Pediatrics Flashcards
Cephalocaudal development
development from the head downward through the body and towards the feet
Proximodistal development
development that moves from the center of the body outward to the extremities
When does anterior fontanel close?
12 to 18 mo
When does posterior fontanel close?
2-3 mo
Why are new foods introduced to infants one at a time?
they have immature GI tracts
- one new food per week
Why are peanuts so dangerous when aspirated?
they swell and crumble when wet
Choking hazard foods: hot dogs, carrots, apples, grapes, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, popcorn, hard candy, chewing gum, marshmallows
Always cut food into little bites that are not round.
Children should never be left unattended while eating. They should be sitting straight up in high chair.
IM injections and peds
contraindicated to use ventrogluteal muscle in children who have not been walking for at least a year bc the muscle is underdeveloped.
When viewing auditory canal in young child, how is earlobe positioned?
down and back
Most common reason for failed toilet training?
not ready
takes boys longer
don’t make a big deal out of accidents / toilet time should not be a time when they get in trouble. Celebrate successes to build self-esteem
How many cups of milk should a 15 mo old toddler consume?
2 to 3 cups
At what age does the best friend stage occur?
9-10 yrs old
Leading causes of death from accidental injury in infants up to one yr of age?
suffocation, MVC, drowning
Car Seat Safety:
place infants less than 20 lb in the middle of the back seat in rear-facing car seat (provides best protection for heavy heads and weak necks)
12-23 mo of age = convertible car seat for age and wt (facing forward)
car seats should be used until child weighs 30 lbs
never place padding under or behind an infant or child in a car seat
booster seats can be used for children ages 4 to 8 yrs old (35-80 lbs)
Between 6 and 12, what is major cause of severe accidental injury?
motor vehicle accidents
(bicycles, ATVs, playing in street, etc.)
helmet safety
What happens to growth rate between 6 and 12 yrs of age
How many calories does a school age child require a day?
How much earlier do girls experience the onset of adolescents than boys?
1 to 2 yrs
How to start assessment. Talk to child or parent first?
Observation first.
talk to parents to get trusting relationship
Least invasive first!
Progression of Obtaining VS on Pediatric Client
Always do what when getting RR or HR from infants and toddlers?
assess RR and HR for one full minute because of irregularities due to immature nervous system regulation
If a child is crying loudly and kicking at the nurse as she is counting RR, what should she do?
try to calm child, distract, but if nothing is working, then simply count RR and document that the child was crying and flailing as the number was recorded.
Don’t get rectal temps from…
infants - may perforate the anus
chemotherapy pts
pts w diarrhea
rectal lesions
imperforate anus / anorectal malformation (has no anus)
Oral Temperatures
start at age 5 to 6 yrs
tympanic = all ages (most unreliable) axillary = all ages / when oral is not possible
- note where temperature was taken and do NOT add or subtract a degree
Communication: Newborn
Birth to 1 month
nonverbal communication
express themselves through crying
respond to human voice and presence
touch has positive effect (tell parents to touch infant)