Peds Flashcards
OT treatment for kids w/congenital heart defects are
- compromised endurance
- paced activities
- education of family in health maintenance (diet, exercise)
Chronic - Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
due to prolonged use of a mechanical ventilation-airways thicken, formation of excess mucus and restricted alveolar-greater risk of respiratory infections
Chronic - Asthma
airway constriction in the lower respiratory tract-appear around age 5
-inhalation of irritants trigger attacks
OT treatment of Asthma
- Educate on exposure to irritants
- self-management strategies like pacing/stress management-peer-group activities to reduce social isolation
- breathing exercises, stretching, and controlled breathing to manage attacks
Chronic - Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
- due to gene on chromosome 7
- affects multiple systems (pancreatic duct, bronchial tree, digestive tract) due to thick secretions
- chronic pulmonary disease can occur
- May cause right side of the heart to be enlarged
OT Treatment - Cystic Fibrosis
- Educate the client on the disease’s progression
- Educate on energy conservation
- Teach techniques to promote efficient breathing
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)
brittle bones
- educate in handling and positioning to prevent fractures
- wb monitoring activities
Marfan’s Syndrome
excessive growth at the ephipyseal plates
-walking may be delayed
stunting of ephiphyseal plate growth the person may be 4 ft or less
-back and leg pain are common
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital
incomplete contracture of many or all of the client’s joints
- have still extremities and thickened knee/elbow joints
- muscles are underdeveloped
OT treatment
-increase/maintain ROM and strength for ADLs, splinting and serial casting
Congenital Clubfoot
Uni/bilateral forefoot adduction/supination
-taping, casting, splinting
Congential club hand
partial or full absence of the radius
-Cashing, static/dynamic splinting
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA)
Persistent arthritis in one or more joints
-inflammation, stiffness, contractures, and change in growth patterns.
OT treatment
- splinting, AROM/PROM,
- monitor joint function to prevent deformity
- energy conservation,
- AE to lessen the stress of joints
Children seeking vestibular input may appear to be? (fail to orient to the stimuli/hyporesponsivity)
Reckless or risk takers; they may need a lot to get going.
Children seeking proprioceptive input may try to get their needs by? (Fail to orient to stimuli/hyporesponsivitiy)
Engaging in rough housing and other activities that provide them with deep-pressure input or muscle resistance. The kids may seek this type of input may be trying to regulate their experiences of touch or movement.
Tactile Defensiveness (overorient to stimuli/hyperresponsivity)
extreme reaction to tactile input, light touch may be noxious, may be extrasensitive on their face, abdomen, and palmar surfaces of their hands.
Gravitational insecurity (overorient to the stimuli/hyperresponsivity)
vestibular input, scared of movement and may move carefully and need their feet always on the ground.
What is sensory discrimination problems?
- Difficulty making sense of, or interpreting, tactile input. Difficulty with visual-motor tasks and motor planning.
- fine motor manipulation skills may be delayed.
What is proprioception problems?
Not getting the information the kids need from their muscles and joints.
-Cognitive strategies can be used to help them compensate.
What is vestibular-proprioceptive probems?
Poor bilateral coordination and difficulty sequencing actions. (a child responding to a ball being kicked to them)
Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
-only boys get this!-difficulty going up/down stairs and getting up from lying down
OT Intervention
- ADLs
- Prevent deformity
- Work on strength and ROM
- AE
Congential Muscular Dystrophy (CMD)
generalized muscle weakness and contractures (floppy)
OT Interventions
- Increase mobility and prevent contractures
- Use AE and orthotics
Spina Bifida
Congential defect of the vertebral arches and spinal column.
OT Interventions
- Bowel/bladder programs
- Cognitive learning issues
- Educate on skin care, urology and diet
- AE for mobility
Peripheral Nerve Injury
Caused during birth as a result of the infant’s shoulders becoming impacted and stretching/tearing in the birth canal.
-weakness of the small muscles of the hands and sensory discrimination in the hand/arm
OT Intervention
- Fabricating a sling around the humerus to prevent subluxation
- WB if strength improves
- Tactile stimulation
- Bilateral activities
- Massage for edema
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - Peds
Injury to the headOT Intervention (Acute)
- Sensory stimulation
- ROM to maintain joint mobility
- Positioning can prevent skin breakdown
- Splinting for hand function
A behavioral disorder w/unknown causes
-Difficulty with: paying attention to details, keeping attention, listening to instructions, organization, tasks w/sustained attention, fidgeting or excessive talking.
OT Intervention
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Behavior modification
- Social skills training
- Modifying environment
- Enhance sensory modulation
Tourette’s Syndrome
Involuntary purposeless movements, tics and incoherent grunts
Down Syndrome
Intellectual disabilities
OT Intervention
- Feeding
- Environmental/task modification
- Family coaching/training
Cri du chat Syndrome
Weak and catlike cry in infancy
-hypotonia, feeding and respiratory problems
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Boys have an extra X chromosome
-learning disabilities, emotional/behavioral disabilities
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Moderate intellectual disabilities, food-seeking behaviors, hypotonia
Williams Syndrome
Cerebral and cardiovascular abnormalities, intellectual disabilities
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
School-based Setting
-OT intervention and goals in the school system setting should relate to the child’s functional abilities to perform school-related tasks
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
1990-Services to children w/disabilities throughout the nations.