Pediatrics and OB Emergencies Flashcards
5 stages of development
Infancy, toddler, preschool, school age, adolescence
What age is infancy
0-1 year
what age are toddlers
What age are preschoolers
school age
12-18 year
How do you do a physical assessment for kids under 6 years old?
Toe to head
How do you do a physical assessment for kids older than 6 years old?
Head to toe
Pediatric Assessment Triangle
Appearance (awake, aware, upright), Work of breathing (retraction, noises), Skin Circulation
What is the trend with kids vitals under 6?
Higher pulse, low blood pressure, higher respirations. Kids rely on cardiac output
Signs of respiratory distress in kids (5)
retraction of intercostal muscles (Ribs showing), Nasal Flaring, Grunting at end of breath, Tripod, Use of accessory muscles
Stages of decompensation (5)
Respiratory distress, hypoxia, bradycardia, cardiac arrest, cyanosis (late sign)
When do you begin CPR in Pediatrics?
HR <60bpm and signs of poor perfusion
What are signs of poor perfusion?
Poor cap refill, respiratory distress, cyanosis, ALOC
How fast should Cap refill occur?
<2 seconds
CPR rates 1 rescuer Pediatrics?
Neutral Sniffing Position, 30:2, BMV 1 Breath every 2-3 seconds. 1.5” or 1/3 depth of chest
CPR Rates 2 rescuer Pediatrics?
Neutral Sniffing Position, 15:2, BMV 1 Breath every 2-3 seconds. 1.5” or 1/3 depth of chest
What is Pediatric age for AED
1-8 years old
What is Pediatric age for CPR?
Modified CPR?
Visualize airway before ventilate
How to treat a baby choking?
5-5- visual. 5 back blows, 5 compressions, visualize airway
How to use an OPA on ped.
Measure, drop straight in
Contraindication for NPA in kids
infants (<1 year old)
Status Asthmaticus
Asthma unresolved by Albuterol
Key information for dehydration in kids
How often changing diapers (6-10 is normal), Fluid intake, Weight, Activity level, Check turgor on belly. ALS needed
Mild Symptoms of Dehydration (3)
Dry lips/gums, decreased saliva output, decrease diaper changes
Moderate Symptoms Dehydration (5) think “s”
Same as mild but include sunken eyes, sleepiness, irritability, loose skin, sunken fontanelle
Dehydration Severe Symptoms (3)
Signs of metabolic hypovolemic shock, Delayed cap refill, tachypnea (fast breathing)
What kind of seizure to kids experience with seizure?
Meningitis symptoms in kids (5)
Nuchal Rigidity, photophobia, increase irritability, bulging fontanelle without crying (ALOC), rash (Serious sign)
Signs of poison
Vomiting with no signs of infection, unsupervised for any time
Tx of poison
Activated charcoal 12.5-25g
Contraindication for charcoal
No patent airway. Ingestion of alkali, acid, or petrol
What to worry about in cases of drowing?
C Spine injuries
Contraindication for C collar in Pediatrics?
When immobilizing spine in infants, what is important?
Allowing arms and legs to move. Kids will move whole body if they can’t move arms and legs
Triage “Jump Start” (Kids) labels
Green, yellow, red, black
Green tag (Triage)
Ambulatory, no life threats. Give command for anyone that can hear you to go to a designated spot
Yellow Tag (Triage) Delayed Treatment
Breathing on own 15-45 bpm, Palpable peripheral pulse (infants brachial, others radial), Appropriate response to verbal/painful stimuli
Red (Triage) Immediate treatment
Respirations less than 15 or more than 45, apneic (BMV 5 breaths and reassess
Red Tag (Triage) Immediate treatment
Respirations less than 15 or more than 45, apneic (BMV 5 breaths and reassess, black tag if no breath), breathing without pulse, ALOC or inappropriate pain response
Black Tag (Triage) Dead
Apneaic without pulse or unresponsive to rescue breathing
Key information to identify if injuries are abuse
Is the injury appropriate?
Is it consistent with story?
Is the caregiver acting appropriately?
Is the child acting appropriately?
Is there evidence of drug/alcohol abuse?
Was there a delay in seeking care?
Are their multiple injuries of different healing stages?
Is there a glove burn? (dipped in hot liquid)
Unexplained LOC, No MOI/NOI, Shaken Baby syndrome
Are weight and hygiene appropriate?
Signs of baby shaken syndrome
Bulging fontanelle, no illness/trauma, unconscious
Sudden unexplained infant death
signs of SUID
2-4 months old, Health with no home hazards such as poor sleeping arrangements that could cause suffocation
Contraindication for CPR in infants
Blood tinged fluid from nose/mouth, petechial rash, rigor mortis, dependent lividity
Apparent life threatening event
Signs of ALTE
cyanosis, apnea, choking, responds to physical stimuli.
Treatment of ALTE
Load and go to hospital, airway management
Umbilical vein function
Carries oxygen and nutrient rich blood to fetus
Umbilical Artery function
Carries oxygen poor blood to placenta
What vital changes happen during pregnancy
HR and Respiratory rate increase
HTN induced by pregnancy. Headache, vision disturbance, anxiety, edema (30th week)
Seizures induced by HTN
Compression of inferior vena cava in pregnant women while in supine position
Supine Hypotension syndrome.
Treatment of Supine Hypotension syndrome
left lateral position
Gestational diabetes and complications
Diabetes induced by pregnancy, causes baby to be large due to excess glucose
Patient has history of PID, unilateral pain in Lower quadrants
Ectopic pregnancy
Placenta abrupto signs and causes
Premature tearing of placenta from uterus. lots of pain but little bleeding. Usually due to trauma
Placenta Provia signs and cause
placenta develops over cervix. Lots of bleeding but little to no pain
Patient is experiencing regular contractions. What stage?
stage 1. Until full dialation
Patient is at full dilation to birth. What stage?
Stage 2
Patient has delivered baby. What Stage?
Stage 3
Imminent signs of delivery (4)
Urge to push, crowning, bulging at perineum, contractions 2-3 minutes apart
Key questions for patient delivering baby.
- Expected due date/last menstrual period 2. Gravida (How many times pregnant) 3. Para (How many births and type) 4. Rupture of amniotic fluid, color/smell 5. Pre natal care/important information 6. complications such as diabetes or pre-eclampsia 7. drug/alcohol use 8. multiple births
How many births and the type of birth (Natural, C section, miscarriage/abortion)
How many pregnancies?
Fecal matter from baby in womb due to fetal distress
What kind of clean must OB kit be?
When using the OB kit what kind of clean should it be?
Medically clean
Medically Clean
Sterile equipment with non sterile BSI
What to look for while delivering a baby?
Nuchal Cord, meconium
How to treat nuchal chord
finger under cord and over babies head or Clamp, clamp, cut (check for pulse before cut)
How level to keep baby at after birth
level with mothers pelvis left lateral trendenberg
Appearance, pulse, grimace/irritability, Activity, respirations
Appearance Score and observations (APGAR)
2 all pink 1 peripheral cyanosis 0 cyanosis all over
Pulse Score and observations (APGAR)
2 >100 1<100 0 no pulse
Grimace/Irritability Score and Observation (APGAR)
- Cries/tries to move away from stimuli 1. weak cry doesn’t pull away from stimuli 0. no response
Activity (APGAR)
- Resists gentle leg straightening 1 weak response 0 no response/limp
Respirations (APGAR)
- 40-60 1. <40 0. none
DOT umbilical cord clamping regulations
1-2” from baby second clamp 2” past that
LA umbilical cord clamping regulations
4-6” from baby second clamp 2” past that
When should placenta be delivered?
Within 30 minutes after delivery. Code 3 if not delivered
signs of placenta delivery (3)
- urge to push 2. lengthening of umbilical cord 3. Gush of blood
What massage after delivery of placenta?
Fundal Massage
Breech delivery
Legs first, we can deliver this type. Make V with hand to make airway for baby if head gets stuck
Limb Presentation
one foot out. We cannot deliver. Transport immediately. Cover foot with warm sterile dressing
Prolapse Cord
Cord comes out before baby.
How can we intervene during a prolapse cord?
Use fingers to move baby’s head anterior or posterior to relief pressure on cord
NeoNatal has a heart rate <100, central cyanosis, but adequate respirations. How do you treat?
Blow by o2 using an NRB
NeoNatal has gasping or inadequate breath. How do you treat?
BMV with room air for 30 seconds. Reassess
NeoNatal has gasping or inadequate breath. How do you treat?
BMV room air 1 breath per second
NeoNatal has an heart rate 60-100 and central cyanosis. How do you treat?
BMV room air 90 seconds
CPR ratio for Neonate
Compression depth for neonate