Pectoral Anatomy Flashcards
Costal margin
Costal cartilage of Ribs 7-10
passes to 11 and 12 inferiorly
Thoracic vertebrae features
Heart shaped body
Articular facets for ribs
Large articular facet on transverse process
Superior and inferior demi-facets on body
Identify the vertebra
Features of typical ribs
Atypical ribs
Atypical I 2 10 11 12 1 important clinically because of it close relationship to lower nerves of the brachial plexus and main vessels of arm
True, false and floating ribs
True ribs: 1 - 7
False ribs: 8 – 10
Floating ribs: 11, 12
All ribs articulate posteriorly with the thoracic vertebrae
Features of pectoral region
Located on the anterior chest wall
Contains muscles that exert force on the upper limb: Pectoralis major, Pectorails minor, Serratus anterior and Subclavius
Pectoralis major – most superficial
Pectoralis minor – deep to major
Serratus anterior – more laterally located, forming the medial border of the axillary region
Subclavius – small, located directly beneath the clavicle
– Offers some minor protection of neurovascular structures in cases of clavicular fracture
Innervation of pectoralis major
Lateral and medial pectoral nerves
Blood supply of pectoralis major
Pectoral branches of thoracoacromial artery, perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
Identify the muscle here
Pectoralis minor
Innervation of pectoralis minor
Medial pectoral nerve
Vasculature of pectoralis minor
thoracoacromial, superior thoracic and lateral throacic
Identify the nerves
Innervation of serratus anterior
Long thoracic nerve