complications of gestational DM
Fetal macrosomia and injuries from this
Neonatal hypoglycemia
Mother 4-10x more likely to develop DM II
When is gestational DM screened
How is gestational DM screened
Glucose load - 50g and measured 1hr later
If >140, glucose tolerance (100g measured at 1,2,3hrs)
If any are elevated, then confirmed
First line rx for gestational DM
Diabetic diet and exercise
When is medication indicated in gestational DM
Fasting > 95
1hr postprandial > 140
What medication is given for gestational DM
Insulin w/ NPH before bed
Aspart before meals
What do you not tell pregnant gestational DM pts to do
Lose weight
What is IUGR
Weight in bottom 10%for GA
What is symmetric IUGR
Brain in proportion
Occurs before 20wks
What is asymmetric IUGR
Brain weight not decreased
Abd smaller than head
Occurs after 20wks
Causes of IUGR
Chromosomal abnormalities
Neural tube defects
Multiple gestations
Maternal HTN or renal disease
Number 1 preventable cause of IUGR in USA
Complications of IUGR
Premature labor Stillbirth Fetal hypoxia Lower IQ Seizures Mental retardation
Prevent IUGR
Stop smoking
Prevent maternal infections w/ immunizations
What is macrosomia
> 4500g
RFs for macrosomia
Maternal DM or obesity
Advanced maternal age
Postterm pregnancy
Dx tests for macrosomia
Fundal height 3cm greater than GA
If fundal height indicates macrosomia what is the next step
Fetal U/S
What measurements in U/S are used to estimate gestational wt
Femur length
Abd circumference
Head diameter
Complications of macrosomia
Shoulder dystocia
Birth injuries
Low Apgar
When should induction of labor occur in macrosomia
Lungs are mature before fetus is >4500g
Delivery in macrosomia
What does NST measure
Fetal movements and assess fetal HR
What is a reactive NST
Detection of 2 fetal movements
Acceleration >15bpm lasting 15-20s over 20min
What does a nonreassuring NST often indicate
Fetus is sleeping
Wake with vibroacoustic stimulation
What does a BPP consist of
NST Fetal chest expansion (1 or more in 30min) Fetal movement (>3cm in 30min) Fetal muscle tone Amniotic fluid index
Interpretation of BPP
NL - 8-10
Inconclusive - 4-8
Abnormal -
NL fetal HR
Variable decels
Cord compression
Early decels
Head compression
Late decels
Placental insufficiency (fetal hypoxia)
What is lightening in labor
Fetal descent into pelvic brim
What is bloody show
Blood-tinged mucous from vagina released w/ cervical effacement
What is stage 1 Labor
Onset to full dilation of cervix
Prim - 6-18hrs
Mulit - 2-10hrs
What is the latent phase of stage 1 labor
Onset to 4cm
Prim - 6-7hrs
Mulit - 4-5hrs
What is the active phase of stage 1 labor
4cm to full dilation of cervix
Prim - 1cm/hr
Mulit - 1.2cm/hr
What is stage 2 of labor
Full dilation to delivery of neonate
Prim - 30min-3hr
Multi - 5-30min
What is stage 3 of labor
Delivery of neonate to delivery of placenta
What to monitor in stage 1 of labor
Maternal BP and pulse Fetal HR and CTX Cervical dilation Cervical effacement Station
Steps in stage 2 of labor
Engagement - head enters pelvic occiput
Descent - CTX and mom pushing
Internal rotation - Rotates at ischial spines
Extension - So that head can pass through vagina
External rotation - Shoulder room to descent
Delivery of anterior shoulder - Push down on head
Delivery of posterior shoulder - Push up on head
What to do in Stage 3 of labor
Inspect and repair lacerations
Signs of placental separation
Fresh bleeding from vagina
Umbilical cord lengthening
Uterine fundus rising
Uterus becomes firm
How to induce labor
Prostaglandin E2 - not to asthmatics
Amniotomy - puncture w/ amnio hook
What is arrest of dilation
No dilation of cervix for more than 2hrs
What is prolonged latent stage
Latent phase lasts >20hrs in prim, >14hrs in multi
Causes of prolongued latent stage
Unfavorable cervix
Uterine dysfunction w/ irregular or weak CTX
Rx prolongued latent stage of labor
Rest and hydration
Most convert to spontaneous delivery in 6-12hrs
What is protracted cervical dilation
Slow dilation during active phase, less than 1.2cm/hr primi,
Etiology of protracted cervical dilation
Power - strength and freq of uterine CTX
Passenger - size and position of fetus
Passage - cephalopelvic disproportion
Rx protracted cervical dilation
Give oxy if CTX weak
Types of labor arrest disorders
Cervical dilation arrest - None for 2hrs
Fetal descent arrest - None for 1hr
Etiology of labor arrest disorders
Cephalopelvic disproportion - 50% of all, rx c-section
Malpresentation - older than 36wks
Excessive sedation/anesthesia
Confirming breech position
Presentation of breech
Lower half of fetus is presenting part
Can be felt on PE
Dx breach
What is frank breech
Hips flex w/ extended knees b/l
What is complete breech
Hips and knees flexed b/l
What is footling breech
Feet first
When can external cephalic version be done
What is shoulder dystocia
Fetus head delivered but anterior shoulder stuck behind pubic symphysis
RFs shoulder dystocia
Maternal DM and obesity causing fetal macrosomia
Postterm pregnancy
Hx prior
First line rx shoulder dystocia
McRobert’s maneuver
What is McRobert’s maneuver
Maternal flexion of knees into abd w/ suprapubic pression
What is Rubin maneuver
Rotate fetus shoulders by pushing posterior shoulder towards the fetal head
What is Woods maneuver
Rotation of fetus shoulders by pushing posterior shoulder towards fetus back
What is Zavanelli maneuver
Push fetal head back into uterus and perform C-section
Other ways to fix shoulder dystocia
Deliver posterior arm
Deliberate Fx of fetal clavical
What is postpartum hemorrhage
More than 500mL after delivery
What is early postpartum hemorrhage
Within 24hrs
What is late postpartum hemorrhage
24hrs to 6 wks
Etiology of postpartum hemorrhage
Atony - 80% of cases
Retained parts
RFs Atony
Anesthesia Uterine overdistention Prolongued labor Laceration Pretained placenta coagulopathy
Rx postpartum hemorrhage
Assume no rupture and no retained placenta
Bimanual compression and massage
Oxy if it doesn\t work
Presentation of sheehan after postpartum hemorrhage
Inability to breastfeed
Breast tenderness
Pelvic pain and bloating
Irritability or lack of energy
Difference between PMS and PMDD
PMDD interferes with daily activities
Dx criteria for PMDD
Sx present for 2 consecutive cycles
Sx free for 1 week in first part of cycle
Sx present in second half of cycle
Dysfunction in life
Decrease consumption of coffee, alcohol, cigarettes and chocolate
SSRIs if severe
Permanent loss of estrogen
How does menopause start
Irregular menstrual bleeding
Oocytes produce less estrogen and progesterone
FSH, LH rise
How long is menopause symptomatic
12 months
Sx of menopause
Menstrual irregularities
Sweats and hot flashes
Mood changes
PE findings in menopause
Atrophic vaginitis
Decreased breast size
Vaginal and cervical atruphy
Dx menopause
Increased FSH
HRT in menopause
Short term symptomatic relief
Prevent osteoporosis
What is associated with HRT
Endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma
Contraindications to HRT
Breast or endometrial CA
Hx PE or DVT
Post coital bleeding is
Cervical CA until proven otherwise
What is menorrhagia
Heavy and prolongued
Gushing of blood
What causes menorrhagia
Endometrial hyperplasia
Uterine fibroids
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
What is hypomenorrhea
Light menstrual flow
Only spotting
What causes hypomenorrhea
What is metrorrhagia
Intermenstrual bleeding
What causes metrorrhagia
Endometrial polyps
Endometrial/cervical CA
Exogenous estrogen
What is menometrorrhagia
Irregular bleeding
- Time intervals
- Duration
- Amount
What causes menometrorrhagia
Endometrial polyps
Endometrial/cervical CA
Exogenous estrogen
What is oligomenorrhea
Menstrual cycle >35 days long
What causes oligomenorrhea
Significant wt loss
Estrogen secreting tumor
What causes postcoital bleeding
Cervical CA!!
Cervical polyps
Atrophic vaginitis
Dx tests for abnormal uterine bleeding
Pelvic U/S
What is DUB
Unexplained abnormal bleeding
Also occurs when pt is anovulatory
Pathophysiology of DUB
Ovary produces estrogen but no corpus luteum
What to r/o in DUB
Carcinoma (Endometrial Bx in pts >35
- Adolescents/young women who are anovulatory
- >35 w/ NL endometrial Bx
D&C to stop acute hemorrhage
Rx DUB refractory to OCP/severe causing anemia
Endometrial ablation
Placement of vaginal diaphragm
6hrs before intercourse
Left there for 6hrs after intercourse
OCPs reduce risk of
Ovarian carcinoma
Endometrial carcinoma
Ectopic pregnancy
How long is vaginal ring inserted
3 weeks - withdraw bleeding when removed
How long does a transdermal patch placed
7 days
How log does a depot injection last
3 months
How long can an IUD last
Types of IUDs
IUDs are associated w/
Genital Cx before placement
Tubal ligation increases the risk of
Ectopic pregnancy
MCC labial fusion
21-B hydroxylase deficiency
- Excess androgens
Rx labial fusion
Reconstructive surgery
Lichen sclerosis increases the risk of what
CA in postmenopausal women
What does lichen sclerosis look like
White, thin skin
Rx lichen sclerosis
Topical steroids
RF squamous cell hyperplasia
Chronic vulvar pruritis
What does squamous cell hyperplasia look like
Hyperkeratosis - raised white lesion
Rx squamous cell hyperplasia
Sitz baths or lubricants to relieve pruritis
Who gets lichen planus
What does lichen planus look like
Violet, flat papules
Rx Lichen planus
Topical steroids
Sx of bartholin cyst
Rx bartholin cyst
Cx fluid for STIs
What marsulialization
I&D where open cyst is kept open
Decreases risk of recurrence of bartholin cyst
RFs vaginitis
Anything that increases vaginal pH
- ABX use
- DM
- Overgrowth of normal flora
Sx of vaginitis
Abnormal odor
Cause of bacterial vaginosis
D/C in bacterial vaginosis
FIshy odor
Dx bacterial vaginosis
Saline wet mount
Clue cells
Rx bacterial vaginosis
D/C in candidal vaginosis
White, cheesy
Dx candidal vaginosis
KOH showing pseudohyphae
Rx candidal vaginosis
Most common nonviral STI
D/C in trichomonas vaginalis
Profuse, frothy green
Dx trichomonas vaginalis
Saline wet mount
Motile flagellates
Rx trichomonas vaginalis
Both partners w/ Metro
Who gets vaginal paget
Postmenopausal caucasian women
Presentation of vaginal paget
Red lesion w/ superficial white coating
Definitive Dx of vaginal paget
Rx b/l vaginal paget
Radical vulvectomy
Rx unilateral vaginal paget
Modified vulvectomy
MC type of vulvar CA
Squamous cell carcinoma
Presentation of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Vaginal discharge
Postmenopausal bleeding
Large cauliflower-like lesion
Dx vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Stages of vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
0 - in situ I - Vaginal wall, 2cm III - Lower urethra/anus, unilateral LN IV - Bladder, rectum or B/L LN IVa - Distant mets
Rx vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
Unilateral, no LNs - modified radical vulvectomy
B/L - Radical vulvectomy
Lymadenectomy as required
Invasion of endometrial glands into myometrium
Who gets adenomyosis
RFs adenomyosis
Uterine fibroids
Presentation of adenomyosis
Uterus on PE for adenomyosis
Large, globular, boggy
Most accurate test for adenomyosis
Only Rx adenomyosis
Implantation of endometrial tissue outside the endometrial cavity
MC sites for endometriosis
Pelvic peritoneum
Who gets endometriosis
Women of reproductive age
4x more likely if 1st degree relative has it
Presentation of endometriosis
Cyclic pelvic pain 1-2 weeks before menstruation
Peaks 1-2 days after menstruation
Dysmenorrhea, Dyspareunia
Nodular uterus and adnexal mass
Only way to dx endometriosis
Direct visualization via laparoscopy
Rx endometriosis
NSAIDs for pain
OCPs for mild sx
Danazole or leuprolide for moderate/severe
Danazol AE
Oily skin
Wt gain
Leuprolide AE
Hot flashes
Decreased bone density
Rx endometriosis in pt who has finished having children
Total abdominal hysterectomy w/ b/l salpingoophorectomy
Amenorrhea, irregular menses
Hirsuitism and obesity
DM 2
Pelvic U/S in PCOS
B/L enlarged ovaries w/ multiple cysts
Labs in PCOS
Elevated free testosterone
Increased estrogen outside ovary
LH stimulation inhibiting FSH
- Ratio > 3:1
Wt loss decreases insulin resistance
OCPs if pt doesn’t want children
Clomiphene and metformin in pts who want to conceive