Pediatric Reflexes & Milestones Flashcards
Rooting Reflex is stimulated by what? What is the response? Implications?
Stimulated by touch or cheek brush;
Response=head turns towards stimulus
Implications=sensory screen, elicits active movement
Palmer Reflex is stimulated by what? Response? Implications?
Stimulated by press in palm;
Response is fingers flex around and grasp
Implications=asymmetry may indicate insult
gone by 3 months
Plantar Reflex is stimulated by what? Response? Implications?
Press sole of foot
Response=toes flex
Implications=Asymmetry may indicate insult
gone by 8 months
Placing Reflex; stimulation, response, implications
Brush dorsal of foot/hand on surface
response=lift limb to place it on surface
Implic=asymmetry may indicate insult/protection issue
Automatic stepping stimulation; response; implications
Hold child upright & incline forward
response=reciprocal stepping
Implic=may indicate insult
ATNR stimulation; response; implications
Supine, have child look to 1 side
response=arm/leg on side child looking to extend while other arm flexes (fencing response)
Implication=interferes with crawling
gone by 6 months
STNR stimulation; response; implications
quadruped, child flexes head
response=neck flexes & UE flexes while LE extension
(arms do what neck does)
implications=interferes with anti gravity control/rolling
Crossed extension stimulation; response; implications
Supine, legs extended, stimulate 1 leg
response=opposite leg flexes/adducts & extends to “push” stimulus away
Implications=asym may indicate insult
Flexor withdrawal stimulation; response; implications
Supine, legs extended & stimulate 1 side
response=leg stimulated flexes away form input
Implic=indicate insult, protective issue
If baby is sitting and vertical tilted what righting reaction will be used?
Head will orient to vertical (if not could be issue with head control)
Protective Reflexes development (5 of them)
LE downward (4 months)
UE downward (6 months)
UE sideways (8 months)
UE backwards (10 months)
Protective staggering (15-18 months)
How do babies normally grow?
top to bottom & center out (large muscles before smaller/fine motor ones)
You “drop” a babies head backwards (cervical extension), what reflex is used and when does this disappear by?
Moro reflex
Response=abduc & ext of arms
may interfere with upright posture
birth-6 months
Physiologic “flexor tone” is what?
Normal response (fetal position) as child is used to being like that in utero
Primitive reflexes disappear by what age range?
4-6 months
Explain dynamic systems theory? (3 things)
Combo of organism, task, environment
Gross motor skills of 15-18 month old
Walks by themselves, squat down, crawl up stairs
Gross motor skills of 19-24 month old
Run a bit, throws ball overhead, kicks ball, jump in place, walk up stairs w/o support, and down w/ support
Gross motor skills of 25-30 months
Walks like adult, walks up stairs w/ alt feet, catches ball against chest
Norm referenced vs criterion referenced
Norm=referencing it to norm values that are established (related to child’s age)
Criterion=useful when child has Dx (already know they are delayed) (can’t compare them with normal developed kids)
if a child is 2 standard deviations away from the mean are they considered normal?
No commonly delayed development 2+ SD away
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) purpose & age & norm/criterion
birth-18 months
ID changes across time, ID delays in motor development (NOT USED for children already with Dx)
NORM referenced
Peabody Developmental Motor scale purpose & age range & norm/criterion
Birth-5 years old
assessment of gross & fine motor development
(ID kids that are delayed)
Both criterion & norm
Bayleys scale of infant & toddler development purpose & age range & norm/criterion
6 days-42 months
Determine developmental delays in young children