Diarrhea/Dysentery/Distention/Jaundice/Constipation/Prolapse Flashcards
Watery diarrhea, chilliness which responds to warmth, abdominal pain & borborygmus, absence of thirst
T: Pale with white coat
P: Deep, slow
Acute Diarrhea (Cold Damp)
ST 36 /<span> </span>25
REN 12 / 6
Diarrhea with abdominal pain, yellow hot fetid stools, burning sensation in the anus, scanty urine or accompanied by general feverish feeling, thirst
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Rolling, rapid
Acute Diarrhea (Damp Heat)
ST 36 <span>/ </span>25
ST 44 / SP 9
Abdominal pain relieved after bowel movements, borborygmus, diarrhea with fetid stools, epigastric & abdominal fullness & distension, belching, anorexia
T: Thick, filthy coat
P: Rolling rapid, or deep, string-taut
Acute Diarrhea (Food Retention)
ST 36 / 25
Inner Neiting
Loose stools with undigested food, epigastric distress after eating, anorexia, sallow complexion, lassitude
T: Pale, white coat
P: Thready, forceless
Chronic Diarrhea (Sp Xu)
ST 36 / UB 20
LV 13 / SP 3 / REN 12
Pain below the umbilicus, borborygmus & diarrhea usually occurring at dawn, relieved after bowel movements & aggravated by cold, abdominal distension, cold lower extremities
T: Pale, white coat
P: Deep, forceless
Chronic Diarrhea (Kd Xu)
ST 36 / UB 20
UB 23 / DU 4 / REN 4 / KD 3
Abdominal pain, tenesmus, mixed with pus & blood in the stool, burning sensation of the anus, scanty & yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Rolling, rapid, or soft, rapid
Dysentery (Damp Heat)
ST 25 / 37
LI 4 / 11
Abdominal pain, tenesmus, mixed with pus & blood in the stool, burning sensation of the anus, scanty & yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst
Prolapse of Rectum
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Rolling, rapid, or soft, rapid
Dysentery (Damp Heat)
ST 25 / 37
LI 4 / 11
Prolapse: DU 20 / 1
Abdominal pain, tenesmus, mixed with pus & blood in the stool, burning sensation of the anus, scanty & yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Rolling, rapid, or soft, rapid
Dysentery (Damp Heat)
ST 25 / 37
LI 4 / 11
Tenesmus: UB 29
Abdominal pain, tenesmus, mixed with pus & blood in the stool, burning sensation of the anus, scanty & yellow urine, or chills, fever, restlessness, thirst
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Rolling, rapid, or soft, rapid
Dysentery (Damp Heat)
ST 25 / 37
LI 4 / 11
Fever: DU 14
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Fever: DU 14
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Tenesmus: UB 29
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
Prolapse of Rectum
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Prolapse: DU 20 / 1
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Fever: DU 14
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Tenesmus: UB 29
Difficult defecation, white mucus in stools, preference for warmth & aversion to cold, mostly accompanied by fullness in the chest & epigastrium, lingering abdominal pain, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst
Prolapse of Rectum
T: White, sticky coat
P: Deep, slow
Dysentery (Cold Damp)
St 25 / 37
REN 12 / 6 (moxa) / SP 9
Prolapse: DU 20 / 1
Frequent stools with blood & pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Soft, rapid
Dysentery (Food Resistant)
ST 25 / 37
REN 12 / PC 6
Frequent stools with blood & pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Soft, rapid
Dysentery (Food Resistant)
ST 25<span> </span>/ 37
REN 12 / PC 6
Fever: DU 14
Frequent stools with blood & pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Soft, rapid
Dysentery (Food Resistant)
ST 25<span> </span>/ 37
REN 12 / PC 6
Tenesmus: UB 29
Frequent stools with blood & pus, total loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
Prolapse of Rectum
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Soft, rapid
Dysentery (Food Resistant)
ST 25<span> </span>/ 37
REN 12 / PC 6
Prolapse: DU 20 / 1
Dysentery, occurring on & off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia
T: Pale with sticky coat
P: Soft
Dysentery (Intermittent)
ST 25 / 37
UB 20 / 21 / REN 4 / ST 36
Dysentery, occurring on & off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia
T: Pale with sticky coat
P: Soft
Dysentery (Intermittent)
ST 25 / 37
UB 20 / 21 / REN 4 / ST 36
Fever: DU 14
Dysentery, occurring on & off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia
T: Pale with sticky coat
P: Soft
Dysentery (Intermittent)
ST 25 / 37
UB 20 / 21 / REN 4 / ST 36
Tenesmus: UB 29
Dysentery, occurring on & off, difficult to cure, lassitude, aversion to cold, somnolence, anorexia
Prolapse of Rectum
T: Pale with sticky coat
P: Soft
Dysentery (Intermittent)
ST 25 / 37
UB 20 / 21 / REN 4 / ST 36
Prolapse: DU 20 / 1
Persistence of distention & fullness in the abdomen, aggravated by pressure, abdominal pain, belching, foul breath, dark yellow urine, constipation, sometimes associated with fever, vomiting
T: Thick, yellow coat
P: Rolling, rapid & forceful
Abdominal Distention (Excess)
REN 12 / ST 36 / 37 / 25
LI 4 / REN 6 / SP 9
Abdominal distention relieved by pressure, borborygmus, loose stools, loss of appetite, lassitude, listlessness, clear urine
T: Pale, white coat
P: Forceless
Abdominal Distention (Deficiency)
REN 12 / ST 36 / 37 / 25
REN 4 / SP 3
Sallow skin, heaviness of the body, weakness, loss of appetite, epigastric stuffiness, lassitude, aversion to cold, absence of thirst
T: Pale, thick white coat
P: Deep, Slow
Jaundice (Yin)
SP 9 / ST 36 / UB 18 / 19 / DU 9
UB 20 / 48 (moxa)
Lustrous yellow skin & sclera, fever, thirst, scanty dark yellow urine, heaviness or stuffiness of the chest, fullness in the abdomen, nausea
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: String-taut, rapid
Jaundice (Yang)
SP 9 / ST 36 / UB 18 / 19 / DU 9
LV 3 / GB 34
Infrequent & difficult defecation from every three to five days or longer, fever, dire thirst, foul breath
T: Yellow, dry coat
P: Rolling, forceful
Constipation (Excess Heat Accumulation)
UB 25 / ST 25 / SJ 6 / KD 6
LI 11 / 4
Infrequent & difficult defecation every three to five days or longer, fullness & distending pain in the abdomen & hypochondriac regions, frequent belching, loss of appetite
T: Thin, sticky coat
P: String-taut
Constipation (Excess Qi Stagnation)
UB 25 / ST 25 / SJ 6 / KD 6
REN 12 / LV 3
Constipation with pale & lusterless complexion lips & nails, dizziness, palpitations, lassitude & shortness of breath
T: Pale, thin coat
P: Thready, weak
Constipation (Deficiency Qi & Xue Xu)
UB 25 / ST 25 / SJ 6 / KD 6
Ub 20 / 21 / ST 36
Constipation with pain & cold sensation in the abdomen, preference for warmth & aversion to cold
T: Pale, white moist coat
P: Deep, slow
Constipation (Deficiency Cold Agglomeration)
UB 25 / ST 25 / SJ 6 / KD 6
REN 8 (moxa) / 6
Distending & dragging sensation of rectum during defecation & returning to normal after the bowel movement, starts slowly, if not treated, recurrence may happen by overstrain, prolapsed rectum fails to return spontaneously without the aid of hand, sometimes accompanied by lassitude, weakness of limbs, sallow complexion, dizziness, palpitations
T: Pale, white coat
P: Thready, feeble
Prolapse of Rectum
DU 20 / 1 / UB 25 / ST 36