Child Abuse and Neglect Flashcards
what is the Child Abuse Prevention Act (CAPTA)?
- federal funding to states in support of prevention, investigation, prosecution and information in prevention of child abuse
- Sets forth a minimum definition of abuse and neglect
- Any recent act or failure to act - death, physical emotional harm, sexual abuse, exploitation, risk of harm; < 18 y/o; inflicted by parent/caretaker who is responsible for child’s welfare
4 Major Categories of child abuse
- Neglect & Abandonment
- Neglect - when not due primarily to lack of financial means
- Neglect - both actual and potential harm - Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Emotional or Psychological Abuse
- intentional use of physical force that can result in physical injury
- Examples include hitting, kicking, shaking, burning, or other shows of force against a child.
what type of abuse?
Physical abuse
involves pressuring or forcing a child to engage in sexual acts. It includes behaviors such as fondling, penetration, and exposing a child to other sexual activities.
what type of abuse?
behaviors that harm a child’s self-worth or emotional well-being. Examples include name-calling, shaming, rejecting, withholding love, and threatening.
what type of abuse?
emotional abuse
failure to meet a child’s basic physical and emotional needs. These needs include housing, food, clothing, education, access to medical care, and having feelings validated and appropriately responded to.
what type of abuse?
Any intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, of any part of another person’s body by the actors sex organs, where the victim is not married to the actor, and the touching is done for the purpose of gratifying the sexual desire of either party, involving: breasts, buttocks, anus , any sex organs of another person
Sexual Contact
Involves penetration, however slight, of the female sex organ by the male sex organ or contact between the sex organs of one person and the mouth or anus of another person
Sexual Intercourse
Involves penetration, however slight, of the female sex organ or of the anus of any person by an object for the purpose of degrading or humiliating the person so penetrated or for gratifying the sexual desire of either party
Sexual Intrusion
- Allowing a child to drink alcohol or use illegal drugs
- Making, ingesting, or distributing illegal drugs in the presence of a child
- Exposing a fetus to illegal drugs or other substances while pregnant
substance abuse
Lack of proper medical care or inappropriate care
medical abuse
- Adult caregiver makes a child appear mentally or physically ill or impaired by either fabricating the symptoms or actually causing harm to the child, in order to gain the attention of medical providers and others
- Adult caregiver systematically misrepresents symptoms, fabricates signs, manipulates lab tests, or even purposely harms the child (poisoning, suffocation, infection or physical injury)
- Caretaker (usually mom) either stimulates or creates the symptoms or signs of illness
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
majority of deaths (80%) by child abuse are of kids what age?
< 4 years old
69% - < 12 mo
85% - < 3 y/o
Nearly ½ of child abuse occur among children with what history along with contact with CPS already?
prior referral
Who is required to report child abuse?
ANYONE who suspects it!
Why is Abuse Under reported?
- Victim - Inability to express, Fear of retaliation, lack of trust in provider, failure to recognize that abuse is abnormal
- Provider - Failure to suspect/detect abuse, broach subject with parents, putting child in “the system”, equate child neglect with abuse
- Parent - Fear of retaliation by abuser, Concern over being “punished” or losing child, Inability to recognize that abuse is occurring, Thinking situation is “under control” or will not recur
consequences of Failure to report child abuse?
- a misdemeanor in 40 states.
- if had a reasonable suspicionand didn’t report = prosecuted
- charges can be upgraded to felonies
Profile of an Abuser?
ANYONE WHO HAS ACCESS TO A CHILD !!! - Parents, Teachers, Other family members, Coaches, and Family Friends
profile of abuser who is the parent?
- May avoid other parents in neighborhood
- May not participate in school activities
- Might be uncomfortable talking about their children’s injuries or behavioral problems
profile of an adult who sexually abuses?
- Usually know their victims and use the relationship to their advantage
- Possibly were abused themselves as a child
T/F: all abuser have the intent to harm the child
- Many have been victims themselves and don’t know any other way to parent
parental RF for child abuse?
- Young
- Single
- Low education or intellectually handicapped
- Unstable family situation
- Personal history of abuse, involved in domestic violence situations
- Psychiatric illness
- Substance abuse
- Unskilled in parenting
- Socially isolated
environmental RF for child abuse?
- Family stress (financial, divorce, conflict)
- Illness
- Job loss or financial issues
- Social isolation
- Distant or absent extended family
- Poverty
victim RF for child abuse?
- < 3 years old
- African American or Native American
- Unplanned or unwanted
- Speech or language disorders
- Intellectual disability
- Handicapped or chronically ill
- Adopted
- Stepchildren
common hisorical features/red flags that are suspicious of child abuse?
- Implausible mechanism provided for an injury
- Discrepant, evolving or absent history
- Delay in seeking care
- Event or behavior by a child that triggers a loss of control by the caregiver
- History of abuse in the caregiver’s childhood
- Inappropriate affect on the caregiver
- Pattern of increasing severity or number of injuries if no intervention
- Social or physical isolation of the child or the caregiver
- Stress or crisis in the family or the caregiver
- Unrealistic expectations of the caregiver for the child
- Behavior changes of child
- Abuse of other children by child
- Unwitnessed injury
sx of child abuse?
- sad or angry
- relationship problems
- engaging in risky behavior or acting out
- MC form of child abuse
- > 75 - 80% of reported CPS cases
- Girls > boys
neglect is Failing to provide for the child’s what 4 basic needs
- Food
- Clothing
- Supervision
- Hygiene