Pediatric Respiratory Illness Flashcards
what condition is the leading cause of infant hospitalization in U.S.
A common, acute LRTI that primarily affects small airways
clinical syndrome of respiratory distress in children under 2 years of age
Frequent cause of hospitalization in infants / young children
Bronchiolitis is characterized by what sx, followed by what PE signs?
upper respiratory symptoms
acute onset of wheezing, crackles, hyperinflation, and tachypnea
Resulting in acute inflammation of airways
cause/pathophys of bronchiolitis
Occurs secondary to a virus that attacks and causes inflammation in the small bronchioles
Causes edema, excessive mucus and sloughed epithelial cells that lead to obstruction of small airways and atelectasis making it difficult for a child to breath
MC pathogen causing bronchiolitis
Followed by enterovirus, rhinovirus, and parainfluenza
bronchiolitis MC affects at what age?
- Primarily in children within first 2 years of life
- > 80% occur during 1st year of life
- Peak ages 1 - 10 months
RF bronchiolitis
- < 12wks
- anatomic defects of airways
- immunodef - cardiopulm disorders
- neuro diseases
- lack of breastfeeding
enviromental causes - passive smoking, crowded household, daycare, older siblings in school
hx for bronchiolitis
- Time of onset - Spring; Winter
- Age
- Prior history of wheezing
- Recent history of signs compatible with common cold
- Decreased appetite
- Decreased sleep
- Increased fussiness
PE of bronchiolitis
- Increased RR
- Irritable
- Lethargic
- Retractions
- Expiratory grunting
- Prolonged expiration
- Deep, somewhat productive cough (bronchiolitic cough)
- Expiratory wheeze
- Otitis media
w/u bronchiolitis? how to dx?
- Clinical mainly
- O2 sat
- NP swab
- Imaging usually not necessary
tx for nonsevere bronchiolitis
- outpatient setting
- mainstay: Supp care and anticipatory guidance
- Adequate hydration
- Relief of nasal congestion
- Monitoring for disease progression
- Education on clinical course and when to seek medical tx for worsening sx
when to hospitalize for bronchiolitis
- Persistently increased rsp effort - tachypnea, nasal flaring, accessory muscle use
- Hypoxemia - O2 < 92%
- Apnea
- Acute respiratory failure
- Toxic appearance
- Poor feeding
- Lethargy
- Dehydration
- Parents unable to care for child at home
inpatient management for bronchiolitis
mainstay: Supportive care and anticipatory guidance
- Adequate hydration
- Rsp care in a stepwise approach
- Nasal suctioning
- O2 to maintain 90 - 92%
- Infants at risk of Rsp failure often receive a trial of CPAP
- Endotracheal intubation - Monitor for disease progression
what is ribavirin?
- An antiviral with good treatment response for bronchiolitis
- May be warranted for significantly immunocompromised patients
- Not routinely used
DC criteria for bronchiolitis
- RR < 60 for age < 6m
- Stable using ambient air
- Caretaker knows how clear infant’s airway using bulb suctioning
- Pt has adequate PO intake
- Caretakers are confident they can provide care at home
- Resources at home are adequate to support
Bronchiolitis - What to Avoid:
- Inhaled bronchodilators
- Albuterol
- short-term effect, but, no’t affect outcome, may have adverse events
- Can possibly be tried if patient is severe, if helps can continue - Systemic glucocorticoids
- Studies show little effect in bronchiolitis - Inhaled saline
- Not routinely used
- Controversial: some studies show efficacy, some don’t
pt ed for bronchiolitis
- Return to office/ED if sx worsen
Explain course of illness
- Most improve w/in several days
- Cough/congestion resolve w/in 1-2wks
- Hospitalized pts are DC w/in 3-7d - Link to recurrent wheezing within 2 years of initial episode
- Rare, but some can have lung function abnormalities beyond 10 years
- 18% remained symptomatic after 3 weeks
- 9% after 4 weeks, especially in young infants
- A humanized monoclonal antibody against the RSV F glycoprotein
- The first dose usually before beginning of RSV season, followed by a dose every 28-30 days throughout RSV season
which bronchiolitis prevention?
who is recommended to receive palivizumab
- Infants born at < or = 28wks, 6d gestational age and < 12mo at start of RSV season
- < 12mo of age w/ chronic lung disease of prematurity or hemodynamically significant CHD
- Infants and kids < 24mo with congenital lung disease of prematurity necessitating medical therapy (O2, BD, diuretic, or chronic steroids) within 6 mo prior to beginning of RSV season
Nirsevimab is recommended for who?
- All infants < 8mo born during/entering their first RSV season, including those recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to receive palivizumab
- 8-19 mo at increased risk of severe RSV disease and entering their 2nd RSV season, including those recommended by the AAP to receive palivizumab.
If nirsevimab is administered, ____ should not be administered later that season.
If palivizumab was administered initially for the season and < 5 doses were administered, the infant should receive ?
1 dose of nirsevimab
No further palivizumab should be administered.
If palivizumab was administered in season 1 and the child is eligible for RSV prophylaxis in season 2, the child should receive ____
what if not available?
nirsevimab in season 2, if available.
If nirsevimab is not available, palivizumab should be administered
Providers should aim for nirsevimab administration when, shortly before and during the RSV season based on geography?
in the first week of life for infants born
What bronchiolitis prevention may be given to age-eligible infants and children who have not yet received a dose at any time during the season.
Children 8-19 months of age are recommended to receive nirsevimab when entering their second RSV season if they have these RF:
- have chronic lung disease of prematurity who required medical support
- severely immunocompromised
- Have CF w/ manifestations of severe lung disease (previous hospitalization for pulmonary exacerbation in first year of life or abnormalities on chest imaging that persist when stable) or have weight-for-length that is < 10th percentile.
- American Indian and Alaska Native children
In accordance with the CDC’s general best practices for immunizations, simultaneous administration of ? with age-appropriate vaccines is recommended.