mc cause of infravesical outflow obstruction in males
Posterior urethral valve
management of posterior urethral valve
Bladder catheterisation
Endoscopic Valvotomy
Cystoscopy and Renal follow up
Ioc for hirschprungs disease
Full thickness suction Rectal biopsy
management of hirschprungs disease
Laparotomy and stoma formation
@ 9-12 months resection and primary anastamosis
Commonest abdominal emergency in <1 year of age
Inguinal hernia(indirect)
posterior triangle swelling briliantly transilluminant
Cystic hygroma
Kasai procedure for billiary atresia
Roux-en- Y portojejunostomy
Ladds procedure
Intestinal malrotation and volvulus
axis for intestinal malrotation
superior mesenteric artery
Umbilical fistula at birth
patent urachus
vitellointestinal fistula
mc CHD cyanotic at birth
mc cyanotic CHD
mc acyanotic CHD
testes presenting in scrotum in warm conditions
retractile testes
sites of ectopic testes
Inguinal pouch
Root of penis
site of undescended testes
Intra abdominal
internal ring
inguinal canal
external ring
neck of scrotum
isolated abnormality, bowel lies outside abdominal wall paraumbilical defect
liver and gut remain covered with membranous sac connected to umbilicus
Alagille syndrome
AD, presence of paucity of bile ducts and cardiac defects
overall survival post kasai procedure
45% require liver transplantation post surgery
Duodenal atresia surgery
mx of Necrostising enterocolitis
Total gut rest and TPN
Laparotomy if suspect perforation
site of cystic hygroma
posterior triangle
Intusussception surgery
ileo-colic - trial with pneumatic reduction with insufflatiom then lap
ileo-ileal — Laparotomy
(caecum is a one way valve)
Billious vomiting in neonates
intestinal malrotation with volvulus until proven otherwise
IOC for malrotation and volvulus
Upper GI contrast study
Inguinal hernia in neonates
always congenital
hernia sac is a remnant of processus vaginalis
ass. with undescended testes
mx — inguinal herniotomy ( no mesh posterior wall is intact)
in female b/l groin exploration
in male only affected side
necrotising enterocolitis
xray pneumatosis intestinalis
sites of Necrotising enterocolitis
terminal ileum caecum distal colon
midline cystic mass on cxr in an infant
Bronchogenic cyst
2 nd mc foregut cyst
ventral foregut anomolous development
inv— antenatal us, Cxr , CT for comfirmation
mx- thoracoscopic resection
left to right shunt of TOF
mild infundibular stenosis