Edema/Nocturnal Enuresis/Urinary Disturbance/Retention/Impotence/Seminal Emission Flashcards
Abrupt onset of edema with puffy face & eyelids, then anasarca (general swelling), lustrous skin, chills, fever, thirst, cough, asthma, reduced urine output
T: Thin, white coat
P: Superficial or rolling, rapid
Edema (Yang)
LU 7 / LI 4 / 6 / SP 9 / UB 39
Insidious onset of edema, first pedis dorsum or eyelids, then over the entire body, especially remarkable below the lumbar region, sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, sore back & loins, general weakness, epigastric fullness, abdominal distention, loss of appetite, loose stools
T: Pale, white coat
P: Deep, thready
Edema (Yin)
UB 20 / 23 / REN 9 / 4 / KD 7 / ST 36
Insidious onset of edema, first pedis dorsum or eyelids, then over the entire body, especially remarkable below the lumbar region, sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, sore back & loins, general weakness, epigastric fullness, abdominal distention, loss of appetite, loose stools
Facial Puffiness
T: Pale, white coat
P: Deep, thready
Edema (Yin)
UB 20 / 23 / REN 9 / 4 / KD 7 / ST 36
Facial Puffiness: DU 26
Insidious onset of edema, first pedis dorsum or eyelids, then over the entire body, especially remarkable below the lumbar region, sallow complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, sore back & loins, general weakness, epigastric fullness, abdominal distention, loss of appetite, loose stools
Edema on pedis dorsum
T: Pale, white coat
P: Deep, thready
Edema (Yin)
UB 20 / 23 / REN 9 / 4 / KD 7 / ST 36
Edema on pedis dorsum: GB 41 / SP 5
Involuntary micturition during sleep with dreams, once every night in mild cases, or several times a night in severe cases, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, weakness in prolonged cases
T: Pale, white coat
P: Thready, weak at the chi region
Nocturnal Enuresis
UB 23 / 28 / REN 3 / SP 6 / LV 1
Involuntary micturition during sleep with dreams, once every night in mild cases, or several times a night in severe cases, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, weakness in prolonged cases
With dreams
T: Pale, white coat
P: Thready, weak at the chi region
Nocturnal Enuresis
UB 23 / 28 / REN 3 / SP 6 / LV 1
With dreams: HT 7
Involuntary micturition during sleep with dreams, once every night in mild cases, or several times a night in severe cases, sallow complexion, loss of appetite, weakness in prolonged cases
Loss of appetite
T: Pale, white coat
P: Thready, weak at the chi region
Nocturnal Enuresis
UB 23 / 28 / REN 3 / SP 6 / LV 1
Loss of appetite: UB 20 / ST 36
Occasional presence of calculi in the urine, dysuria, dark yellow turbid urine, or sudden interruption of urination, unbearable pricking pain during urination, abdominal & lumbar pain, blood in the urine
T: Normal coat
P: –
Urinary Disturbance (caused by Calculi)
UB 28 / REN 3 / SP 9
UB 39
Difficult & hesitant urination, fullness & pain of the lower abdomen
T: Thin, white coat
P: Deep, string-taut
Urinary Disturbance (caused by Qi Dysfunction)
UB 28 / REN 3 / SP 9
LV 2
Hematuria with pain & urgency of micturition, burning sensation & pricking pain during urination
T: Thin, yellow coat
P: Rapid, forceful
Urinary Disturbance (Painful Urination with Blood)
UB 28 / REN 3 / SP 9
SP 10 / 6
Cloudy urine with milky or creamy appearance,
urethral burning, pain during urination
T: Red, stiacky coat
P: Thready, rapid
Urinary Disturbance (Dysuria with Milky Urine)
UB 28 / REN 3 / SP 9
Ub 23 / KD 6
Difficulty in urination with dribbling of urine, occurring off & on, exacerbated after overwork, usually refractory to treatment
T: –
P: Weak
Urinary Disturbance (Caused by Over strain)
UB 28 / REN 3 / SP 9
DU 20 / ST 36 / REN 6
Scanty hot urine or retention of urine, distension & fullness of the lower abdomen, thirst without desire to drink, constipation
T: Red, yellow coat
P: Rapid
Retention of Urine (Heat Accumulation in the UB)
UB 28 / 39 / REN 3 / SP 6
Dribbling urination, attenuating in force of the urine discharge, chilliness below the lumbus, weakness of the loins & knees, pallor, listlessness
T: Pale
P: Deep, thready, weak at chi level
Retention of Urine (Decline of the Mingmen Fire)
DU 4 / 20 / REN 4 / SJ 4 / UB 23
Dribbling urination or retention of urine, Distension & dull pain in the lower abdomen
T: Purplish spots
P: Hesitant, rapid
Retention of Urine (Damage of the Meridian Qi)
REN 3 / SP 6 / ST 28 / KD 5
Failure of the penis in erection, or weak erection, pallor, cold extremities, dizziness, listlessness, soreness & weakness of the loins & knees, frequent urination
T: Pale, white coat
P: Deep, thready
Impotence (Decline of the Mingmen Fire)
REN 4 / DU 4 / UB 23 / KD 3
Failure of the penis in erection, or weak erection, pallor, cold extremities, dizziness, listlessness, soreness & weakness of the loins & knees, frequent urination
Palpitations & Insomnia
T: Pale, white coat
P: Deep, thready
Impotence (Decline of the Mingmen Fire)
REN 4 / DU 4 / UB 23 / KD 3
Palpitations & Insomnia: UB 15 / HT 7 / SP 6
Inability of the penis to erect complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot & dark red urine, soreness & weakness of the lower extremities
T: Yellow, sticky coat
P: Soft, rapid
Impotence (Downward Flowing of Damp Heat)
REN 3 / SP 6 / 9 / ST 36
Nocturnal emission due to over contemplation or excessive sexual activities, which lead to disharmony between the Ht / Kd, could have dizziness, palpitations, listlessness, lassitude, scanty yellow urinationHH
T: Red
P: Thready, rapid
Seminal Emission (Nocturnal)
HT 7 / UB 15 / 52 / KD 3
Spermatorrhea due to damage of the Kd after a prolonged illness, indulgent sexual activity, or stubborn nocturnal emission, frequent spermatorrhea during the day or night particularly if there is desire for sex, pallor lassitude, listlessness
T: Pale
P: Deep, thready
Seminal Emission (Spermatorrhea)
UB 23 / KD 12 / SP 6 / REN 4 / 6