Hand 2 Flashcards
What is the dominant feeder for the
Superficial palmar arch
Deep palmar arch / princeps pollicis
Ulnar art -> SPA
Radial art -> DPA, princeps pollicis
What is hypothenar hammer syndrome
Vs ulnar tunnel syndrome (dx)
Prev traumatic event causes occlusion of the ulnar art at prox palm
Think: catchers, carpenters with hammers
Sx: ischemic pain, +/- Guyon compression
Dx: a-gram
- If complete arch, can ligate
- If not, reconstruct with reversed vein graft (so valves work for you not against)
vs handlebar palsy aka ulnar tunnel synd - get EMG
Treat small vessel vaso occlusive disease, examples:
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger)
Ca channel blockers
Often still progressive = digit ischemia
Which finger is most likely to affected by embolic disease? Possible sources
Ring finger, PIP
- PIP where vessels narrow
- Ring finger is ulnar dominant so straight shot through Guyon
- Embolic - listen for murmur
- Vascular thoracic outlet - get bilateral BPs
- Ulnar art aneurysm
Describe the 3 stage progression of a claudication even for Raynauds
White digit = spastic cessation flow
Blue = cyanosis 2/2 venous stasis
Red = rebound hyperemia w/ pain
What is the difference between Raynaud disease vs phenomenon
Disease: w/o underlying cause
- Symmetric
Phenomenon: underlying vaso-occlusive disease
- Asymmetric
4 absolute indications for replant
1 Thumb
2 Multiple digits
3 Wrist or proximal
4 Child
CI for replant
Single digit, esp zone 2
Prolonged ischemia
Crush / avulsion
Advanced age / multiple co-morbidities
Polytrauma (aka bigger problems)
What is the appropriate warm/cold ischemia times for replant:
Prox to wrist
Ischemia time starts at injury
Prox to wrist
Warm: <6hrs
Cold: <12hrs
Warm: <12hrs
Cold: <24hrs
Order of replant
Nerve (volar to art)
+/- fasciotomies
Why do replants fail
What is the most common 2ary procedure after successful replant
<12hrs - arterial thrombus
>12hrs - venous congestion
>1wk - infection
2ary procedure = tenolysis
How do leeches work? What abx do you need for patients with leeches?
Excrete hirudin = anticoag
Cover aeromonas hydrophila - CTX or cipro
What are the 8 extensor injury zones
ODD = joint / EVEN = bone
1 = DIP
2 = middle phal
3 = PIP
4 = prox phal
5 = MCP jt
6 = MC
7 = wrist joint / carpus
8 = forearm
Trt extensor tendon lacs
<50% = partial + can extend against resistance
- Early protected ROM
> 50% = suture repair, protected ROM
Explain difference in treating ST vs bony mallet
Zone 1 extensor injury (DIP)
ST: 6-8wks ext splinting, PIP free
- No DIP subluxation = ext splinting
- Frag >50% ORIF
- DIP subluxation = pinning
Sequelae of missed Mallet
Swan neck
Central slip doubles force at PIP to hyper extend PIP
Get unopposed flexion at the DIP
Trt: central slip tenotomy
Active DIP ext still possible through oblique retinacular lig
Zone 3 (PIP)
- Mechanism
- PE test
- Deformity if missed
Zone 3 (PIP) = central slip rupture
Mechanism PIP hyperflex or PIP volar dislocation
Elson test - DIP joint stays flaccid when ask to extend
Missed = boutonniere
- Triangular ligament scars short
- Lateral bands migrate volar
- PIP flexion, DIP hyperext
Trt Boutonniere closed vs open
Closed - PIP ext splint 6wks, DIP free
Open: central slip repair, same splinting
What is the most common type of zone 5 (MCP jt) injury? Trt
Sagittal band rupture
Extensor tendon subluxes
Can hold up extension if passively placed there
Cannot actively extend
- Acute: 4-6wks ext splint
- Chronic: sag band repair/reconstruct
What is an intrinsic minus hand
MCP hyperext
PIP/DIP flex
How do you test intrinsic tightness? If the test results are reversed, what is wrong?
Hyperext MCPs - put tension on the intrinsics
- IP little ROM
Flex MCPs - intrinsics relax
- IPs become supple
Extrinsic tightness = opposite
- PIP flexion improves with MP hyperext
Treat intrinsic vs extrinsic tightness
Intrinsic: stretching -> surg release lat bands
Extrinsic: tenolysis
What are the flexor tendon injury zones
1: distal FDS
2: pulleys through the fingers
- No mans land bc tendons are in a sheath - your repair is adding bulk and higher risk scarring
3: palm aka TCL to pulleys
4: carpal tunnel
5: forearm
What flexor tendon gap increases risk for repair re-rupture
> 3mm