Peds 1 Flashcards
Name 5 fractures that should trigger NAT workup
Spiral humerus
Transverse > spiral femur - nonamb pts
Corner frx
Distal humeral transphyseal frx
Posterior rib frx
3 step workup for NAT
Skeletal survey
Admit to peds
What is special about a peds C spine board
Occiput is cut out - kids have huge heads
Flat board hyper flexes
Physeal frx:
What part of the growth plate affected
Name the SH classification
Which SH are intra-artic frx
ZPA within zone of hypertrophy
1 Straight through
2 Above (metaphysis)
3 beLow (epiphysis) *intra-artic
4 Through (meta + epi) *intra-artic
5 cRushed
Complications increase through the classification
What are the 2 presentations of physeal arrest after SH frx
3 ways to trt
LLD vs angular deformity
1 >2cm growth remaining OR <50% physis involved = bar resection w/ interposition
2 Shut down the whole growth plate
3 Address the other limb to match
What kind of injuries are SC dislocations in kids?
Physeal frx dislocation
Not actually a dislocation
Acceptable reduction for proximal humerus frx
<5yo: 70deg, 100% disp
5-12yo: <70deg
>12yo: <40deg, 50% disp
Prox hum
How much total humerus growth from prox hum physis
Non op mgmt
Op mgmt
Hanging arm cast
Op pins - watch for pin migration
Humeral shaft
- Workup
- Non op parameter and method
- Op method
Beware NAT
<30deg ang - sling and swathe
Op: flex nail
Most common nerve palsy
Less common nerve palsy
Describe typical malunion
AIN > radial - ext type
Ulnar - flex type
- Medial gapping may indicate entrapment and a reason for open reduction
Varus + extension malunion 2/2 medial comm
Name Gartland classification and treatment
1: ND, LAC 3-4wks
2: angulated, LAC vs CRPP
3: completely displaced, OR vs CRPP
4: globally unstable, OR vs CRPP
Walk through the algorithm for pink pulseless
+ perfused
+ non perfused (white)
Perfused -> go to CRPP, monitor 24hr
Non perfused
1. Reduce
If now pink, pin and observe (even w/o pulse)
2. Still white, open
NO indication for a-gram, you know where the problem is (at frx site)
RF for infx in SCH
Younger age
Lat cond frx:
Best XR
Milch classification
What is your key to det displaced?
Trt displaced vs non displaced
Int oblique
Displacement - look for a metaphyseal fleck on the lat condyle, can’t look at the distal hum since mostly cartilage
1: frx lat to trochlea
2: frx into trochlea
1. Arthrogram to figure out if articular displacement
2. ORIF - anatomic reduction since articular
Ways to ORIF lat cond frx
Screw > pins
Pro : faster ROM
Con: 2nd OR to ROH
Name 4 complications of lat cond frx
1 Nonunion - higher risk than other elbow frx
2 Cubitus valgus - tardy ulnar nerve palsy
- Posterior BS goes into capitellum
- Mostly impt so if you have to address a nonunion, don’t dissect posterior
4 Physeal growth arrest
Medial condyle frx:
Associated with what other injury
Best XR
Possible sequelae
Elbow dislocation - post reduction see this incarcerated in the joint
Distal humeral axial view (flexed PA elbow)
Possible valgus instability bc UCL attached
Usually do much better than lat condyle
Transphyseal distal hum frx:
What SH classification
How to differentiate from elbow dislocation
Complications (2)
SH 1 (through) or 2 (above)
Radius and capitellum are reduced (vs dislocation)
CRPP if displaced
1. Cubitus varus 2/2 malreduction
2. Medial condyle AVN
What is the key to treating Monteggia frx
Restore ulnar length to get and keep radial head reduced
Proximal radius frx:
How much displacement requires a reduction?
Reduction options (2)
Complications (3)
Reduce if >30-45deg
1. Closed = varus force in sup + ext, traction, then flex pronate
2. IMN via Metaizeau technique
Comp: avoid open reduction at all costs bc
1. Stiffness
2. AVN
3. Synostosis
Both bone forearm fractures:
Acceptable reduction parameters under vs over 9yo
How tell good AP and lat XRs
Bayonet apposition OK!
<9yo - 15 angulation, 45 rotation
>9yo - 30 rotation
10 prox angulation
15 distal angulation
AP: radial styloid and biceps tub 180deg
Lat: ulnar styloid and coronoid 180deg
Distal radius fractures
Trt torus frx
Greenstick parameters that need CR
Torus frx = buckle frx = removable brace
Greenstick w/ >10-15deg needs CR
Pelvis avulsion frx
Non-op vs op trt
Name the muscle:
Ischial tuberosity
Non op = 4-6wks PWB
Op only if sciatic n sx
ASIS - sartorius
AIIS - rectus
Ischial tuberosity - HS
Crest - ext obliques
Peds pelvis frx:
How many frx lines
Can be only 1 fracture line since ring more ductile
Comp = premature triradiate closure when involving the tab -> hip dysplasia