Pediatrics Flash Cards - Case 8 - NN Jaundice
Crigler-Najjar and Gilbert’s are both caused by
deficient UDP-glucuronyl-transferase deficiency, w/ Gilbert’s being much milder
Crigler-Najjar and Gilbert’s both caused (unconj)(conj)hyperbili?
Dubin-Johnson and Rotor are caused by ? and result in?
deficient MRP2 proteins -> slowed dumping of conjbili into bile -> thus end up w/ conj hyperbili
Breastfed infants may lose up to ??% of their birth weight during the first ?? days of life and typically regain birth weight by at least ?? age.
7%-10% ; the first 4 to 5 days of life ; at least 2 weeks of age.
Kasai procedure?
tx for biliary atresia
Voiding frequency over time in infants?
3-4 times a day by the third day, and at least 6-8 times a day by the sixth day
By the 6th or 7th day, most newborns have ? to ? stools per day, although many infants pass stool with every feeding.
3 to 4
Facial jaundice means bili of at least?
4-5 mg/dL (68-86 μmol/L)
When jaundice has progressed from the head all the way down to the inferior aspect of the knees bili is appx?
10-15 mg/dL (171-257 μmol/L)
Baby of Mediterraean descent think?
G6PD deficiency
Breastfeeding jaundice vs. breastmilk jaundice?
breastfeeding jaundice presents 1st WoL in NN w/ poor PO intake -> incr enterohepatic circ -> jaundice; breast-milk jaundice occurs in infants feeding well and starts on days 4-7 may not peak ‘til 10-14, cause??, maybe inhib subs in milk -> incr enterhep circ
Physiologic jaundice appears on which days?
3 or 4
Direct bilirubin measures?
unconjugated bilirubin
Indirect bilirubin measures?