Maternity Flashcards
Name of hormone that induces amenorrhea
increased temp when ovulating
Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy
Urinary frequency (can be one of first signs)
breast tenderness (bc of excess hormones)
Probable Signs of Pregnancy
positive pregnancy test (based on presence of hCG levels) - hydatidiform (molar pregnancy) and meds can increase hCG Goodell's sign Chadwick's sign Hedgar's sign Uterine enlargment Braxton Hicks contractions pigmentation changes of skin
Goodell’s sign
softening of cervix (2nd month)
Molar Pregnancy
benign neoplasm of grape-like vesicles that CAN become malignant
if not malignant, DNC required w close follow-up
if malignant, treatment based on stage and grade of cancer
Chadwick’s sign
bluish color of vaginal mucosa and cervix
4th week
Hegar’s sign
softening of lower uterine segment
2nd / 3rd month
Pigmentation changes of skin
linea nigra (dark line down abdomen) facial chloasma (mask of pregnancy) abdomen striae (stretch marks) darkening of areola
Positive Signs of Pregnancy
fetal heartbeat - doppler --> 10 to 12 weeks - fetoscope --> 17 to 20 weeks fetal movement ultrasound
number of times someone has been pregnant
number of pregnancies in which fetus reachs 20 wks
24 wks gestation
infant has ability to live outside of uterus
20 wk is not viable
living children
bleeding, cramping, backache, think
hCG levels drop with miscarriage
most before 20 wks
Naegele’s Rule
add 9 months and 7 days
accurate plus or minus 2 weeks
First trimester
Week 1 -13
Second Trimester
week 14-26
Third Trimester
Week 27-40
Nutrition in First Trimester
increase protein to 60 grams/day
- normal protein is 40-45 g/day
culture (hot v. cold / kosher foods / fasting)
First Trimester Wt Gain
1 to 4 pounds in first trimester
Biggest complains with iron?
constipation and GI upset
always take iron with vitamin C
Folic acid
prevents neural tube defects
daily dose = 400 mcg/day
First Trimester Exercise
no high impact (walking / swimming are best)
no heavy exercise but can continue regular
- if it does, CO and uterine perfusion are decreased
don’t want them to get overheated so no hot tubs, heating blankets
- overheating can cause birth defects
Danger Signs and Potential Complications of Maternity
- most commonly occurs in 3rd trimester but we teach it in 1st
sudden gush of vaginal fluid bleeding persistent vomiting severe headache abdominal pain increased temps edema no fetal movement