Pediatrics Flashcards
What age should a child be able to kick a ball?
24 months-2 years
Child with fever lasting longer than 5 days should make you think of what dx?
Kawasaki syndrome`
Widely split fixed S2 should make you think of what diagnosis?
Atrial Septal Defect
Nasal polyps should make you think ow what dx?
Cystic Fibrosis
Dx Rheumatic Fever you need?
Evid of strep infxn with positive titer or positive culture. In addition to that you need 2 major criteria or 1 major and 2 minor criteria
Forcheimer spots make you think about?
Salter harris III fracture affects what area of bone?
The Physis (growth plate) as well as epiphysis`
A lasy pin rash should make you think of what dx?
Erythema infectiosum, AKA Fifth disease: Slapped Cheek
Unilateral purluent rhinits should make you think of?
Foreign Body`
Medica term for crossed eyes?
What organism is the most common cause of Otitis Media?
Strep Pneumonia
What age should a child say “Momma, Dadda”
12 months
Which heart valve is most associated with Rheumatic Fever?
Loud Harsh Holosystolic Murmur in a child. It is heard best at the LLSB. With is most likely dx?
Ventricular Septal Defect–VSD
Child with paraoxysmal abd pain, nausea, vomitting and diarrhea what is most likely dx?
What age should a child feed him/herself?
6 months
Currant jelly stool, think?
Upper resp infection which includes hoarsness, is it most likely bacterial or viral?
Barlow Test
Abduct and internal rotation of hips—part of a well baby exam
CXR finding of notched ribs in a child? Think?
Coarctation fo the Arota
How long should you wait for a swallowed marble to pass through before considering surgery
24 g
4 year boy presents between October and March with wheezing, coughing, runny nose, and tachypnea. Most likely pathogen?
Pattern of birth weight gain at week one, 6 weeks, 12 months, 3 years and 4 years old?
Newborns lose 10% initially but back to birth weight in 10 days. 6 Months = 2X birth wt 12 Months=3 X birth wt 3 yo = 30 lbs and 30 inches 4 yo = 40 lbs and 40 inches
Medical term for a lazy eye?
Pt presents with staccato cough but no fever, think?
Chlamydia pneumonia
Most serious complication of Kawasaki syndrome?
Aoritc Aneurysm
A musical vibratory murmur best heard at the apex in a child should make you think of a ?
Still’s Murmur
A palpable olive shaped epigastric mass in a one month old?
Pyloric Stenosis
What age should a child be able to use a spoon and stack 3-4 blocks?
18 months
X ray finding slipped capital femoral epiphysis?
Ice cream falling of a cone, melted ice cream cone sign
Which viral exanthem often had conjunctivitis has one of its symptoms?
What is the most common congenital heart defect?
Boot shaped heart on X ray?
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tubular or sausaged shaped mass on PE of a child?
Tx of a vovlus in a child?
Barium Enema
What age should a child be able to roll over?
4 months
Persussis is called?
Whooping cough
Pale and boggy nasal mucosa should make you think of what dx?
Allergic Rhinitis
Five major Jones criteria for dx Rheumatic fever?
Polyarthritis, carditis, subcuticular nodes, erythema marginatum, chorea
Describe Erythema Marginatum
Pink rings on the trunk and inner surfaces of the limbs
Child with bulky greasy stool should make you think of?
What age should an infant begin cooing?
2 months
Most common cause of URI
Koplik spots are clusters of whit clustered lseions on the buccal mucosa? What virus are the patho for?
First line abx for otitis media?
How do you treat RSV?
Albuterol, steroids, and fluids
Painful ulcers in his mouth, same type of feet and hands, what Virus is most likely causing these symptoms?
Coxsackie virus
Gold standard for dx CF
Sweat Choloride Test
What age should a child be able to walk?
12 months
Foriegn body obstructing childs airway, what imaging should you order?
CXR Exp views looking for hyoerinflation due to air trapping
German measles is also known as ?
Colors of bruises? In days.
Purple day 1-5
Green day 5-7
Yellow 7-10
Brown 10-14
Pain at the pinna or tragus?
Otitis Externa
First line for Pertusis?
What age should a child be able to hold its head up?
3 months
Salter Harris Type I fracture affects what area of bone?
Only the Physis (Growth plate)
What age should a child sit up?
6 months
Overweight 15 year old with a limp presents with knee pain. there is no hx of trauma, what be the dx?
Slipped Capital femoral epiphysis
A premature infant with hylane membrane diseas will have what appearance on CXR?
Bil atelectasis or Ground Glass Appearance
Atypical or walking PNA is caused by what pathogen?
Pt with seizures along with mouse like odor from urine, what likely dx?
Phenylketonuria PKA
The descripion of dew drop on a rose petal should mak you think of what?