PEAT Review Flashcards
Posterior trunk lean is due to weakness in what muscle group
Hip ext
What nerve lies below inguinal lig
C5/6 brachial plexus injury =
Erb’s palsy
Waiter’s tip =
Erb palsy (C5/6 brachial plexus injury)
What does Erb’s palsy present with?
Weakness in: shoulder abductors shoulder flexors, shoulder rotators supinators
Posterior hip precautions
No flex more than 90 deg, no IR, no add of hip
What glide of TMJ can improve opening of mouth
anterior glide at TMJ
Spinal fusion with scoliosis is indicated with a Cobb angle larger than what
40 degrees
Orthotic management with scoliossis is indicated with what Cobb angles
between 25-45
An antalgic gait and ______rotated LE are sx of SCFE
When are compression garmets used with lymphedema tx
phase 2
What are sx of hyperthyroidism
restlessness, incr appetite, diarrhea, and inholerance to heat
What are sx of hypothyroidism
muscle aches, lethargy, decr appetite, and intolerance to cold
-slow neuro function as well
S4 heart sound is indicative of what
-coarctation of aorta
S3 heart sound is indicative of what
ventricular failure
***can be normal in athletes
Pain refferal to the R shoulder upper back, and chest
Liver and/or gallbladder
Pain referral to epigastric region
Pain referral to abdominal and low back
Aortic aneyrysm
What is the purpose for incentive spirometry
to prevent respiratory complications post surgery
When is pursed lip breathing done
To slow resp rate