Headache / Facial Pain / Deviated Eye, Mouth Flashcards
Headache occurs on exposure to the wind, pain may extend to the nape & back regions, it is violent, boring, & fixed pain (head wind)
T: Thin, white coat
P: String-taut
(Invasion of Pathogenic Wind in the Meridians & Collaterals)
Combine local & distal pints according to the location of the
headache & the affected meridian
Headache occurs on exposure to the wind, pain may extend to the nape & back regions, it is violent, boring, & fixed pain
Perietal Headache
DU 20 / SI 3 / UB 67 / LV 3
Headache occurs on exposure to the wind, pain may extend to the nape & back regions, it is violent, boring, & fixed pain
Temporal Headache
GB 8 / 41 / SJ 5 / Taiyang
Headache occurs on exposure to the wind, pain may extend to the nape & back regions, it is violent, boring, & fixed pain
Frontal Headache
ST 8 / 44 / DU 23 / LI 4 / Yintang
Headache occurs on exposure to the wind, pain may extend to the nape & back regions, it is violent, boring, & fixed pain
Occipital Headache
GB 20 / UB 60 / SI 3
Headache, blurred vision, severe pain on the side of the head, irritability, hot temper, flushed face, bitter taste in the mouth
T: Reddened, yellow coat
P: String-taut, rapid
Headache (LV Yang Rising)
GB 20 / 43 / 5 / DU 20 / LV 2
Lingering headache, dizziness, blurred vision, lassitude, lusterless face, pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold, overstrain or mental stress
T: Pale, thin white coat
P: Weak, thready
Headache (Qi & Xue Xu)
DU 20 / REN 6 / UB 18 / 20 / 23 / ST 36
Dermal needles & cupping therapy for Headache
Tap on L1 – S4 then local area along afflicted channels
Acute pain: GB 20 / 14 / Taiyang (tap until sl. bleeding then cup)
Facial pain at the Maxillary region
The attack of pain same as facial pain due to invasion of pathogenic wind and cold + irritability, hot temper, thirst, & constipation
Excessive Fire in the Lv & St
ST 2 / SI 18 / LI 20 / 4
LV 3 / ST 44
Facial pain at the Maxillary region
Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, soreness in the lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggravated by fatigue
Yin Xu & Excess Fire
ST 2 / SI 18 / LI 20 / 4
KD 6 / SP 6
Facial pain at the Maxillary region
Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, soreness in the lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggravated by fatigue
Yin Xu & Excess Fire
ST 2 / SI 18 / LI 20 / 4
KD 6 / SP 6
Facial pain at the Maxillary region
The attack of pain same as facial pain due to invasion of pathogenic wind and cold + irritability, hot temper, thirst, & constipation
Excessive Fire in the Lv & St
ST 2 / SI 18 / LI 20 / 4
LV 3 / ST 44
Facial pain at the Maxillary region
Abrupt onset of Facial pain occurs like an electric shock. The pain is cutting, boring, & intolerable, but transient & paroxysmal; each attack lasts a few seconds up to 2 minutes & may recur several times a day
(Invasion by Pathogenic Wind & Cold)
ST 2 / SI 18 / LI 20 / 4
GB 20
Facial pain at the supraorbital region
Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, soreness in the lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggravated by fatigue
Yin Xu and Excessive Fire
GB 14 / Taiyang / UB 2 / SJ 5
KD 6 / SP 6
Facial pain at the supraorbital region
The attack of pain same as facial pain due to invasion of pathogenic wind and cold + irritability, hot temper, thirst, & constipation
Excessive Fire in the Lv & St
GB 14 / Taiyang / UB 2 / SJ 5
LV 3 / ST 44
Facial pain at the supraorbital region
Abrupt onset of Facial pain occurs like an electric shock. The pain is cutting, boring, & intolerable, but transient & paroxysmal; each attack lasts a few seconds up to 2 minutes & may recur several times a day
(Invasion by Pathogenic Wind & Cold)
GB 14 / Taiyang / UB 2 / SJ 5
GB 20
Facial pain at the Mandibular region
Abrupt onset of Facial pain occurs like an electric shock. The pain is cutting, boring, & intolerable, but transient & paroxysmal; each attack lasts a few seconds up to 2 minutes & may recur several times a day
(Invasion by Pathogenic Wind & Cold)
ST 7 / 6 / 5 / LI 4 / Jiachengjiang
GB 20
Facial pain at the Mandibular region
The attack of pain same as facial pain due to invasion of pathogenic wind and cold + irritability, hot temper, thirst, & constipation
Excessive Fire in the Lv & St
ST 7 / 6 / 5 / LI 4 / Jiachengjiang
LV 3 / ST 44
Facial pain at the Mandibular region
Insidious pain, emaciation, malar flush, soreness in the lumbar region, lassitude, pain aggravated by fatigue
Yin Xu & Excessive Fire
ST 7 / 6 / 5 / LI 4 / Jiachengjiang
KD 6 / SP 6
Usually affect people between ages 20 to 40, more often men, sudden onset, usually right after waking up; incomplete closure of the eye on affected side, drooping of the angle of the mouth, salivation; inability to frown, raise the eyebrow, close the eye, blow out the cheek, show the teeth or whistle; in some cases pain in the mastoid region or headache
T: Thin, white coat
P: Superficial, tense or superficial, slow
Deviation of the eye & mouth
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
Deviation of the Eye & Mouth
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
GB 20
Deviation of the eye and mouth
Incomplete closing of the eye
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
UB 1 / 2 / GB 1 / SJ 23 / Yuyao
Deviation of the eye & mouth
Deviation of the philtrum
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
DU 26
Deviation of the eye & mouth
tinnitus & deafness
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
GB 2
Deviation of the eye and mouth
Difficulty frowning or raising eyebrow
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
UB 2 / SJ 23
Deviation of the eye & mouth
difficulty sniffing
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
LI 20
Deviation of the eye & mouth
inability to show the teeth
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
ST 3
Deviation of the eye & mouth
tenderness in the mastoid region
SJ 17 / GB 14 / TAIYANG / SI 18 / ST 4 / 6 / 7 / LI 4
GB 12 / SJ 5