Pediatric diseases Flashcards
Unconsciousness, upward gazing lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs with fever, headache, cough, congested throat, thirst and irritability. This is due to invasion of heat
T: -
P: Rapid, string-taut
Acute infantile convulsion (Invasion of seasonal pathogenic factors)
Yintang / DU 26 / LV 3
DU 14 / LI 11 / Jingwells
Unconsciousness, upward gazing, lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs with anorexia, vomiting, abdominal distention and pain, sputum gurgling in the throat, constipation or defecation with stinking smell. This is due to phlegm heat
T: -
P: -
Acute infantile convulsion (Accumulation of Phlegm Fire)
Yintang / DU 26 / LV 3
SJ 18 / REN 14 / LI 4 / ST 40
Unconsciousness, upward gazing, lockjaw, neck rigidity, opisthotonos, contracture of limbs with no fever, but cold limbs, disturbed sleep or lethargy. Crying and fear after waking and intermittent contraction of muscles, the convulsion is due to sudden fright.
T: -
P: -
Acute infantile convulsion (Sudden fright)
Yintang / DU 26 / LV 3
Sishencong / PC 8 / KD 1
Emaciation, pale complexion, lassitude. Lethargy with eyes open, intermittent convulsion, cold limbs, loose stools containing undigested foods, clear and profuse urination
T: -
P: Deep, weak
Chronic infantile convulsion
DU 20 / 24 / REN 4 / SP 6 / ST 36
- Sp & Kd yang Xu:* UB 20 / 23 / REN 12
- Xue Xu:* LV 3 / KD 2
Abdominal distension accompanied by borborygmus and frequent fits of pain. The fit of pain is followed by bowel movements and the pain will be relieved after defecation. Marked by presence of undigested milk and food in the fecal discharge, frequent eructation, and anorexia
T: Sticky coat
P: Rolling, full
Infantile diarrhea (Overfeeding)
ST 25 / 37 / Sifeng
REN 11 / 6
Abdominal distension accompanied by borborygmus and frequent fits of pain. The fit of pain is followed by bowel movements and the pain will be relieved after defecation. Loose stools with yellow color and offensive smell, abdominal pain, fever, thirst, burning sensation in the anus, scanty and dark urine
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Rolling, rapid
Infantile diarrhea (Damp Heat)
ST 25 / 37 / Sifeng
LI 11 / 4 / SP 9
Gradual onset of slight fever or tidal fever in the afternoon, dryness of the mouth, abdominal distension, and diarrhea with offensive odor, rice-water-like urine, crying with irritability and anorexia. Then distended belly with protruding umbilicus due to internal stagnation, sallow complexion, emaciation, scaly dry skin, sparse hair. If craving of unnatural articles of food are present the malnutrition is probably due to parasites.
T: Dirty, sticky coat or no coat
P: weak
Infantile malnutrition
REN 10 / UB 20 / 21 / ST 36 / SP 3 / Sifeng
Parasites: Baichongwo
At the onset there are chills and fever, redness, pain and swelling unilateral or bilateral parotid regions, and dysmasesia. Then the pathogenic heat is intense, the redness, pain and swelling in the parotid region are more marked and there are pain and swelling of the testis, high fever with irritability, dryness of the mouth and constipation, dark urine
T: Yellow coat
P: Superficial, rapid
ST 6 / SJ 17 / 5 / LI 11 / 4
- Chills and fever:* LU 7
- High fever:* DU 14 / 12 Jingwells
- Swelling of the testis:* LV 3 / 8